Administrative boundaries in Colorado from Wikidata

Total number of cities and towns: 275

Name Wikidata ID
Aguilar Q2425071
Akron Q154455
Alamosa Q1010247
Alma Q604196
Antonito Q1630978
Arriba Q2082274
Arvada Q590849
Aspen Q205842
Ault Q153628
Aurora Q49246
Avon Q2069422
Basalt Q809757
Bayfield Q812544
Bennett Q2018755
Berthoud Q741830
Bethune Q2275162
Black Hawk Q880294
Blanca Q936294
Blue River Q2264851
Bonanza Q2276151
Boone Q2073661
Boulder Q192517
Bow Mar Q895383
Branson Q2227644
Breckenridge Q904354
Brighton Q252949
Brookside Q2275116
Broomfield Q492819
Brush Q994352
Buena Vista Q1001793
Burlington Q939025
Calhan Q2534878
Campo Q2303418
CaƱon City Q1003240
Carbonate Q30766090
Carbondale Q389086
Castle Pines Q2068090
Castle Pines North Q2587882
Castle Rock Q994457
Cedaredge Q2076330
Centennial Q387322
Center Q2276181
Central City Q2302210
Central Pueblo Q4843532
Cheraw Q594462
Cherry Hills Village Q136507
Cheyenne Wells Q1983900
Coal Creek Q981313
Cokedale Q2303291
Collbran Q2040298
Colorado Springs Q49258
Columbine Valley Q600760
Commerce City Q994452
Cortez Q1012688
Craig Q989873
Crawford Q1013510
Creede Q2276193
Crested Butte Q592729
Crestone Q369487
Cripple Creek Q117605
Crook Q921165
Crowley Q2303604
Dacono Q2152170
De Beque Q2415964
Del Norte Q1850407
Delta Q651793
Denver Q16554
Dillon Q1225611
Dinosaur Q2076262
Dolores Q923230
Dove Creek Q2278216
Durango Q1012665
Eads Q2275127
Eagle Q670929
Eaton Q153195
Eckley Q2425026
Edgewater Q2129231
Elizabeth Q2275058
Empire Q2416075
Englewood Q991177
Erie Q1003798
Estes Park Q1010533
Evans Q1948681
Fairplay Q1019272
Federal Heights Q994446
Firestone Q2202981
Flagler Q2269065
Fleming Q2303239
Florence Q289483
Fort Collins Q490732
Fort Lupton Q2272364
Fort Morgan Q989941
Fountain Q1003250
Fowler Q1834180
Foxfield Q2196136
Fraser Q2303220
Frisco Q2273422
Fruita Q1191112
Garden City Q2073691
Genoa Q1962428
Georgetown Q1010521
Gilcrest Q2075167
Glendale Q2076184
Glenwood Springs Q927455
Golden Q983543
Granada Q2274790
Granby Q1001750
Grand Junction Q989903
Grand Lake Q2275147
Greeley Q94274
Green Mountain Falls Q2320444
Greenwood Village Q1003256
Grover Q2126044
Gunnison Q222762
Gypsum Q1003831
Hartman Q2415909
Haswell Q2286346
Haxtun Q944008
Hayden Q2163978
Hillrose Q2303283
Holly Q2072070
Holyoke Q2273367
Hooper Q604057
Hot Sulphur Springs Q2275053
Hotchkiss Q2303157
Hudson Q2272323
Hugo Q2275171
Idaho Springs Q1010506
Ignacio Q2276683
Iliff Q1983353
Jamestown Q1874181
Johnstown Q2002961
Julesburg Q2074891
Keenesburg Q2303299
Kersey Q1816209
Kim Q2275070
Kiowa Q924059
Kit Carson Q1872356
Kremmling Q579678
La Jara Q2199757
La Junta Q1012444
La Veta Q961938
Lafayette Q9019841
Lake City Q2278225
Lakeside Q2370198
Lakewood Q462804
Lamar Q994475
Larkspur Q2456193
Las Animas Q1987894
LaSalle Q2272350
Leadville Q286702
Limon Q2074898
Littleton Q953583
Lochbuie Q2150323
Log Lane Village Q2275136
Lone Tree Q2278155
Longmont Q988283
Louisville Q994478
Loveland Q876195
Lyons Q2278185
Manassa Q2306710
Mancos Q518551
Manitou Springs Q2086787
Manzanola Q2297187
Marble Q662804
Mead Q2272376
Meeker Q2002953
Meredith Q3541412
Merino Q2303147
Milliken Q1910256
Minturn Q2076232
Moffat Q1018297
Monte Vista Q2244249
Montezuma Q2303176
Montrose Q994436
Monument Q1003709
Morrison Q2275047
Mount Crested Butte Q2304156
Mountain View Q2303213
Mountain Village Q2275184
Naturita Q2304167
Nederland Q1010528
New Castle Q2076272
Northglenn Q994468
Norwood Q2278138
Nucla Q2206973
Nunn Q2414350
Oak Creek Q2254932
Olathe Q2306759
Olney Springs Q2278146
Ophir Q2086617
Orchard City Q2076744
Ordway Q1915939
Otis Q522223
Ouray Q1759444
Ovid Q2215143
Pagosa Springs Q994977
Palisade Q2009803
Palmer Lake Q2075229
Paoli Q2274779
Paonia Q1985830
Parachute Q1823495
Parker Q385825
Peetz Q2019021
Pierce Q2416050
Pitkin Q2303188
Platteville Q1948692
Poncha Springs Q2303261
Pritchett Q2303310
Pueblo Q675576
Ramah Q2275103
Rangely Q2019434
Raymer Q2330307
Red Cliff Q1641909
Richland Township Q10836360
Rico Q765104
Ridgway Q2198765
Rifle Q2273536
Rockvale Q1816835
Rocky Ford Q2073339
Romeo Q923189
Rye Q2272311
Saguache Q615391
Salida Q988276
San Francisco Q105274293
San Luis Q1990776
Sanford Q2425058
Sawpit Q2025318
Severance Q2286520
Sheridan Q2276170
Sheridan Lake Q2010232
Silt Q2074578
Silver Cliff Q2275079
Silver Plume Q965533
Silverthorne Q1019278
Silverton Q679125
Simla Q2304135
Snowmass Q3475865
Snowmass Village Q2004309
Snyder Q3475835
South Fork Q727814
Springfield Q939236
Starkville Q2275752
Steamboat Springs Q984721
Sterling Q990163
Stratton Q2275091
Sugar City Q2304144
Superior Q994954
Swink Q2366080
Telluride Q1641728
Thornton Q579761
Timnath Q2129864
Trinidad Q74198
Two Buttes Q1874145
Vail Q747987
Victor Q2263865
Vilas Q979540
Vona Q2516918
Walden Q676548
Walsenburg Q1778949
Walsh Q2230064
Ward Q766137
Wellington Q1003815
Westcliffe Q521692
Westminster Q948129
Wheat Ridge Q994465
Wiggins Q579894
Wiley Q2266719
Williamsburg Q2425109
Windsor Q1012003
Winter Park Q1203309
Woodland Park Q2009757
Wray Q1013925
Yampa Q2425200
Yuma Q2272340

Total number of cities and towns: 275