Updated on Wed Mar 12 2025 00:29:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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admin_level Map view (overpass)
P402 Entries for quickstatements
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Findings: 1123
@idboundaryadmin_levelnamewikidatawikidata_nameP31instance ofP131contained in admin entityP402P402_reverseflags
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
w37507800administrative8ConcordQ1820535ConcordQ751708village in the United StatesQ490710Dixon Countyr169420
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • Concord is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [] does not match
  • OSM boundary=administrative Concord is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
w37508114administrative8Battle Creek
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
w37513019administrative8HenryQ2373423HenryQ751708village in the United StatesQ495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169786
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • Henry is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [] does not match
  • OSM boundary=administrative Henry is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: name
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
w40867294administrative8Pine Bluffs
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
r128576administrative8Sioux CityQ489255Sioux City
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q486006Woodbury Countyr128576Q489255 OSM boundary=administrative Sioux City is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r169232administrative8InglewoodQ951397InglewoodQ486972human settlementQ490703Dodge Countyr169232Q951397
  • OSM boundary=administrative Inglewood is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169233administrative8WymoreQ963779WymoreQ1093829city in the United StatesQ203049Gage Countyr169233Q963779
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169234administrative8Blue SpringsQ962044Blue SpringsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ203049Gage Countyr169234Q962044boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169236administrative8Boys TownQ2312269Boys TownQ751708village in the United StatesQ490695Douglas Countyr169236Q2312269
  • OSM boundary=administrative Boys Town is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169237administrative8RalstonQ959304RalstonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490695Douglas Countyr169237Q959304boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169238censusChalcoQ963358ChalcoQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ496009Sarpy Countyr169238Q963358boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r169243administrative8TerrytownQ2346049TerrytownQ751708village in the United StatesQ495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169243Q2346049
  • OSM boundary=administrative Terrytown is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169244administrative8UnadillaQ2639042UnadillaQ751708village in the United StatesQ496031Otoe Countyr169244Q2639042
  • OSM boundary=administrative Unadilla is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169245administrative8GordonQ603450GordonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ495969Sheridan Countyr169245Q603450boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169246administrative8SterlingQ2519591SterlingQ751708village in the United StatesQ489677Johnson Countyr169246Q2519591
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Sterling is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169247administrative8DorchesterQ1820610DorchesterQ751708village in the United StatesQ496045Saline Countyr169247Q1820610
  • OSM boundary=administrative Dorchester is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169248administrative8AyrQ1290711AyrQ751708village in the United StatesQ112823Adams Countyr169248Q1290711
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ayr is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169249administrative8HoldregeQ955555HoldregeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496115Phelps Countyr169249Q955555
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169252administrative8McCool JunctionQ1966462McCool JunctionQ751708village in the United StatesQ489648York Countyr169252Q1966462
  • OSM boundary=administrative McCool Junction is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169253administrative8ValleyQ964005ValleyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490695Douglas Countyr169253Q964005boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169254administrative8ScottsbluffQ959484ScottsbluffQ1093829city in the United StatesQ495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169254Q959484boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169255administrative8South Sioux CityQ966911South Sioux CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490683Dakota Countyr169255Q966911
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169256administrative8JacksonQ3287811JacksonQ751708village in the United StatesQ490683Dakota Countyr169256Q3287811
  • OSM boundary=administrative Jackson is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169257administrative8HubbardQ2215699HubbardQ751708village in the United StatesQ490683Dakota Countyr169257Q2215699
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hubbard is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169258administrative8HomerQ2340006HomerQ751708village in the United StatesQ490683Dakota Countyr169258Q2340006
  • OSM boundary=administrative Homer is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169259administrative8EmersonQ2192836EmersonQ751708village in the United StatesQ490710Dixon Countyr169259Q2192836
