Updated on Wed Mar 12 2025 00:27:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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border_type Map view (overpass)
admin_level Map view (overpass)
P402 Entries for quickstatements
P402 Removal entries for quickstatements
Florida recommended tags
Florida city/town list
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Findings: 1048
@idboundaryadmin_levelnamewikidatawikidata_nameP31instance ofP131contained in admin entityP402P402_reverseflags
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
w33534731administrative8Anna Maria islandQ561969Anna MariaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ262708Manatee Countyr33534731Q561969
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • OSM boundary=administrative Anna Maria island is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
w33534818administrative8Bradenton BeachQ2154833Bradenton BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ262708Manatee Countyr33534818Q2154833
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
w33534820administrative8Holmes BeachQ2004474Holmes BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ262708Manatee Countyr33534820Q2004474
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
w640866301administrative7Heritage Lake Park Community Development District
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q501067Osceola Countyr117709
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q501067Osceola Countyr117709
  • Another boundary (r1222576892) shares the same wikidata tag Q583894
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q501067Osceola Countyr117709
  • Another boundary (r1222576892) shares the same wikidata tag Q583894
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r110324administrative8AtmoreQ79683AtmoreQ1093829city in the United StatesQ487744Escambia Countyr110324Q79683
  • OSM boundary=administrative Atmore is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
  • town in the United States
  • human settlement
Q174913Calhoun Countyr117188Q440374
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117189administrative8Keystone HeightsQ602301Keystone HeightsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488853Clay Countyr117189Q602301boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117190administrative8Horseshoe BeachQ1014013Horseshoe BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488805Dixie Countyr117190Q1014013
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117193administrative8MidwayQ2626806MidwayQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501848Gadsden Countyr117193Q2626806
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117196administrative8BunnellQ1003699BunnellQ1093829city in the United StatesQ386885Flagler Countyr117196Q1003699
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q257311Hamilton Countyr117430Q1909831
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117432administrative8Altamonte SpringsQ434355Altamonte SpringsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ280596Seminole Countyr117432Q434355
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117434administrative8CasselberryQ1823331CasselberryQ1093829city in the United StatesQ280596Seminole Countyr117434Q1823331
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117435administrative8Lake MaryQ989484Lake MaryQ1093829city in the United StatesQ280596Seminole Countyr117435Q989484
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117437administrative8LongwoodQ2153666LongwoodQ1093829city in the United StatesQ280596Seminole Countyr117437Q2153666
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117439administrative8OviedoQ1813449OviedoQ1093829city in the United StatesQ280596Seminole Countyr117439Q1813449boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117441administrative8SanfordQ786770SanfordQ1093829city in the United StatesQ280596Seminole Countyr117441Q786770
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117442administrative8Winter SpringsQ2152383Winter SpringsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ280596Seminole Countyr117442Q2152383
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117443administrative8WauchulaQ990844WauchulaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488792Hardee Countyr117443Q990844
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117444administrative8Zolfo SpringsQ2018745Zolfo SpringsQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488792Hardee Countyr117444Q2018745
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117447administrative8Dade CityQ2156477Dade CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ500992Pasco Countyr117447Q2156477
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117449administrative8New Port RicheyQ986178New Port RicheyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ500992Pasco Countyr117449Q986178boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117451administrative8Port RicheyQ2152062Port RicheyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ500992Pasco Countyr117451Q2152062boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Zephyrhills
  • Zephyr Hills
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ500992Pasco Countyr117454Q2155683
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117456administrative8AstatulaQ747082AstatulaQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117456Q747082
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117457administrative8ClermontQ531446ClermontQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117457Q531446
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117463administrative8EustisQ988940EustisQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117463Q988940boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117465administrative8Fruitland ParkQ604797Fruitland ParkQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117465Q604797boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117468administrative8GrovelandQ2153697GrovelandQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117468Q2153697boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117469administrative8Howey-in-the-HillsQ2092664Howey-in-the-HillsQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117469Q2092664
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117471administrative8Lady LakeQ972057Lady LakeQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117471Q972057boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Leesburg
  • City of Leesburg
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117476Q625833boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117478administrative8MinneolaQ2086666MinneolaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117478Q2086666boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117482administrative8TavaresQ2152335TavaresQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117482Q2152335
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117489administrative8UmatillaQ2152884UmatillaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr117489Q2152884boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117491administrative8BushnellQ2153058BushnellQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503889Sumter Countyr117491Q2153058boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117499administrative8WildwoodQ2152326WildwoodQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503889Sumter Countyr117499Q2152326boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117500administrative8MonticelloQ2157263MonticelloQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488859Jefferson Countyr117500Q2157263
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117501administrative8CenturyQ932750CenturyQ15127012town in the United StatesQ156643Escambia Countyr117501Q932750boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117505administrative8WelakaQ2155841WelakaQ15127012town in the United StatesQ503059Putnam Countyr117505Q2155841
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117516administrative8PalatkaQ955907PalatkaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503059Putnam Countyr117516Q955907boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117517administrative8InvernessQ743247InvernessQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488821Citrus Countyr117517Q743247
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117519administrative8Crystal RiverQ994967Crystal RiverQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488821Citrus Countyr117519Q994967
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q494463Madison Countyr117520Q2152803
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • town in the United States
  • human settlement
Q494463Madison Countyr117521Q1992762
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117527administrative8Cocoa BeachQ852653Cocoa BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr117527Q852653
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117646administrative8MelbourneQ949779MelbourneQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr117646Q949779
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117648administrative8Melbourne BeachQ1013994Melbourne BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr117648Q1013994
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117652administrative8Palm BayQ816809Palm Bay
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q488517Brevard Countyr117652Q816809
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117654administrative8Palm ShoresQ2152107Palm ShoresQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr117654Q2152107
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117655administrative8RockledgeQ1979566RockledgeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr117655Q1979566
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q488517Brevard Countyr117658Q983779
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117660administrative8Lake PlacidQ1986499Lake Placid
  • town in the United States
  • human settlement
Q488885Highlands Countyr117660Q1986499
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q488885Highlands Countyr117663Q985173
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • suburban community in the United States
Q488543Orange Countyr117680Q619686boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117684administrative8OaklandQ2036759OaklandQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr117684Q2036759
  • Oakland is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [city] does not match
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117688administrative8OcoeeQ2155347OcoeeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr117688Q2155347boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117701administrative8Winter GardenQ2152414Winter GardenQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr117701Q2152414
  • FIXME: limits don't fit census 2020 https://data.census.gov/cedsci/profile?g=1600000US1278250
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117704administrative8Plant CityQ1979443Plant CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488874Hillsborough Countyr117704Q1979443
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117707administrative8Temple TerraceQ2152032Temple TerraceQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488874Hillsborough Countyr117707Q2152032
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q501067Osceola Countyr117709Q583894
  • Another boundary (r1222576892) shares the same wikidata tag Q583894
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117711administrative8Saint CloudQ928701St. CloudQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501067Osceola Countyr117711Q928701
  • OSM boundary=administrative Saint Cloud is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117715administrative8PalmettoQ2155798PalmettoQ1093829city in the United StatesQ262708Manatee Countyr117715Q2155798boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117717administrative8AuburndaleQ589279AuburndaleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr117717Q589279boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Bartow
  • City of Bartow
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q501043Polk Countyr117719Q809580
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117720administrative8DavenportQ1889181DavenportQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr117720Q1889181boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117721administrative8DundeeQ1965179DundeeQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr117721Q1965179boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117722administrative8Fort MeadeQ2153424Fort MeadeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr117722Q2153424
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117725administrative8Haines CityQ2153814Haines CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr117725Q2153814boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117727administrative8Lake AlfredQ2153988Lake AlfredQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr117727Q2153988
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Lakeland
  • City of Lakeland
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q501043Polk Countyr117730Q639452
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117732administrative8Lake WalesQ1647959
  • Lake Wales
  • Lake-Wales
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr117732Q1647959Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
r117734administrative8MulberryQ2153870MulberryQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr117734Q2153870
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117736administrative8Polk CityQ941420Polk CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr117736Q941420
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117737administrative8CarrabelleQ2157194CarrabelleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488813Franklin Countyr117737Q2157194boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117738administrative8LaBelleQ721447LaBelleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488488Hendry Countyr117738Q721447
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q488572Hernando Countyr117741Q587435
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117743administrative8JupiterQ986329JupiterQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117743Q986329boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117746administrative8Belle GladeQ815854Belle GladeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117746Q815854boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117910administrative8Boynton BeachQ896048Boynton BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117910Q896048
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Boynton Beach is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [town] does not match
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117911administrative8Briny BreezesQ2092501Briny BreezesQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117911Q2092501boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117912administrative8Delray BeachQ824100
  • Delray Beach
  • City of Delray Beach
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117912Q824100
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Delray Beach is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [town] does not match
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117913administrative8GreenacresQ990948GreenacresQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117913Q990948
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117914administrative8North Palm BeachQ2378447North Palm BeachQ751708village in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117914Q2378447
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative North Palm Beach is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117916administrative8PahokeeQ2152074PahokeeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117916Q2152074
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117918administrative8Palm Beach GardensQ994159Palm Beach GardensQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117918Q994159boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117920administrative8Palm SpringsQ986304Palm SpringsQ751708village in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117920Q986304
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Palm Springs is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117921administrative8Riviera BeachQ994772Riviera BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117921Q994772boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117922administrative8Royal Palm BeachQ2385234Royal Palm BeachQ751708village in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr117922Q2385234
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Royal Palm Beach is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • city in the United States
Q484294Palm Beach Countyr117924Q992652
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
r117925administrative8West Palm BeachQ163749West Palm Beach
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
  • electoral unit
Q484294Palm Beach Countyr117925Q163749boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117926administrative8Port OrangeQ985301Port OrangeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117926Q985301boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117927administrative8PiersonQ2092541PiersonQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117927Q2092541boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117928administrative8Ormond BeachQ985167
  • Ormond Beach
  • Ormond
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117928Q985167
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117930administrative8Orange CityQ986196Orange CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117930Q986196
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117932administrative8Oak HillQ767505Oak HillQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117932Q767505
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117934administrative8Lake HelenQ1883065Lake HelenQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117934Q1883065
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117936administrative8Holly HillQ2153091Holly HillQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117936Q2153091boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117938administrative8EdgewaterQ2227289EdgewaterQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117938Q2227289
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117940administrative8DeltonaQ1898798DeltonaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117940Q1898798
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117942administrative8DeLandQ988934DeLandQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117942Q988934boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117943administrative8DeBaryQ2153615DeBaryQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117943Q2153615
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117944administrative8Daytona Beach ShoresQ261285Daytona Beach ShoresQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117944Q261285boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117945administrative8Daytona BeachQ490595
  • Daytona Beach
  • City of Daytona Beach
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr117945Q490595boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117946administrative8Wilton ManorsQ940061Wilton Manors
  • city in the United States
  • gay village
Q494624Broward Countyr117946Q940061boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117947administrative8SunriseQ506375SunriseQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr117947Q506375
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117949administrative8Southwest RanchesQ2152085Southwest RanchesQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr117949Q2152085
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117950administrative8Pembroke PinesQ370972Pembroke Pines
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q494624Broward Countyr117950Q370972
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117952administrative8North LauderdaleQ606186North LauderdaleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr117952Q606186boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Lauderhill
  • City of Lauderhill
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr117953Q1001267
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q494624Broward Countyr117954Q234453boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117955administrative8Fort LauderdaleQ165972
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • Ft. Lauderdale
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr117955Q165972boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117956administrative8DavieQ985438DavieQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr117956Q985438
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117959administrative8Dania BeachQ986191
  • Dania Beach
  • Dania
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr117959Q986191
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117960administrative8Cooper CityQ988926Cooper CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr117960Q988926
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117961administrative8Coconut CreekQ988906Coconut CreekQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr117961Q988906
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • municipality
Q263742Monroe Countyr117963Q938815
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Islamorada is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117966administrative8MarathonQ988947MarathonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ263742Monroe Countyr117966Q988947
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117968administrative8StuartQ988744StuartQ1093829city in the United StatesQ648752Martin Countyr117968Q988744boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117972administrative8Fort PierceQ584340Fort PierceQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494564St. Lucie Countyr117972Q584340boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117973administrative8Port Saint LucieQ667749
  • Port St. Lucie
  • PSL
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q494564St. Lucie Countyr117973Q667749
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Port Saint Lucie is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117974administrative8Saint Lucie VillageQ2227826St. LucieQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494564St. Lucie Countyr117974Q2227826
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Saint Lucie Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117975administrative8FellsmereQ2153534FellsmereQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488528Indian River Countyr117975Q2153534
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117976administrative8SebastianQ986174SebastianQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488528Indian River Countyr117976Q986174
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117978administrative8Punta GordaQ953543Punta GordaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488499Charlotte Countyr117978Q953543
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117980administrative8VeniceQ57325VeniceQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501163Sarasota Countyr117980Q57325boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q501163Sarasota Countyr117981Q491540
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Sarasota is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [] does not match
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117983administrative8North PortQ2155370North PortQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501163Sarasota Countyr117983Q2155370
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117985administrative8Ponce de LeonQ1013999Ponce de LeonQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488879Holmes Countyr117985Q1013999
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117986administrative8WestvilleQ2092709WestvilleQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488879Holmes Countyr117986Q2092709
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r117988administrative8CallawayQ994981CallawayQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488865Bay Countyr117988Q994981boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118838administrative8Lynn HavenQ994786Lynn HavenQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488865Bay Countyr118838Q994786
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118839administrative8Mexico BeachQ999465Mexico BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488865Bay Countyr118839Q999465boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118841administrative8Panama CityQ852591Panama City
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q488865Bay Countyr118841Q852591
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118843administrative8Panama City BeachQ1075852Panama City BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488865Bay Countyr118843Q1075852boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118846administrative8SpringfieldQ2156221SpringfieldQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488865Bay Countyr118846Q2156221
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118850administrative8BelleviewQ815945BelleviewQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501014Marion Countyr118850Q815945
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118852administrative8Florida CityQ2153459Florida CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr118852Q2153459
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q468557Miami-Dade Countyr118853Q49276boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118854administrative8Hialeah GardensQ595281Hialeah GardensQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr118854Q595281boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118855administrative8MedleyQ1884547MedleyQ15127012town in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr118855Q1884547
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118856administrative8Miami BeachQ201516Miami Beach
  • city in the United States
  • resort town
Q468557Miami-Dade Countyr118856Q201516
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118858administrative8North MiamiQ980428North MiamiQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr118858Q980428
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118860administrative8North Miami BeachQ988909North Miami BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr118860Q988909boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118861administrative8South MiamiQ2154827South MiamiQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr118861Q2154827
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118862administrative8WaldoQ2152499WaldoQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488826Alachua Countyr118862Q2152499
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118864administrative8NewberryQ1003844NewberryQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488826Alachua Countyr118864Q1003844
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118865administrative8La CrosseQ1014004La CrosseQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488826Alachua Countyr118865Q1014004
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118867administrative8High SpringsQ994778High SpringsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488826Alachua Countyr118867Q994778
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118869administrative8HawthorneQ1003873HawthorneQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488826Alachua Countyr118869Q1003873
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • academic enclave
  • big city
  • county seat
Q488826Alachua Countyr118870Q487999boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118871administrative8ArcherQ632661ArcherQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488826Alachua Countyr118871Q632661boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118873administrative8AlachuaQ985175AlachuaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488826Alachua Countyr118873Q985175
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118877administrative8Lake CityQ985179
  • Lake City
  • Alligator
  • Alligator Town
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q173867Columbia Countyr118877Q985179
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118878administrative8Fort WhiteQ1004724Fort WhiteQ15127012town in the United StatesQ173867Columbia Countyr118878Q1004724
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118879administrative8Fort MyersQ506451
  • Fort Myers
  • Ft. Myers
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494616Lee Countyr118879Q506451boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118881administrative8Cape CoralQ462789Cape Coral
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q494616Lee Countyr118881Q462789
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118883administrative8NicevilleQ2100064NicevilleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494476Okaloosa Countyr118883Q2100064boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118885administrative8Fort Walton BeachQ984368
  • Fort Walton Beach
  • Ft. Walton Beach
  • City of Fort Walton Beach
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494476Okaloosa Countyr118885Q984368
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Destin
  • City of Destin
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494476Okaloosa Countyr118887Q2156427
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118888administrative8CrestviewQ2153124CrestviewQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494476Okaloosa Countyr118888Q2153124