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Emerson is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169260administrative8Dakota CityQ941638Dakota CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490683Dakota Countyr169260Q941638
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169261administrative8SuttonQ957866SuttonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490740Clay Countyr169261Q957866
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169262administrative8SaronvilleQ1994552SaronvilleQ751708village in the United StatesQ490740Clay Countyr169262Q1994552
  • OSM boundary=administrative Saronville is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169263administrative8OngQ2610845OngQ751708village in the United StatesQ490740Clay Countyr169263Q2610845
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ong is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169264administrative8HarvardQ961214HarvardQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490740Clay Countyr169264Q961214
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169265administrative8GlenvilQ1894043GlenvilQ751708village in the United StatesQ490740Clay Countyr169265Q1894043
  • OSM boundary=administrative Glenvil is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169266administrative8FairfieldQ1842438FairfieldQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490740Clay Countyr169266Q1842438boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169267administrative8EdgarQ952913EdgarQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490740Clay Countyr169267Q952913boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169268administrative8DeweeseQ2692034DeweeseQ751708village in the United StatesQ490740Clay Countyr169268Q2692034
  • OSM boundary=administrative Deweese is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169269administrative8Clay CenterQ966365Clay Center
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q490740Clay Countyr169269Q966365boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169270administrative8GothenburgQ955344GothenburgQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490784Dawson Countyr169270Q955344boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Lexington
  • Plum Creek
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ490784Dawson Countyr169271Q959410
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169272administrative8OvertonQ3287951OvertonQ751708village in the United StatesQ490784Dawson Countyr169272Q3287951
  • OSM boundary=administrative Overton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169273administrative8SumnerQ2181120SumnerQ751708village in the United StatesQ490784Dawson Countyr169273Q2181120
  • OSM boundary=administrative Sumner is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169274administrative8CozadQ952822CozadQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490784Dawson Countyr169274Q952822
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169275administrative8EddyvilleQ2044031EddyvilleQ751708village in the United StatesQ490784Dawson Countyr169275Q2044031
  • OSM boundary=administrative Eddyville is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169276administrative8FarnamQ3287921FarnamQ751708village in the United StatesQ490784Dawson Countyr169276Q3287921
  • OSM boundary=administrative Farnam is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • human settlement
  • village in the United States
Q485623Franklin Countyr169277Q2690959
  • OSM boundary=administrative Upland is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169278administrative8RivertonQ1929040RivertonQ751708village in the United StatesQ485623Franklin Countyr169278Q1929040
  • OSM boundary=administrative Riverton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169279administrative8NaponeeQ2153530NaponeeQ751708village in the United StatesQ485623Franklin Countyr169279Q2153530
  • OSM boundary=administrative Naponee is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169280administrative8HildrethQ2281410HildrethQ751708village in the United StatesQ485623Franklin Countyr169280Q2281410
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hildreth is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169281administrative8FranklinQ952584FranklinQ1093829city in the United StatesQ485623Franklin Countyr169281Q952584
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169282administrative8CampbellQ2125314CampbellQ751708village in the United StatesQ485623Franklin Countyr169282Q2125314
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Campbell is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169283administrative8BloomingtonQ1898110BloomingtonQ751708village in the United StatesQ485623Franklin Countyr169283Q1898110
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bloomington is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489767Garfield Countyr169284Q957932
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q496125Frontier Countyr169285Q2648039
  • OSM boundary=administrative Stockville is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169286administrative8MoorefieldQ2784547MoorefieldQ751708village in the United StatesQ496125Frontier Countyr169286Q2784547
  • OSM boundary=administrative Moorefield is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169287administrative8MaywoodQ1953785MaywoodQ751708village in the United StatesQ496125Frontier Countyr169287Q1953785
  • OSM boundary=administrative Maywood is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169288administrative8EustisQ3288853EustisQ751708village in the United StatesQ496125Frontier Countyr169288Q3288853