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118889administrative8Fernandina BeachQ1975746Fernandina BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488818Nassau Countyr118889Q1975746
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118891administrative8Tarpon SpringsQ647103Tarpon SpringsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr118891Q647103boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118892administrative8SeminoleQ2155162SeminoleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr118892Q2155162
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118894administrative8Saint PetersburgQ49236
  • St. Petersburg
  • Saint Petersburg
  • St Petersburg
  • City of St. Petersburg
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q494556Pinellas Countyr118894Q49236
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118896administrative8Safety HarborQ952992Safety HarborQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr118896Q952992boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118898administrative8Pinellas ParkQ2151669Pinellas ParkQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr118898Q2151669
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118901administrative8OldsmarQ971628OldsmarQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr118901Q971628boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118902administrative8LargoQ932577LargoQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr118902Q932577
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118904administrative8Kenneth CityQ2092522Kenneth CityQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr118904Q2092522
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118906administrative8DunedinQ990918DunedinQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr118906Q990918boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Clearwater
  • City of Clearwater
  • big city
  • county seat
  • city in the United States
Q494556Pinellas Countyr118909Q244146
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118910administrative8Lake ButlerQ2381270Lake ButlerQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501078Union Countyr118910Q2381270boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r118911censusDade City North
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r118912censusNew Port Richey EastQ3293381New Port Richey EastQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ500992Pasco Countyr118912Q3293381boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r118913censusZephyrhills South
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r118914censusZephyrhills West
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r118916censusSilver Lake
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r118920censusButler Beach
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r118922censusJune Park
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r118924censusSylvan Shores
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r118938censusCypress Gardens
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r118939censusLakeland Highlands
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r118941censusSouth Brooksville
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r118943censusLake Worth CorridorQ2329916Lake Worth CorridorQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr118943Q2329916
  • OSM boundary=census Lake Worth Corridor is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r118945censusDe Land Southwest
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r118948censusSamsula-Spruce Creek
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r118954censusJensen BeachQ2375999Jensen BeachQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ648752Martin Countyr118954Q2375999boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r118956censusFort Pierce North
  • FIXME: limits don"t fit census 2020
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r118963censusCharlotte ParkQ1067306Charlotte ParkQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488499Charlotte Countyr118963Q1067306boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r118968censusPretty Bayou
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r118974censusMatlacha Isles-Matlacha Shores
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r118976censusNassau Village
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119001censusBay Pines
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119002censusFeather Sound
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119005censusSouth Highpoint
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r119007censusWest and East Lealman
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • big city
  • consolidated city-county
Q493605Duval Countyr119008Q16568
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • state or insular area capital of the United States
  • county seat
  • big city
Q488576Leon Countyr119009Q37043
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q156643Escambia Countyr119016Q486306
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r119048administrative8Winter HavenQ1778769Winter HavenQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr119048Q1778769
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r119049administrative8New Smyrna BeachQ375375New Smyrna Beach
  • city in the United States
  • municipality
  • tourist attraction
Q494541Volusia Countyr119049Q375375
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • New Smyrna Beach is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [town] does not match
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q501014Marion Countyr119060Q918195
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r119063censusCrescent BeachQ2580673Crescent BeachQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ494471St. Johns Countyr119063Q2580673boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119064censusFruit CoveQ949709Fruit CoveQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ494471St. Johns Countyr119064Q949709boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119065censusApollo BeachQ619101Apollo BeachQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488874Hillsborough Countyr119065Q619101boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119066censusGibsontonQ615845GibsontonQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488874Hillsborough Countyr119066Q615845boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119067censusTown "n" CountryQ3294005Town 'n' CountryQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488874Hillsborough Countyr119067Q3294005
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • OSM boundary=census Town "n" Country is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119068censusBig Pine KeyQ859187Big Pine Key
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q263742Monroe Countyr119068Q859187boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119069censusCudjoe KeyQ1143140Cudjoe Key
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q263742Monroe Countyr119069Q1143140boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119070censusKey LargoQ136618Key Largo
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • human settlement
Q263742Monroe Countyr119070Q136618boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119071censusNorth Key LargoQ2178571
  • North Key Largo
  • North Key Largo CDP
Q498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ263742Monroe Countyr119071Q2178571boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119072censusClevelandQ1100729ClevelandQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488499Charlotte Countyr119072Q1100729boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119078censusSaint James CityQ2189154
  • St. James City
  • Saint James City
Q498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ494616Lee Countyr119078Q2189154
  • OSM boundary=census Saint James City is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r119079censusYuleeQ540124YuleeQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488818Nassau Countyr119079Q540124boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r533631censusWrightQ2423767WrightQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ494476Okaloosa Countyr533631Q2423767boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r533632censusLake LorraineQ2429065Lake LorraineQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ494476Okaloosa Countyr533632Q2429065boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r534266censusBellviewQ816065BellviewQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ156643Escambia Countyr534266Q816065boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r1102869administrative8Bay LakeQ2154150Bay LakeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr1102869Q2154150boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1102870administrative8Lake Buena VistaQ2154539
  • Lake Buena Vista
  • City of Reedy Creek
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr1102870Q2154539boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Orlando
  • City of Orlando
  • The Beautiful city
  • Theme Park Capital of the World
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q488543Orange Countyr1128379Q49233
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Orlando is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [] does not match
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • P1448 exists in Wikidata but no official_name in OSM. Use node tagspark.js P1448 official_name to copy this value to OSM.
r1180408administrative8WindermereQ1893545WindermereQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr1180408Q1893545boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1181807administrative8Winter ParkQ986641
  • Las américas
  • El barrio
  • city in the United States
  • academic enclave
Q488543Orange Countyr1181807Q986641
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • OSM boundary=administrative Winter Park is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1185217administrative8MaitlandQ2152022MaitlandQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr1185217Q2152022
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1185832administrative8EdgewoodQ2153764EdgewoodQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr1185832Q2153764boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1212761administrative8ChattahoocheeQ2154876ChattahoocheeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501848Gadsden Countyr1212761Q2154876
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1212772administrative8FloralaQ79826FloralaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ487725Covington Countyr1212772Q79826
  • OSM boundary=administrative Florala is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r1212773administrative8PaxtonQ2036866PaxtonQ15127012town in the United StatesQ503455Walton Countyr1212773Q2036866
  • Paxton is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [city] does not match
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1213952censusLaguna Beachboundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • town in the United States
  • human settlement
Q263418Washington Countyr1214011Q2092612boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1214012administrative8EbroQ2092632EbroQ15127012town in the United StatesQ263418Washington Countyr1214012Q2092632boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1214412administrative8White SpringsQ2036752White SpringsQ15127012town in the United StatesQ257311Hamilton Countyr1214412Q2036752boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216575administrative8Avon ParkQ791286Avon ParkQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488885Highlands Countyr1216575Q791286
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216576administrative8AtlantisQ756652AtlantisQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1216576Q756652boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q488796DeSoto Countyr1216577Q631415boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216578administrative8Atlantic BeachQ514250Atlantic BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ493605Duval Countyr1216578Q514250boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216579administrative8ApalachicolaQ617392ApalachicolaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488813Franklin Countyr1216579Q617392boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216581administrative8AventuraQ790541AventuraQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216581Q790541
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216591administrative8BristolQ568950BristolQ1093829city in the United StatesQ255943Liberty Countyr1216591Q568950boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216592administrative8Bowling GreenQ2154315Bowling GreenQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488792Hardee Countyr1216592Q2154315boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216593administrative8Boca RatonQ29422Boca RatonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1216593Q29422
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216594administrative8Belleair BluffsQ2156015Belleair BluffsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1216594Q2156015boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216597administrative8BlountstownQ301266BlountstownQ1093829city in the United StatesQ174913Calhoun Countyr1216597Q301266boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216598administrative8Bonita SpringsQ892635Bonita SpringsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494616Lee Countyr1216598Q892635
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216599administrative8Belleair BeachQ2154942Belleair BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1216599Q2154942boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216609administrative8Cedar KeyQ2011116Cedar KeyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501022Levy Countyr1216609Q2011116boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216610administrative8Cape CanaveralQ966657Cape CanaveralQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr1216610Q966657
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216611administrative8Center HillQ2157798Center HillQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503889Sumter Countyr1216611Q2157798boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216637administrative8ChieflandQ2157216ChieflandQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501022Levy Countyr1216637Q2157216boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216638administrative8Coral SpringsQ505557Coral Springs
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q494624Broward Countyr1216638Q505557
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216639administrative8CottondaleQ5702320CottondaleQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488537Jackson Countyr1216639Q5702320
  • FIXME: city or town?
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q263418Washington Countyr1216640Q2156023boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216641administrative8Crescent CityQ2153840Crescent CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503059Putnam Countyr1216641Q2153840boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216642administrative8ClewistonQ986644ClewistonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488488Hendry Countyr1216642Q986644boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216643administrative8CocoaQ986168CocoaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr1216643Q986168
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216644administrative8ColemanQ2151556ColemanQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503889Sumter Countyr1216644Q2151556boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216645administrative8Coral GablesQ427559
  • Coral Gables
  • City of Coral Gables
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216645Q427559boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216663administrative8Deerfield BeachQ584849Deerfield BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216663Q584849
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216664administrative8DunnellonQ2154101DunnellonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501014Marion Countyr1216664Q2154101boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216665administrative8DeFuniak SpringsQ986543DeFuniak SpringsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503455Walton Countyr1216665Q986543boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216666administrative8DoralQ1784180DoralQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216666Q1784180
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216707administrative8Fanning SpringsQ1908048Fanning SpringsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ812Floridar1216707Q1908048boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216708administrative8Flagler BeachQ994756Flagler BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ386885Flagler Countyr1216708Q994756boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216709administrative8Eagle LakeQ1969826Eagle LakeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr1216709Q1969826boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216710administrative8GracevilleQ2154857GracevilleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488537Jackson Countyr1216710Q2154857
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216711administrative8FreeportQ1907019FreeportQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503455Walton Countyr1216711Q1907019boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216712administrative8GulfportQ2153200GulfportQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1216712Q2153200boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216713administrative8Everglades CityQ994815Everglades CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488531Collier Countyr1216713Q994815boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216714administrative8FrostproofQ2154354FrostproofQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr1216714Q2154354boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216717administrative8Green Cove SpringsQ988944Green Cove Springs
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q488853Clay Countyr1216717Q988944
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216718administrative8Gulf BreezeQ731333Gulf BreezeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494500Santa Rosa Countyr1216718Q731333boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216727administrative8Hallandale BeachQ986548Hallandale BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216727Q986548
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216728administrative8Indian Harbour BeachQ994766
  • Indian Harbour Beach
  • Indian Harbor Beach
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr1216728Q994766
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216729administrative8Indian Rocks BeachQ992514Indian Rocks BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1216729Q992514boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216730administrative8HamptonQ1003851HamptonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ156577Bradford Countyr1216730Q1003851boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216731administrative8HomesteadQ280557HomesteadQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216731Q280557
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216732administrative8IndialanticQ1013985IndialanticQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr1216732Q1013985
  • FIXME: city or town?
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216734administrative8Key Colony BeachQ993930Key Colony BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ263742Monroe Countyr1216734Q993930boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216735administrative8Jacob CityQ522122Jacob CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488537Jackson Countyr1216735Q522122boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216736administrative8Jacksonville BeachQ988928Jacksonville BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ493605Duval Countyr1216736Q988928boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216745administrative8Lighthouse PointQ994800Lighthouse PointQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216745Q994800
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216746administrative8Laurel HillQ2156466Laurel HillQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494476Okaloosa Countyr1216746Q2156466boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216747administrative8LaytonQ2155380LaytonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ263742Monroe Countyr1216747Q2155380boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216748administrative8LawteyQ2155083LawteyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ156577Bradford Countyr1216748Q2155083boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216749administrative8Lauderdale LakesQ994944Lauderdale LakesQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216749Q994944boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216750administrative8Lake Worth BeachQ984358
  • Lake Worth Beach
  • Lake Worth
  • city in the United States
  • LGBT sanctuary city
Q484294Palm Beach Countyr1216750Q984358boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216751administrative8Live OakQ2155397Live Oak
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q501036Suwannee Countyr1216751Q2155397boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216761administrative8MargateQ989468MargateQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216761Q989468boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q494624Broward Countyr1216762Q745168boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216763administrative8MacclennyQ985363MacclennyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ156568Baker Countyr1216763Q985363boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216764administrative8Miami SpringsQ775769Miami SpringsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216764Q775769
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216765administrative8Mary EstherQ1003695Mary EstherQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494476Okaloosa Countyr1216765Q1003695boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216766administrative8Miami GardensQ721455Miami Gardens
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216766Q721455boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216767administrative8Madeira BeachQ2152319Madeira BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1216767Q2152319boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216768administrative8MascotteQ2153730MascotteQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr1216768Q2153730
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Miami
  • City of Miami
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216769Q8652
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216770administrative8MariannaQ1924806MariannaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488537Jackson Countyr1216770Q1924806
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216771administrative8MiltonQ962936MiltonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494500Santa Rosa Countyr1216771Q962936boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216772administrative8Marco IslandQ985306Marco IslandQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488531Collier Countyr1216772Q985306boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216773administrative8Moore HavenQ580316Moore Haven
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q488468Glades Countyr1216773Q580316boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216776administrative8Neptune BeachQ989461Neptune BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ493605Duval Countyr1216776Q989461boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216777administrative8North Bay VillageQ2153328North Bay VillageQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216777Q2153328boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216778administrative8NaplesQ257830NaplesQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488531Collier Countyr1216778Q257830
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Opa-locka
  • Opa-Locka
  • Opa Locka
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216790Q785565boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q501123Okeechobee Countyr1216791Q587146boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216805administrative8Port Saint JoeQ721475
  • Port St. Joe
  • Port Saint Joe
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q488461Gulf Countyr1216805Q721475boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Parkland
  • City of Parkland
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216806Q588338
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216807administrative8PlantationQ984677PlantationQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216807Q984677
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q501848Gadsden Countyr1216808Q956246
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216809administrative8PerryQ1065467PerryQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503064Taylor Countyr1216809Q1065467boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216810administrative8Pompano BeachQ671458Pompano BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216810Q671458
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216811administrative8ParkerQ2151756ParkerQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488865Bay Countyr1216811Q2151756boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216812administrative8Palm CoastQ610463Palm CoastQ1093829city in the United StatesQ386885Flagler Countyr1216812Q610463boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216820administrative8Saint Pete BeachQ57200St. Pete BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1216820Q57200
  • OSM boundary=administrative Saint Pete Beach is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216821administrative8South DaytonaQ2151592South DaytonaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr1216821Q2151592boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216822administrative8South PasadenaQ1144348South PasadenaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1216822Q1144348boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216823administrative8Saint MarksQ2155287St. MarksQ1093829city in the United StatesQ505417Wakulla Countyr1216823Q2155287
  • OSM boundary=administrative Saint Marks is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216824administrative8SweetwaterQ2180831SweetwaterQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216824Q2180831boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216825administrative8Satellite BeachQ2107439Satellite BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr1216825Q2107439
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q156577Bradford Countyr1216826Q2047919
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216827administrative8SanibelQ284242SanibelQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494616Lee Countyr1216827Q284242boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216828administrative8San AntonioQ2065085San AntonioQ1093829city in the United StatesQ500992Pasco Countyr1216828Q2065085boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216829administrative8SopchoppyQ1990391SopchoppyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ505417Wakulla Countyr1216829Q1990391boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216830administrative8South BayQ2151709South BayQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1216830Q2151709boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216831administrative8Saint Augustine BeachQ1862368St. Augustine BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494471St. Johns Countyr1216831Q1862368
  • OSM boundary=administrative Saint Augustine Beach is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216832administrative8Sunny Isles BeachQ2151584Sunny Isles BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216832Q2151584
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216846administrative8TrentonQ2152875TrentonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ111720Gilchrist Countyr1216846Q2152875boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216847administrative8Treasure IslandQ954164Treasure IslandQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1216847Q954164boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216848administrative8TamaracQ921201TamaracQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216848Q921201
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • big city
  • county seat
Q488874Hillsborough Countyr1216849Q49255
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Tampa is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [] does not match
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216858administrative8VernonQ2154952VernonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ263418Washington Countyr1216858Q2154952boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216859administrative8WewahitchkaQ1998323WewahitchkaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488461Gulf Countyr1216859Q1998323
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216860administrative8WillistonQ2152341WillistonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501022Levy Countyr1216860Q2152341
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216861administrative8West ParkQ2155989
  • West Park
  • W Park
  • City of West Park
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216861Q2155989boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216862administrative8West MiamiQ2152253West MiamiQ1093829city in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216862Q2152253
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216863administrative8WestonQ990644WestonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1216863Q990644boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216864administrative8Weeki WacheeQ2152259Weeki WacheeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488572Hernando Countyr1216864Q2152259boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216866administrative8WebsterQ2089058WebsterQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503889Sumter Countyr1216866Q2089058boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Valparaiso
  • City of Valparaiso
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ494476Okaloosa Countyr1216867Q614148boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216868administrative8West MelbourneQ530067West MelbourneQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr1216868Q530067
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216946administrative8BranfordQ2092654BranfordQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501036Suwannee Countyr1216946Q2092654
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216947administrative8Bal Harbour VillageQ804577Bal HarbourQ751708village in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216947Q804577
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bal Harbour Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • human settlement
  • town in the United States
Q111720Gilchrist Countyr1216948Q815676boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Campbellto
  • Campbellton
Q15127012town in the United StatesQ488537Jackson Countyr1216949Q2092683boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216950administrative8Bay Harbor IslandsQ812078Bay Harbor IslandsQ15127012town in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216950Q812078boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216951administrative8Cloud LakeQ2036846Cloud Lake
  • town in the United States
  • human settlement
Q484294Palm Beach Countyr1216951Q2036846boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216952administrative8Cross CityQ1002856Cross CityQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488805Dixie Countyr1216952Q1002856boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216953administrative8Cinco BayouQ2092673Cinco Bayou
  • town in the United States
  • human settlement
Q494476Okaloosa Countyr1216953Q2092673boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216954administrative8BelleairQ2092758BelleairQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1216954Q2092758boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216955administrative8Cutler BayQ1986600
  • Cutler Bay
  • Cutler Ridge
  • town in the United States
  • human settlement
Q468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216955Q1986600boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216956administrative8AlfordQ1002845AlfordQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488537Jackson Countyr1216956Q1002845
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • town in the United States
  • human settlement
Q488818Nassau Countyr1216957Q550296boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216958administrative8BaldwinQ804864BaldwinQ15127012town in the United StatesQ493605Duval Countyr1216958Q804864boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216959administrative8Beverly BeachQ851784Beverly BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ386885Flagler Countyr1216959Q851784
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216960administrative8BronsonQ2036740BronsonQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501022Levy Countyr1216960Q2036740boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216961administrative8Belleair ShoreQ2138854Belleair ShoreQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1216961Q2138854boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216962administrative8BrookerQ928956BrookerQ15127012town in the United StatesQ156577Bradford Countyr1216962Q928956boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216971administrative8Fort Myers BeachQ993774Fort Myers BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494616Lee Countyr1216971Q993774boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216972administrative8Grand RidgeQ2092642Grand RidgeQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488537Jackson Countyr1216972Q2092642
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216973administrative8Glen RidgeQ1992826Glen RidgeQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1216973Q1992826boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216974administrative8EstoQ513308EstoQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488879Holmes Countyr1216974Q513308boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216975administrative8GreensboroQ2092728GreensboroQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501848Gadsden Countyr1216975Q2092728
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216976administrative8GreenvilleQ2092701GreenvilleQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494463Madison Countyr1216976Q2092701boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216977administrative8GreenwoodQ2036769GreenwoodQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488537Jackson Countyr1216977Q2036769boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216978administrative8Golden BeachQ784192Golden BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1216978Q784192
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216979administrative8GretnaQ2140170GretnaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501848Gadsden Countyr1216979Q2140170
  • FIXME: city or town?