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Eustis is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169289administrative8CurtisQ952677CurtisQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496125Frontier Countyr169289Q952677boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169290administrative8WolbachQ675923WolbachQ751708village in the United StatesQ489743Greeley Countyr169290Q675923
  • OSM boundary=administrative Wolbach is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169291administrative8SpaldingQ2674312SpaldingQ751708village in the United StatesQ489743Greeley Countyr169291Q2674312
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Spalding is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169292administrative8ScotiaQ3460978ScotiaQ751708village in the United StatesQ489743Greeley Countyr169292Q3460978
  • OSM boundary=administrative Scotia is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169293administrative8Greeley CenterQ950759
  • Greeley Center
  • Greeley
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q489743Greeley Countyr169293Q950759
  • OSM boundary=administrative Greeley Center is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169294administrative8Wood RiverQ960746Wood RiverQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496152Hall Countyr169294Q960746
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169295administrative8Grand IslandQ461826
  • Grand Island
  • City of Grand Island
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q496152Hall Countyr169295Q461826boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169296administrative8DoniphanQ2791749DoniphanQ751708village in the United StatesQ496152Hall Countyr169296Q2791749
  • OSM boundary=administrative Doniphan is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169297administrative8CairoQ2788595CairoQ751708village in the United StatesQ496152Hall Countyr169297Q2788595
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cairo is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169298administrative8AldaQ1274906AldaQ751708village in the United StatesQ496152Hall Countyr169298Q1274906
  • OSM boundary=administrative Alda is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169299administrative8Steele CityQ3287803Steele CityQ751708village in the United StatesQ489939Jefferson Countyr169299Q3287803
  • OSM boundary=administrative Steele City is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169300administrative8ReynoldsQ2129824ReynoldsQ751708village in the United StatesQ489939Jefferson Countyr169300Q2129824
  • OSM boundary=administrative Reynolds is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169301administrative8PlymouthQ953791PlymouthQ751708village in the United StatesQ489939Jefferson Countyr169301Q953791
  • OSM boundary=administrative Plymouth is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169302administrative8JansenQ3289046JansenQ751708village in the United StatesQ489939Jefferson Countyr169302Q3289046
  • OSM boundary=administrative Jansen is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169303administrative8HarbineQ3291407HarbineQ751708village in the United StatesQ489939Jefferson Countyr169303Q3291407
  • OSM boundary=administrative Harbine is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169304administrative8FairburyQ955565FairburyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ489939Jefferson Countyr169304Q955565
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169305administrative8EndicottQ2736433EndicottQ486972human settlementQ489939Jefferson Countyr169305Q2736433
  • OSM boundary=administrative Endicott is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169306administrative8DillerQ2387781DillerQ751708village in the United StatesQ489939Jefferson Countyr169306Q2387781
  • OSM boundary=administrative Diller is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169307administrative8DaykinQ1888631DaykinQ751708village in the United StatesQ489939Jefferson Countyr169307Q1888631
  • OSM boundary=administrative Daykin is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169308administrative8WilcoxQ3287861WilcoxQ751708village in the United StatesQ507266Kearney Countyr169308Q3287861
  • OSM boundary=administrative Wilcox is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169309administrative8NormanQ2346493NormanQ751708village in the United StatesQ507266Kearney Countyr169309Q2346493
  • OSM boundary=administrative Norman is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q507266Kearney Countyr169310Q180112
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169311administrative8HeartwellQ2259007HeartwellQ751708village in the United StatesQ507266Kearney Countyr169311Q2259007
  • OSM boundary=administrative Heartwell is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169312administrative8AxtellQ2743048AxtellQ751708village in the United StatesQ507266Kearney Countyr169312Q2743048
  • OSM boundary=administrative Axtell is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169313administrative8TalmageQ524165TalmageQ751708village in the United StatesQ496031Otoe Countyr169313Q524165
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Talmage is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169314administrative8SyracuseQ966134SyracuseQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496031Otoe Countyr169314Q966134
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169315administrative8PalmyraQ2750016PalmyraQ751708village in the United StatesQ496031Otoe Countyr169315Q2750016
  • OSM boundary=administrative Palmyra is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169316administrative8OtoeQ2678409OtoeQ751708village in the United StatesQ496031Otoe Countyr169316Q2678409
  • OSM boundary=administrative Otoe is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169317administrative8Nebraska CityQ286025Nebraska City
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q496031Otoe Countyr169317Q286025
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169318administrative8LortonQ2611922LortonQ486972human settlementQ496031Otoe Countyr169318Q2611922
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lorton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169319administrative8DunbarQ2198733DunbarQ751708village in the United StatesQ496031Otoe Countyr169319Q2198733
  • OSM boundary=administrative Dunbar is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169320administrative8DouglasQ2212888DouglasQ751708village in the United StatesQ496031Otoe Countyr169320Q2212888
  • OSM boundary=administrative Douglas is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169321administrative8BurrQ1917234BurrQ751708village in the United StatesQ496031Otoe Countyr169321Q1917234
  • OSM boundary=administrative Burr is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q489711Thomas Countyr169326Q2127994
  • OSM boundary=administrative Thedford is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • unincorporated community in the United States
  • village in the United States
Q489711Thomas Countyr169327Q2584597
  • Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
  • OSM boundary=administrative Seneca is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169328administrative8AmherstQ2239539AmherstQ751708village in the United StatesQ484488Buffalo Countyr169328Q2239539
  • OSM boundary=administrative Amherst is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169329administrative8Elm CreekQ3287897Elm CreekQ751708village in the United StatesQ484488Buffalo Countyr169329Q3287897
  • OSM boundary=administrative Elm Creek is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169330administrative8GibbonQ958312GibbonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484488Buffalo Countyr169330Q958312
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q484488Buffalo Countyr169331Q846044boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169332administrative8MillerQ1990721MillerQ751708village in the United StatesQ484488Buffalo Countyr169332Q1990721
  • OSM boundary=administrative Miller is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169333administrative8PleasantonQ2489372PleasantonQ751708village in the United StatesQ484488Buffalo Countyr169333Q2489372
  • OSM boundary=administrative Pleasanton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169334administrative8RavennaQ968976RavennaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484488Buffalo Countyr169334Q968976
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169335administrative8RiverdaleQ2516346RiverdaleQ751708village in the United StatesQ484488Buffalo Countyr169335Q2516346
  • OSM boundary=administrative Riverdale is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169336administrative8SheltonQ3288895SheltonQ751708village in the United StatesQ484488Buffalo Countyr169336Q3288895
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Shelton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169337administrative8Weeping WaterQ968919Weeping WaterQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169337Q968919
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169338administrative8UnionQ1912586UnionQ751708village in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169338Q1912586
  • OSM boundary=administrative Union is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169339administrative8South BendQ2287897South BendQ751708village in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169339Q2287897
  • OSM boundary=administrative South Bend is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q484239Cass Countyr169340Q966306
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169341administrative8NehawkaQ2619491NehawkaQ486972human settlementQ484239Cass Countyr169341Q2619491
  • OSM boundary=administrative Nehawka is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169342administrative8MurrayQ2425314MurrayQ751708village in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169342Q2425314
  • OSM boundary=administrative Murray is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169343administrative8MurdockQ3287960MurdockQ751708village in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169343Q3287960
  • OSM boundary=administrative Murdock is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169344administrative8ManleyQ2172054ManleyQ751708village in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169344Q2172054
  • OSM boundary=administrative Manley is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169345administrative8LouisvilleQ2734889LouisvilleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169345Q2734889
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169346administrative8GreenwoodQ2079327GreenwoodQ751708village in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169346Q2079327
  • OSM boundary=administrative Greenwood is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169347administrative8ElmwoodQ525669ElmwoodQ751708village in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169347Q525669
  • OSM boundary=administrative Elmwood is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169348administrative8EagleQ2233702EagleQ751708village in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169348Q2233702
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Eagle is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169349administrative8Cedar CreekQ2789189Cedar CreekQ751708village in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169349Q2789189