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216980administrative8EatonvilleQ1992883EatonvilleQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr1216980Q1992883boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216981administrative8Gulf StreamQ1866968Gulf StreamQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1216981Q1866968boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216982administrative8Grant-ValkariaQ2154617Grant-ValkariaQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr1216982Q2154617boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1216983administrative8Glen Saint MaryQ1401310Glen St. MaryQ15127012town in the United StatesQ156568Baker Countyr1216983Q1401310
  • OSM boundary=administrative Glen Saint Mary is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217001administrative8HypoluxoQ1842897HypoluxoQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217001Q1842897boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217002administrative8HilliardQ2092774HilliardQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488818Nassau Countyr1217002Q2092774boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217003administrative8HaverhillQ1950976HaverhillQ486972human settlementQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217003Q1950976
  • OSM boundary=administrative Haverhill is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217005administrative8JayQ962926JayQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494500Santa Rosa Countyr1217005Q962926boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217006administrative8Hillsboro BeachQ1014022Hillsboro BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1217006Q1014022
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217007administrative8Highland BeachQ1992688Highland BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217007Q1992688boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217008administrative8Jupiter IslandQ2154628Jupiter IslandQ15127012town in the United StatesQ648752Martin Countyr1217008Q2154628
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217009administrative8JenningsQ2092783JenningsQ15127012town in the United StatesQ257311Hamilton Countyr1217009Q2092783boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217010administrative8Juno BeachQ668308Juno BeachQ486972human settlementQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217010Q668308
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Juno Beach is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217011administrative8InterlachenQ2092586InterlachenQ15127012town in the United StatesQ503059Putnam Countyr1217011Q2092586boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217012administrative8Indian ShoresQ2038670Indian ShoresQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1217012Q2038670boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217013administrative8Jupiter Inlet ColonyQ2036793
  • Jupiter Inlet Colony
  • Jupiter Inlet Beach Colony
Q15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217013Q2036793
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217014administrative8HavanaQ1967008HavanaQ486972human settlementQ501848Gadsden Countyr1217014Q1967008
  • OSM boundary=administrative Havana is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217015administrative8InglisQ2092719InglisQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501022Levy Countyr1217015Q2092719boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217022administrative8Loxahatchee GrovesQ2155294Loxahatchee GrovesQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217022Q2155294boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217023administrative8LantanaQ1992911LantanaQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217023Q1992911boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217024administrative8Lake HamiltonQ2092549Lake HamiltonQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr1217024Q2092549boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217025administrative8Lauderdale-by-the-SeaQ994999Lauderdale-by-the-SeaQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1217025Q994999boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217026administrative8Lake Clarke ShoresQ2036727Lake Clarke ShoresQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217026Q2036727boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217027administrative8Longboat KeyQ993809Longboat KeyQ3957townQ501163Sarasota Countyr1217027Q993809
  • OSM boundary=administrative Longboat Key is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217028administrative8Lake ParkQ629401Lake ParkQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217028Q629401boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217201administrative8Indian River ShoresQ2092746Indian River ShoresQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488528Indian River Countyr1217201Q2092746boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • town in the United States
  • county seat
Q488810Lafayette Countyr1217202Q2036781
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217203administrative8MaloneQ2093590MaloneQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488537Jackson Countyr1217203Q2093590boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217204administrative8Miami LakesQ995006Miami LakesQ15127012town in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1217204Q995006boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217205administrative8Mangonia ParkQ2028449Mangonia ParkQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217205Q2028449boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217206administrative8MarinelandQ2036855MarinelandQ15127012town in the United StatesQ386885Flagler Countyr1217206Q2036855boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217207administrative8MalabarQ1022772MalabarQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr1217207Q1022772
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • town in the United States
  • human settlement
Q484294Palm Beach Countyr1217208Q1825409boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217209administrative8Melbourne VillageQ2020619Melbourne VillageQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488517Brevard Countyr1217209Q2020619boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217210administrative8McIntoshQ2019108McIntoshQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501014Marion Countyr1217210Q2019108boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217217administrative8NomaQ2092562NomaQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488879Holmes Countyr1217217Q2092562boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217218administrative8MicanopyQ1012147MicanopyQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488826Alachua Countyr1217218Q1012147boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217219administrative8Orange ParkQ367316Orange ParkQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488853Clay Countyr1217219Q367316
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217220administrative8Ocean BreezeQ2036875Ocean BreezeQ15127012town in the United StatesQ648752Martin Countyr1217220Q2036875boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217221administrative8North Redington BeachQ2092623North Redington BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1217221Q2092623boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217222administrative8MontverdeQ2092516MontverdeQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr1217222Q2092516boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217223administrative8Ocean RidgeQ2036889Ocean RidgeQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217223Q2036889boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217224administrative8OrchidQ2154635OrchidQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488528Indian River Countyr1217224Q2154635boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217229administrative8Palm BeachQ695411Palm BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217229Q695411boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217230administrative8Pomona ParkQ2092588Pomona ParkQ15127012town in the United StatesQ503059Putnam Countyr1217230Q2092588boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217231administrative8Penney FarmsQ2152047Penney FarmsQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488853Clay Countyr1217231Q2152047boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217232administrative8Palm Beach ShoresQ385146Palm Beach ShoresQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217232Q385146boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217233administrative8Pembroke ParkQ995014Pembroke ParkQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1217233Q995014boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217234administrative8Ponce InletQ2036813Ponce InletQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494541Volusia Countyr1217234Q2036813boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217246administrative8WausauQ2155981WausauQ15127012town in the United StatesQ263418Washington Countyr1217246Q2155981boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217247administrative8Redington BeachQ2092737Redington BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1217247Q2092737boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217248administrative8South Palm BeachQ2152234South Palm BeachQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217248Q2152234boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217249administrative8Worthington SpringsQ2155957Worthington SpringsQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501078Union Countyr1217249Q2155957boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217250administrative8ShalimarQ1814665ShalimarQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494476Okaloosa Countyr1217250Q1814665
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • town in the United States
  • human settlement
Q488537Jackson Countyr1217251Q2092599
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217252administrative8YankeetownQ2155971YankeetownQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501022Levy Countyr1217252Q2155971boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217253administrative8Sewall's PointQ2000252Sewall's PointQ15127012town in the United StatesQ648752Martin Countyr1217253Q2000252boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Surfside
  • Charles W. Burkett
Q15127012town in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1217254Q922840boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217255administrative8Saint LeoQ892570St. LeoQ15127012town in the United StatesQ500992Pasco Countyr1217255Q892570
  • OSM boundary=administrative Saint Leo is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217256administrative8Redington ShoresQ2092689Redington ShoresQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas Countyr1217256Q2092689boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217257administrative8ReddickQ1947418ReddickQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501014Marion Countyr1217257Q1947418boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217274administrative8El PortalQ2188511El PortalQ3957townQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1217274Q2188511
  • OSM boundary=administrative El Portal is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217275administrative8Virginia GardensQ2232282Virginia GardensQ751708village in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1217275Q2232282
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Virginia Gardens is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217276administrative8GolfQ2294511GolfQ3957townQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217276Q2294511
  • OSM boundary=administrative Golf is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217277administrative8Palmetto BayQ937586Palmetto BayQ751708village in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1217277Q937586
  • OSM boundary=administrative Palmetto Bay is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217278administrative8TequestaQ2010407TequestaQ751708village in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr1217278Q2010407
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Tequesta is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217279administrative8Indian CreekQ2583813
  • Indian Creek
  • Indian Creek Village
  • Village of Indian Creek
Q751708village in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1217279Q2583813
  • OSM boundary=administrative Indian Creek is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217280administrative8Biscayne ParkQ866067Biscayne ParkQ751708village in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1217280Q866067
  • OSM boundary=administrative Biscayne Park is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217281administrative8Sea Ranch LakesQ427501Sea Ranch LakesQ751708village in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1217281Q427501
  • OSM boundary=administrative Sea Ranch Lakes is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Pinecrest
  • Pinecrest FL
Q751708village in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1217282Q3286127
  • OSM boundary=administrative Pinecrest is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217284administrative8Highland ParkQ1193965Highland ParkQ751708village in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr1217284Q1193965
  • OSM boundary=administrative Highland Park is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217297administrative8Otter CreekQ2092531Otter CreekQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501022Levy Countyr1217297Q2092531
  • FIXME: city or town?