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cedar Creek is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169350administrative8AvocaQ2261347AvocaQ751708village in the United StatesQ484239Cass Countyr169350Q2261347
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Avoca is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169351administrative8AlvoQ1290725AlvoQ486972human settlementQ484239Cass Countyr169351Q1290725
  • OSM boundary=administrative Alvo is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169352administrative8WinslowQ2129381WinslowQ751708village in the United StatesQ490703Dodge Countyr169352Q2129381
  • OSM boundary=administrative Winslow is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169353administrative8UehlingQ1691172UehlingQ3957townQ490703Dodge Countyr169353Q1691172
  • OSM boundary=administrative Uehling is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169354administrative8SnyderQ2803895SnyderQ751708village in the United StatesQ490703Dodge Countyr169354Q2803895
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Snyder is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169355administrative8ScribnerQ957966ScribnerQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490703Dodge Countyr169355Q957966
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169356administrative8North BendQ952985North BendQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490703Dodge Countyr169356Q952985
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169357administrative8NickersonQ966297NickersonQ751708village in the United StatesQ490703Dodge Countyr169357Q966297
  • OSM boundary=administrative Nickerson is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169358administrative8HooperQ966387HooperQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490703Dodge Countyr169358Q966387
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169359administrative8FremontQ653613FremontQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490703Dodge Countyr169359Q653613boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169360administrative8DodgeQ1234106DodgeQ3957townQ490703Dodge Countyr169360Q1234106
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Dodge is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169361administrative8WilsonvilleQ2297639WilsonvilleQ751708village in the United StatesQ496169Furnas Countyr169361Q2297639
  • OSM boundary=administrative Wilsonville is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169362administrative8OxfordQ3289786OxfordQ751708village in the United StatesQ1553Nebraskar169362Q3289786
  • OSM boundary=administrative Oxford is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169363administrative8HolbrookQ2056385HolbrookQ751708village in the United StatesQ496169Furnas Countyr169363Q2056385
  • OSM boundary=administrative Holbrook is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169364administrative8HendleyQ2189970HendleyQ751708village in the United StatesQ496169Furnas Countyr169364Q2189970
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hendley is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169365administrative8EdisonQ383657EdisonQ751708village in the United StatesQ496169Furnas Countyr169365Q383657
  • OSM boundary=administrative Edison is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169366administrative8CambridgeQ965079CambridgeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496169Furnas Countyr169366Q965079boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169367administrative8Beaver CityQ963096Beaver City
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q496169Furnas Countyr169367Q963096boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169368administrative8ArapahoeQ958488ArapahoeQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496169Furnas Countyr169368Q958488boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q489682Logan Countyr169369Q2721002
  • OSM boundary=administrative Stapleton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169370administrative8GandyQ2443354GandyQ751708village in the United StatesQ489682Logan Countyr169370Q2443354
  • OSM boundary=administrative Gandy is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q162560Loup Countyr169371Q685966
  • OSM boundary=administrative Taylor is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169372administrative8Silver CreekQ1993680Silver CreekQ751708village in the United StatesQ496176Merrick Countyr169372Q1993680
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Silver Creek is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169373administrative8PalmerQ919523PalmerQ751708village in the United StatesQ496176Merrick Countyr169373Q919523
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Palmer is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169374administrative8ClarksQ967924ClarksQ751708village in the United StatesQ496176Merrick Countyr169374Q967924
  • OSM boundary=administrative Clarks is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169375administrative8ChapmanQ3287927ChapmanQ751708village in the United StatesQ496176Merrick Countyr169375Q3287927
  • OSM boundary=administrative Chapman is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169376administrative8Central CityQ955593Central CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496176Merrick Countyr169376Q955593
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q495965Valley Countyr169381Q955607boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169382administrative8North LoupQ2387130North LoupQ751708village in the United StatesQ495965Valley Countyr169382Q2387130
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative North Loup is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169383administrative8ElyriaQ2781045ElyriaQ751708village in the United StatesQ495965Valley Countyr169383Q2781045
  • OSM boundary=administrative Elyria is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169384administrative8ArcadiaQ2137522ArcadiaQ751708village in the United StatesQ495965Valley Countyr169384Q2137522
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Arcadia is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169385administrative8Red CloudQ960478Red Cloud
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489687Webster Countyr169385Q960478boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169386administrative8Guide RockQ1553466Guide RockQ751708village in the United StatesQ489687Webster Countyr169386Q1553466
  • OSM boundary=administrative Guide Rock is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169387administrative8CowlesQ2123760CowlesQ751708village in the United StatesQ489687Webster Countyr169387Q2123760
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cowles is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169388administrative8Blue HillQ885727Blue HillQ1093829city in the United StatesQ489687Webster Countyr169388Q885727
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169389administrative8BladenQ1894634BladenQ751708village in the United StatesQ489687Webster Countyr169389Q1894634
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bladen is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169390administrative8Bazile MillsQ606471Bazile MillsQ486972human settlementQ502569Knox Countyr169390Q606471
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bazile Mills is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Bloomfield
  • Bloomfield Nebraska
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ502569Knox Countyr169394Q965314
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q502569Knox Countyr169395Q2613155
  • OSM boundary=administrative Center is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169396administrative8CreightonQ963206CreightonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ502569Knox Countyr169396Q963206
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169397administrative8CroftonQ959117CroftonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ502569Knox Countyr169397Q959117
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169398administrative8NiobraraQ2183452NiobraraQ751708village in the United StatesQ502569Knox Countyr169398Q2183452
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Niobrara is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169399administrative8SanteeQ2228248SanteeQ751708village in the United StatesQ7420112Santee Sioux Indian Reservationr169399Q2228248
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Santee is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169400administrative8VerdelQ3288865VerdelQ751708village in the United StatesQ502569Knox Countyr169400Q3288865
  • OSM boundary=administrative Verdel is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169401administrative8VerdigreQ513570VerdigreQ751708village in the United StatesQ502569Knox Countyr169401Q513570
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Verdigre is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169402administrative8WausaQ3289805WausaQ751708village in the United StatesQ502569Knox Countyr169402Q3289805
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Wausa is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169403administrative8WinnetoonQ2197825WinnetoonQ751708village in the United StatesQ502569Knox Countyr169403Q2197825
  • OSM boundary=administrative Winnetoon is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169404administrative8CodyQ2233494CodyQ751708village in the United StatesQ490769Cherry Countyr169404Q2233494
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cody is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169405administrative8CrookstonQ1942741CrookstonQ751708village in the United StatesQ490769Cherry Countyr169405Q1942741
  • OSM boundary=administrative Crookston is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169406administrative8KilgoreQ2683013KilgoreQ751708village in the United StatesQ490769Cherry Countyr169406Q2683013
  • OSM boundary=administrative Kilgore is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169407administrative8MerrimanQ2368653MerrimanQ751708village in the United StatesQ490769Cherry Countyr169407Q2368653
  • OSM boundary=administrative Merriman is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169408administrative8NenzelQ2499564NenzelQ751708village in the United StatesQ490769Cherry Countyr169408Q2499564
  • OSM boundary=administrative Nenzel is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169409administrative8ValentineQ961248ValentineQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490769Cherry Countyr169409Q961248boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169410administrative8Wood LakeQ2130552Wood LakeQ751708village in the United StatesQ490769Cherry Countyr169410Q2130552
  • OSM boundary=administrative Wood Lake is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q485221Dawes Countyr169411Q955662
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169412administrative8CrawfordQ963768CrawfordQ1093829city in the United StatesQ485221Dawes Countyr169412Q963768boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169413administrative8WhitneyQ2079332WhitneyQ751708village in the United StatesQ485221Dawes Countyr169413Q2079332
  • OSM boundary=administrative Whitney is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q502511Thurston Countyr169414Q2109356
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Pender is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169415administrative8RosalieQ2523461RosalieQ751708village in the United StatesQ502511Thurston Countyr169415Q2523461