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217298administrative8Hillcrest HeightsQ2093580Hillcrest HeightsQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501043Polk Countyr1217298Q2093580
  • FIXME: city or town?
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217299administrative8BascomQ809811BascomQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488537Jackson Countyr1217299Q809811
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217300administrative8RaifordQ2092769RaifordQ15127012town in the United StatesQ501078Union Countyr1217300Q2092769boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217301administrative8Miami ShoresQ2357116Miami ShoresQ751708village in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr1217301Q2357116
  • OSM boundary=administrative Miami Shores is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1217302administrative8Lazy LakeQ945116Lazy LakeQ751708village in the United StatesQ494624Broward Countyr1217302Q945116
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lazy Lake is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1223908censusPalm ValleyQ2258177Palm ValleyQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ494471St. Johns Countyr1223908Q2258177boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r1230056censusBig Coppitt KeyQ858725Big Coppitt Key
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q263742Monroe Countyr1230056Q858725boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r1236476censusHomosassa SpringsQ1626252Homosassa SpringsQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488821Citrus Countyr1236476Q1626252
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r1240329censusThe VillagesQ279537The VillagesQ1269448retirement communityQ503889Sumter Countyr1240329Q279537
  • OSM says CDP but wikidata is missing CDP statement
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r1240836censusStock IslandQ1194668Stock Island
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q263742Monroe Countyr1240836Q1194668boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r1244547censusFerry PassQ1408146Ferry PassQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ156643Escambia Countyr1244547Q1408146
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r1244548censusBrentQ909661BrentQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ156643Escambia Countyr1244548Q909661
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q468557Miami-Dade Countyr1244549Q2361035
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r1273847administrative8Belle IsleQ2154059Belle IsleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr1273847Q2154059boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r1273869censusPine CastleQ1845421Pine CastleQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr1273869Q1845421FIXME: there's a sign for Pine Castle on Winegard north of Sand Lake
r1277667censusWillow Oakboundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r2512485censusPaceQ2042845PaceQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ494500Santa Rosa Countyr2512485Q2042845boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r2820529censusLochmoor Waterway EstatesQ2377936Lochmoor Waterway EstatesQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ494616Lee Countyr2820529Q2377936boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r3395925censusLakesideQ2464071LakesideQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488853Clay Countyr3395925Q2464071boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r3661510administrative8Key WestQ485186Key WestQ1093829city in the United StatesQ263742Monroe Countyr3661510Q485186
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Key West is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [] does not match
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r3996958censusGonzalezQ1537327GonzalezQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ156643Escambia Countyr3996958Q1537327boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r4082262censusWabasso BeachQ2451277Wabasso BeachQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488528Indian River Countyr4082262Q2451277boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r6274499administrative8FlomatonQ66848FlomatonQ15127012town in the United StatesQ487744Escambia Countyr6274499Q66848
  • OSM boundary=administrative Flomaton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r6374631censusBuckinghamQ2378863BuckinghamQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ494616Lee Countyr6374631Q2378863boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7295066censusEglin Air Force BaseQ1298115
  • P402 link found
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7405100censusWest BradentonQ1957728West BradentonQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ262708Manatee Countyr7405100Q1957728boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896120censusOrlovistaQ2429119Orlo Vista
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q488543Orange Countyr7896120Q2429119
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896121censusFern ParkQ2423750Fern Park
  • unincorporated community in the United States
  • census-designated place in the United States
Q280596Seminole Countyr7896121Q2423750boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896122censusFairview ShoresQ1823019Fairview Shores
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q488543Orange Countyr7896122Q1823019boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896123censusLockhartQ2429021LockhartQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr7896123Q2429021boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896124censusForest CityQ2301375Forest CityQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ280596Seminole Countyr7896124Q2301375boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896125censusWekiwa SpringsQ2635000Wekiwa SpringsQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ280596Seminole Countyr7896125Q2635000boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896534censusTangelo Park
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896536censusBay Hill
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896537censusDoctor Phillips
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896538censusHorizon Westboundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896542censusGoldenrodQ2428864GoldenrodQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr7896542Q2428864boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896543censusSouth Apopka
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q488543Orange Countyr7896545Q2048252boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7896546censusTangerineQ2360121TangerineQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr7896546Q2360121boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7898972censusBuenaventura Lakesboundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r7898973censusLake HartQ1979307Lake Hart
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q488543Orange Countyr7898973Q1979307boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7898974censusMeadow WoodsQ2106597Meadow WoodsQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr1146517
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7898975censusHunters Creek
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7898979censusHolden Heights
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7898980censusPine Castle
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7898981censusSky Lake
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7905703censusBlack Hammock
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7905705censusHeathrowQ2423734HeathrowQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ280596Seminole Countyr7905705Q2423734boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7905706censusParadise HeightsQ1898979Paradise HeightsQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488543Orange Countyr7905706Q1898979boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7905707censusRio Pinar
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7905708censusAzalea Parkboundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r7905709censusFour CornersQ2375787
  • Four Corners
  • Citrus Ridge
Q498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ501029Lake Countyr7905709Q2375787boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • FIXME: the source map doesn't show the east edge
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7905711censusAlafayaboundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q488543Orange Countyr7905713Q7894478boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r7905715censusLake Mary Jane
  • boundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r8859130administrative8BonifayQ2156646BonifayQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488879Holmes Countyr8859130Q2156646
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r8862077administrative8Mount Dora
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r9853985censusGlenvar HeightsQ2443686Glenvar HeightsQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr9853985Q2443686boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r9853986censusSunsetQ2019785SunsetQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr9853986Q2019785boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r10315709censusIves EstatesQ2443533Ives EstatesQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr10315709Q2443533boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r11084632administrative8AlvaQ448123AlvaQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ494616Lee Countyr11084632Q448123
  • Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
  • OSM boundary=administrative Alva is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r13691519censusRotonda WestQ1022745Rotonda West
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q488499Charlotte Countyr13691519Q1022745short_name exists in OSM but no P1813 in Wikidata
r13916455administrative8BlackQ66825BlackQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494620Geneva Countyr13916455Q66825
  • OSM boundary=administrative Black is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r14083584censusRoselandQ2021014RoselandQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ488528Indian River Countyr14083584Q2021014boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r14638148censusEnsleyQ538738EnsleyQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ156643Escambia Countyr14638148Q538738boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r16075520censusFive PointsQ1421867Five PointsQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ173867Columbia Countyr16075520Q1421867boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r16140606censusGolden GladesQ1817096Golden GladesQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade Countyr16140606Q1817096
  • OSM boundary=census Golden Glades is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r16220656censusAve MariaQ790314Ave MariaQ515cityQ488531Collier Countyr16220656Q790314OSM says CDP but wikidata is missing CDP statement
r16868551censusSeminole ManorQ1278180Seminole ManorQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach Countyr16868551Q1278180boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r17041464censusLillianQ3709392LillianQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ156163Baldwin Countyr17041464Q3709392
  • OSM boundary=census Lillian is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
  • short_name exists in OSM but no P1813 in Wikidata
r17044454censusPerdidoQ734255PerdidoQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ156163Baldwin Countyr17044454Q734255
  • OSM boundary=census Perdido is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
  • short_name exists in OSM but no P1813 in Wikidata
r17619088censusOdessaQ2149988OdessaQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ500992Pasco Countyr17619088Q2149988boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r18463979censusRichmond HeightsQ2421971Richmond HeightsQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ468557Miami-Dade County
  • Missing OSM Relation ID (P402) in wikidata
  • boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r18624115censusLake PanasoffkeeQ2570574Lake PanasoffkeeQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ503889Sumter CountyMissing OSM Relation ID (P402) in wikidata
Acacia VillasAcacia Villas is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AllentownAllentown is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AltoonaAltoona is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AlturasAlturas is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AlvaAlva is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AripekaAripeka is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Asbury LakeAsbury Lake is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AstorAstor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AucillaAucilla is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AvalonAvalon is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Babson ParkBabson Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BagdadBagdad is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BalmBalm is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BardmoorBardmoor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BayportBayport is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Bayshore GardensBayshore Gardens is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Beacon SquareBeacon Square is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Bear CreekBear Creek is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Bee RidgeBee Ridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Bellair-Meadowbrook TerraceBellair-Meadowbrook Terrace is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Berkshire LakesBerkshire Lakes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BerrydaleBerrydale is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Beverly HillsBeverly Hills is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Biscayne GardensBiscayne Gardens is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Black DiamondBlack Diamond is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BloomingdaleBloomingdale is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Boulevard GardensBoulevard Gardens is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BradfordvilleBradfordville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Bradley JunctionBradley Junction is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BrandonBrandon is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Broadview ParkBroadview Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BrookridgeBrookridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BrownsdaleBrownsdale is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BrownsvilleBrownsville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Buckhead RidgeBuckhead Ridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Burnt Store MarinaBurnt Store Marina is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Cabana ColonyCabana Colony is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CampbellCampbell is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Canal PointCanal Point is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CapitolaCapitola is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CaptivaCaptiva is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CarrollwoodCarrollwood is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Cedar GroveCedar Grove is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CelebrationCelebration is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ChairesChaires is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Charleston ParkCharleston Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Charlotte HarborCharlotte Harbor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ChevalCheval is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ChokoloskeeChokoloskee is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ChristmasChristmas is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ChuluotaChuluota is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ChumucklaChumuckla is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Citrus HillsCitrus Hills is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Citrus ParkCitrus Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Citrus SpringsCitrus Springs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CobbtownCobbtown is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Cocoa WestCocoa West is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Combee SettlementCombee Settlement is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ConnertonConnerton is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Coral TerraceCoral Terrace is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CortezCortez is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Country ClubCountry Club is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Country WalkCountry Walk is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CrawfordvilleCrawfordville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Crooked Lake ParkCrooked Lake Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Crystal LakeCrystal Lake is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Crystal SpringsCrystal Springs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Cypress LakeCypress Lake is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Cypress QuartersCypress Quarters is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