  • OSM boundary=administrative Rosalie is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169416administrative8ThurstonQ2406599ThurstonQ751708village in the United StatesQ502511Thurston Countyr169416Q2406599
  • OSM boundary=administrative Thurston is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169417administrative8WalthillQ2268284WalthillQ751708village in the United StatesQ502511Thurston Countyr169417Q2268284
  • OSM boundary=administrative Walthill is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169418administrative8WinnebagoQ1912737WinnebagoQ751708village in the United StatesQ502511Thurston Countyr169418Q1912737
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Winnebago is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169419administrative8AllenQ2580094AllenQ751708village in the United StatesQ490710Dixon Countyr169419Q2580094
  • OSM boundary=administrative Allen is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169420administrative8ConcordQ1820535ConcordQ751708village in the United StatesQ490710Dixon Countyr169420Q1820535
  • Another boundary (r37507800) shares the same wikidata tag Q1820535
  • OSM boundary=administrative Concord is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169421administrative8DixonQ3291413DixonQ751708village in the United StatesQ490710Dixon Countyr169421Q3291413
  • OSM boundary=administrative Dixon is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169422administrative8MartinsburgQ931299MartinsburgQ751708village in the United StatesQ490710Dixon Countyr169422Q931299
  • OSM boundary=administrative Martinsburg is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169423administrative8MaskellQ2036505MaskellQ751708village in the United StatesQ490710Dixon Countyr169423Q2036505
  • OSM boundary=administrative Maskell is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169424administrative8NewcastleQ2187131NewcastleQ751708village in the United StatesQ490710Dixon Countyr169424Q2187131
  • OSM boundary=administrative Newcastle is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q490710Dixon Countyr169425Q955213
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169426administrative8WaterburyQ1844284WaterburyQ751708village in the United StatesQ490710Dixon Countyr169426Q1844284
  • OSM boundary=administrative Waterbury is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169427administrative8PlainviewQ957851PlainviewQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496003Pierce Countyr169427Q957851
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q496003Pierce Countyr169428Q963193
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169429administrative8OsmondQ966232OsmondQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496003Pierce Countyr169429Q966232
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169430administrative8McLeanQ1931940McLeanQ751708village in the United StatesQ496003Pierce Countyr169430Q1931940
  • OSM boundary=administrative McLean is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169431administrative8HadarQ2997540HadarQ751708village in the United StatesQ496003Pierce Countyr169431Q2997540
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hadar is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169432administrative8FosterQ2672745FosterQ751708village in the United StatesQ496003Pierce Countyr169432Q2672745
  • OSM boundary=administrative Foster is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169433administrative8TarnovQ1882766TarnovQ751708village in the United StatesQ496070Platte Countyr169433Q1882766
  • OSM boundary=administrative Tarnov is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169434administrative8Platte CenterQ743052Platte CenterQ751708village in the United StatesQ496070Platte Countyr169434Q743052
  • OSM boundary=administrative Platte Center is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169435administrative8MonroeQ3289000MonroeQ751708village in the United StatesQ496070Platte Countyr169435Q3289000
  • OSM boundary=administrative Monroe is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169436administrative8LindsayQ2169588LindsayQ751708village in the United StatesQ496070Platte Countyr169436Q2169588
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lindsay is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169437administrative8HumphreyQ969017HumphreyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496070Platte Countyr169437Q969017
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169438administrative8DuncanQ2467619DuncanQ751708village in the United StatesQ496070Platte Countyr169438Q2467619
  • OSM boundary=administrative Duncan is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169439administrative8CrestonQ1925593CrestonQ751708village in the United StatesQ496070Platte Countyr169439Q1925593
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Creston is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169440administrative8CornleaQ2295351CornleaQ751708village in the United StatesQ496070Platte Countyr169440Q2295351
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cornlea is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q496070Platte Countyr169441Q932391
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169442administrative8Newman GroveQ966502Newman GroveQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496070Platte Countyr169442Q966502
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169443administrative8HubbellQ3291431HubbellQ751708village in the United StatesQ495719Thayer Countyr169443Q3291431
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hubbell is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q495719Thayer Countyr169444Q960489