DayDay is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
DeLand SouthwestDeLand Southwest is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
De Leon SpringsDe Leon Springs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Desoto AcresDesoto Acres is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Desoto LakesDesoto Lakes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Dickerson CityDickerson City is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
DixonvilleDixonville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
DoverDover is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Duck KeyDuck Key is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
East BronsonEast Bronson is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
East LakeEast Lake is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
East Lake-Orient ParkEast Lake-Orient Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
East MiltonEast Milton is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
East PalatkaEast Palatka is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
EastpointEastpoint is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
East WillistonEast Williston is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Eglin AFBEglin AFB is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Egypt Lake-LetoEgypt Lake-Leto is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ElfersElfers is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
EnglewoodEnglewood is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
FerndaleFerndale is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
FidelisFidelis is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Fisher IslandFisher Island is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Fish HawkFish Hawk is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Flagler EstatesFlagler Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Fleming IslandFleming Island is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Floral CityFloral City is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Florida Gulf Coast UniversityFlorida Gulf Coast University is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Florida RidgeFlorida Ridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
FloridatownFloridatown is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Fort BradenFort Braden is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Fort DenaudFort Denaud is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Fort GreenFort Green is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Fort Green SpringsFort Green Springs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Fort Myers ShoresFort Myers Shores is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
FountainebleauFountainebleau is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Franklin ParkFranklin Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
FruitvilleFruitville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Fuller HeightsFuller Heights is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Fussels CornerFussels Corner is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Garcon PointGarcon Point is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Garden GroveGarden Grove is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GardnerGardner is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GatewayGateway is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GenevaGeneva is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GiffordGifford is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GladeviewGladeview is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Golden GateGolden Gate is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GoodlandGoodland is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GouldingGoulding is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GouldsGoulds is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GreenbriarGreenbriar is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GrenelefeGrenelefe is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Grove CityGrove City is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Gulf GateGulf Gate is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Gun Club EstatesGun Club Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Harbor BluffsHarbor Bluffs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Harbour HeightsHarbour Heights is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HarlemHarlem is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Harlem HeightsHarlem Heights is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HaroldHarold is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HastingsHastings is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Heritage BayHeritage Bay is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Heritage PinesHeritage Pines is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HernandoHernando is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Hernando BeachHernando Beach is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Highland CityHighland City is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
High PointHigh Point is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Hill 'n DaleHill 'n Dale is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Hillsboro PinesHillsboro Pines is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Hobe SoundHobe Sound is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Holden LakesHolden Lakes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HolidayHoliday is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HolleyHolley is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HomelandHomeland is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Homestead BaseHomestead Base is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HomosassaHomosassa is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HosfordHosford is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Hurlburt FieldHurlburt Field is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Hutchinson Island SouthHutchinson Island South is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ImmokaleeImmokalee is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Indian Lake EstatesIndian Lake Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Indian River EstatesIndian River Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Inverness Highlands NorthInverness Highlands North is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Inverness Highlands SouthInverness Highlands South is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
InwoodInwood is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
IonaIona is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Island WalkIsland Walk is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
IstachattaIstachatta is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Jan Phyl VillageJan Phyl Village is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Jasmine EstatesJasmine Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Juno RidgeJuno Ridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Jupiter FarmsJupiter Farms is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
KathleenKathleen is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Kendale LakesKendale Lakes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Kendall WestKendall West is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Kensington ParkKensington Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Kenwood EstatesKenwood Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
KeystoneKeystone is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Key VistaKey Vista is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LacoocheeLacoochee is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake Belvedere EstatesLake Belvedere Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake HarborLake Harbor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake KathrynLake Kathryn is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake KerrLake Kerr is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake LindseyLake Lindsey is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake Mack-Forest HillsLake Mack-Forest Hills is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake MagdaleneLake Magdalene is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake MysticLake Mystic is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake SarasotaLake Sarasota is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lakewood ParkLakewood Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lakewood RanchLakewood Ranch is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LamontLamont is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LaurelLaurel is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LealmanLealman is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LecantoLecanto is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lehigh AcresLehigh Acres is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Leisure CityLeisure City is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LelyLely is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lely ResortLely Resort is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lemon GroveLemon Grove is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Liberty TriangleLiberty Triangle is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LimestoneLimestone is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Limestone CreekLimestone Creek is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LisbonLisbon is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LloydLloyd is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LoughmanLoughman is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lower Grand LagoonLower Grand Lagoon is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LutzLutz is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
McGregorMcGregor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Manasota KeyManasota Key is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Manatee RoadManatee Road is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MangoMango is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Marco Shores-Hammock BayMarco Shores-Hammock Bay is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Marion OaksMarion Oaks is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MasaryktownMasaryktown is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Meadow OaksMeadow Oaks is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MedullaMedulla is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Merritt IslandMerritt Island is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MiccoMicco is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MiccosukeeMiccosukee is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MiddleburgMiddleburg is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MidwayMidway is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MimsMims is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Miramar BeachMiramar Beach is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MolinoMolino is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MonturaMontura is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Moon LakeMoon Lake is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MorristonMorriston is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Mount CarmelMount Carmel is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Mount PlymouthMount Plymouth is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MulatMulat is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MunsonMunson is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Myrtle GroveMyrtle Grove is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Naples ManorNaples Manor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Naples ParkNaples Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
NaranjaNaranja is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Nassau Village-RatliffNassau Village-Ratliff is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
NavarreNavarre is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Navarre BeachNavarre Beach is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
NobletonNobleton is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
NocateeNocatee is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
NokomisNokomis is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
North BrooksvilleNorth Brooksville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
NorthdaleNorthdale is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
North DeLandNorth DeLand is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
North Merritt IslandNorth Merritt Island is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
North River ShoresNorth River Shores is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
North SarasotaNorth Sarasota is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
North Weeki WacheeNorth Weeki Wachee is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Oakleaf PlantationOakleaf Plantation is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Ocala EstatesOcala Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Ocean CityOcean City is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
OcklawahaOcklawaha is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
OjusOjus is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
OkahumpkaOkahumpka is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Old MiakkaOld Miakka is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
OlgaOlga is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Olympia HeightsOlympia Heights is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
OnaOna is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
On Top of the WorldOn Top of the World is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
OrangetreeOrangetree is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Oriole BeachOriole Beach is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Ormond-by-the-SeaOrmond-by-the-Sea is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
OspreyOsprey is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Page ParkPage Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PaisleyPaisley is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Palm CityPalm City is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Palmer RanchPalmer Ranch is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Palmetto EstatesPalmetto Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Palm HarborPalm Harbor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Palmona ParkPalmona Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Palm River-Clair MelPalm River-Clair Mel is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Palm Springs NorthPalm Springs North is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PanaceaPanacea is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pasadena HillsPasadena Hills is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Patrick AFBPatrick AFB is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pea RidgePea Ridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pebble CreekPebble Creek is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pelican BayPelican Bay is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pelican MarshPelican Marsh is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pensacola StationPensacola Station is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pine AirPine Air is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PinecraftPinecraft is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pine IslandPine Island is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pine Island CenterPine Island Center is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pine LakesPine Lakes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PinelandPineland is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pine LevelPine Level is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pine ManorPine Manor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Pine RidgePine Ridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PinewoodPinewood is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PioneerPioneer is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PittmanPittman is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Plantation IslandPlantation Island is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Plantation Mobile Home ParkPlantation Mobile Home Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PoincianaPoinciana is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Point BakerPoint Baker is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Port CharlottePort Charlotte is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Port LaBellePort LaBelle is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Port St. JohnPort St. John is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Port SalernoPort Salerno is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PrincetonPrinceton is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Progress VillageProgress Village is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Punta RassaPunta Rassa is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Quail RidgeQuail Ridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Rainbow Lakes EstatesRainbow Lakes Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Rainbow ParkRainbow Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Rainbow SpringsRainbow Springs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
RaleighRaleigh is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Richmond WestRichmond West is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
RidgecrestRidgecrest is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Ridge ManorRidge Manor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Ridge Wood HeightsRidge Wood Heights is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
RioRio is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
River ParkRiver Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
River RidgeRiver Ridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
RiverviewRiverview is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
RoevilleRoeville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Roosevelt GardensRoosevelt Gardens is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Royal Palm EstatesRoyal Palm Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
RuskinRuskin is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
St. Augustine ShoresSt. Augustine Shores is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
St. Augustine SouthSt. Augustine South is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
St. George IslandSt. George Island is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
St. James CitySt. James City is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
San Carlos ParkSan Carlos Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
San CastleSan Castle is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Sarasota SpringsSarasota Springs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SawgrassSawgrass is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Schall CircleSchall Circle is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ScottsmoorScottsmoor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SeffnerSeffner is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SevilleSeville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Shady HillsShady Hills is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SharpesSharpes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Siesta KeySiesta Key is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Silver SpringsSilver Springs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Silver Springs ShoresSilver Springs Shores is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Silver Springs Shores EastSilver Springs Shores East is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SolanaSolana is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SorrentoSorrento is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
South BeachSouth Beach is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
South BradentonSouth Bradenton is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Southeast ArcadiaSoutheast Arcadia is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
South Gate RidgeSouth Gate Ridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
South Miami HeightsSouth Miami Heights is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
South Patrick ShoresSouth Patrick Shores is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SouthportSouthport is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
South SarasotaSouth Sarasota is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
South VeniceSouth Venice is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Spring HillSpring Hill is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SpringhillSpringhill is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Spring LakeSpring Lake is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Spring RidgeSpring Ridge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Stacey StreetStacey Street is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SteinhatcheeSteinhatchee is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Sugarmill WoodsSugarmill Woods is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SumatraSumatra is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Sun City CenterSun City Center is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Suncoast EstatesSuncoast Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
TamiamiTamiami is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
TavernierTavernier is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Taylor CreekTaylor Creek is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
The AcreageThe Acreage is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
The CrossingsThe Crossings is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
The HammocksThe Hammocks is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
The MeadowsThe Meadows is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ThonotosassaThonotosassa is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Three LakesThree Lakes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Three OaksThree Oaks is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
TiceTice is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Tierra VerdeTierra Verde is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Tiger PointTiger Point is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Timber PinesTimber Pines is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Town 'n' CountryTown 'n' Country is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
TrilbyTrilby is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
TrinityTrinity is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Tropical ParkTropical Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Tyndall AFBTyndall AFB is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
UniversityUniversity is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Upper Grand LagoonUpper Grand Lagoon is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ValricoValrico is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
VamoVamo is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Venice GardensVenice Gardens is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
VerandahVerandah is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Vero Beach SouthVero Beach South is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Vero Lake EstatesVero Lake Estates is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Verona WalkVerona Walk is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Viera EastViera East is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Viera WestViera West is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Vilano BeachVilano Beach is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
VillasVillas is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
VineyardsVineyards is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WabassoWabasso is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WacissaWacissa is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WahnetaWahneta is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WallaceWallace is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Warm Mineral SpringsWarm Mineral Springs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WarringtonWarrington is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Washington ParkWashington Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WatergateWatergate is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WatertownWatertown is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WaukeenahWaukeenah is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Weeki Wachee GardensWeeki Wachee Gardens is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Wesley ChapelWesley Chapel is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
West Canaveral GrovesWest Canaveral Groves is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WestchaseWestchase is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WestchesterWestchester is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
West DeLandWest DeLand is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WestgateWestgate is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
West LealmanWest Lealman is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
West Little RiverWest Little River is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
West PensacolaWest Pensacola is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
West PerrineWest Perrine is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
West SamosetWest Samoset is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
West Vero CorridorWest Vero Corridor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WestviewWestview is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Westwood LakesWestwood Lakes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Whiskey CreekWhiskey Creek is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WhitfieldWhitfield is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WhitfieldWhitfield is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Williston HighlandsWilliston Highlands is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WimaumaWimauma is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Winding CypressWinding Cypress is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WindsorWindsor is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Winter BeachWinter Beach is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WisconWiscon is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Woodlawn BeachWoodlawn Beach is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WoodvilleWoodville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
World Golf VillageWorld Golf Village is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
YalahaYalaha is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Yeehaw JunctionYeehaw Junction is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Zephyrhills NorthZephyrhills North is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Anna MariaAnna Maria (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
BradentonBradenton (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
EvergladesEverglades (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
Oakland ParkOakland Park (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
Port St. JoePort St. Joe (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
Port St. LuciePort St. Lucie (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
St. AugustineSt. Augustine (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
St. Augustine BeachSt. Augustine Beach (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
St. CloudSt. Cloud (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
St. MarksSt. Marks (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
St. Pete BeachSt. Pete Beach (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
Vero BeachVero Beach (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
WestlakeWestlake (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
Glen St. MaryGlen St. Mary (town) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of towns
St. LeoSt. Leo (town) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of towns
St. Lucie VillageSt. Lucie Village (town) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of towns
Bal HarbourBal Harbour (village) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of villages
EsteroEstero (village) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of villages
IndiantownIndiantown (village) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of villages
Islamorada, Village of IslandsIslamorada, Village of Islands (village) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of villages
Key BiscayneKey Biscayne (village) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of villages
Q667749Port St. Lucie
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q494564St. Lucie CountyPort St. Lucie is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q561969Anna MariaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ262708Manatee CountyAnna Maria is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q582121BradentonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ262708Manatee CountyBradenton is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q487988St. Augustine
  • city in the United States
  • former capital
  • St. Johns County
  • Spanish Florida
St. Augustine is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q928701St. CloudQ1093829city in the United StatesQ501067Osceola CountySt. Cloud is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q892570St. LeoQ15127012town in the United StatesQ500992Pasco CountySt. Leo is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q969026Vero BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ488528Indian River CountyVero Beach is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q985183Oakland ParkQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494624Broward CountyOakland Park is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q986641Las americas
  • city in the United States
  • academic enclave
Q488543Orange CountyLas americas is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q1862368St. Augustine BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494471St. Johns CountySt. Augustine Beach is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q1401310Glen St. MaryQ15127012town in the United StatesQ156568Baker CountyGlen St. Mary is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
  • town in the United States
  • census-designated place in the United States
Q494471St. Johns CountyHastings is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2092683CampbelltoQ15127012town in the United StatesQ488537Jackson CountyCampbellto is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q57200St. Pete BeachQ1093829city in the United StatesQ494556Pinellas CountySt. Pete Beach is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q721475Port St. Joe
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q488461Gulf CountyPort St. Joe is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q49236St. Petersburg
  • city in the United States
  • big city
Q494556Pinellas CountySt. Petersburg is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q24900907WestlakeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach CountyWestlake is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2155287St. MarksQ1093829city in the United StatesQ505417Wakulla CountySt. Marks is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q16891777GolfviewQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484294Palm Beach CountyGolfview is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7099576Orange County Library System
  • public library
  • library network
  • library district of the United States
Q49233OrlandoOrange County Library System is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q16259078Tampa Indian Reservation
  • ethnic group
  • Indian reservation of the United States
Q812FloridaTampa Indian Reservation is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2227826St. LucieQ15127012town in the United StatesQ494564St. Lucie CountySt. Lucie is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q19381456Q19381456Q7892488United States federal judicial districtQ812FloridaQ19381456 is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM

Bulk Edit Tools

The following JOSM filters can be used to identify groups of objects that may need attention:

Admin boundaries that might be CDPs

This JOSM filter will highlight admin boundaries that might be CDPs based on the presence of a wikidata property that indicates a CDP or unincorporated community.

type:relation (id:11084632)