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169445administrative8GileadQ966468GileadQ751708village in the United StatesQ495719Thayer Countyr169445Q966468
  • OSM boundary=administrative Gilead is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169446administrative8DeshlerQ967657DeshlerQ1093829city in the United StatesQ495719Thayer Countyr169446Q967657
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169447administrative8DavenportQ2292624DavenportQ751708village in the United StatesQ495719Thayer Countyr169447Q2292624
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Davenport is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169448administrative8ChesterQ593245ChesterQ751708village in the United StatesQ495719Thayer Countyr169448Q593245
  • OSM boundary=administrative Chester is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169449administrative8CarletonQ2262059CarletonQ751708village in the United StatesQ495719Thayer Countyr169449Q2262059
  • OSM boundary=administrative Carleton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169450administrative8ByronQ282321ByronQ751708village in the United StatesQ495719Thayer Countyr169450Q282321
  • OSM boundary=administrative Byron is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169451administrative8BruningQ2037028BruningQ751708village in the United StatesQ495719Thayer Countyr169451Q2037028
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bruning is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169452administrative8BelvidereQ3289815BelvidereQ751708village in the United StatesQ495719Thayer Countyr169452Q3289815
  • OSM boundary=administrative Belvidere is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169453administrative8AlexandriaQ2472495AlexandriaQ751708village in the United StatesQ495719Thayer Countyr169453Q2472495
  • OSM boundary=administrative Alexandria is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169454administrative8HemingfordQ2770197HemingfordQ751708village in the United StatesQ484282Box Butte Countyr169454Q2770197
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hemingford is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q484282Box Butte Countyr169455Q964529boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169456administrative8WaunetaQ432615WaunetaQ751708village in the United StatesQ484440Chase Countyr169456Q432615
  • OSM boundary=administrative Wauneta is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169457administrative8LamarQ1809547LamarQ751708village in the United StatesQ484440Chase Countyr169457Q1809547
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lamar is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169458administrative8ImperialQ963439ImperialQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484440Chase Countyr169458Q963439boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489783Garden Countyr169459Q965063boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169460administrative8LewellenQ1817973LewellenQ751708village in the United StatesQ489783Garden Countyr169460Q1817973
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lewellen is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169461administrative8WisnerQ963632WisnerQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484470Cuming Countyr169461Q963632
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169462administrative8West PointQ967311West PointQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484470Cuming Countyr169462Q967311
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169463administrative8BeemerQ3287913BeemerQ751708village in the United StatesQ484470Cuming Countyr169463Q3287913
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Beemer is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169464administrative8BancroftQ2460565BancroftQ751708village in the United StatesQ484470Cuming Countyr169464Q2460565
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bancroft is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169465administrative8VirginiaQ2207776VirginiaQ751708village in the United StatesQ203049Gage Countyr169465Q2207776
  • OSM boundary=administrative Virginia is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169466administrative8PickrellQ2210026PickrellQ751708village in the United StatesQ203049Gage Countyr169466Q2210026
  • OSM boundary=administrative Pickrell is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169467administrative8OdellQ1867195OdellQ751708village in the United StatesQ203049Gage Countyr169467Q1867195
  • OSM boundary=administrative Odell is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169468administrative8LibertyQ2363569LibertyQ751708village in the United StatesQ203049Gage Countyr169468Q2363569
  • OSM boundary=administrative Liberty is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169469administrative8FilleyQ2583816FilleyQ751708village in the United StatesQ203049Gage Countyr169469Q2583816
  • OSM boundary=administrative Filley is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169470administrative8CortlandQ2388992CortlandQ751708village in the United StatesQ203049Gage Countyr169470Q2388992
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cortland is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169471administrative8ClatoniaQ2531959ClatoniaQ751708village in the United StatesQ203049Gage Countyr169471Q2531959
  • OSM boundary=administrative Clatonia is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q203049Gage Countyr169472Q813247
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169473administrative8BarnestonQ2609392BarnestonQ486972human settlementQ203049Gage Countyr169473Q2609392
  • OSM boundary=administrative Barneston is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169474administrative8AdamsQ3462135AdamsQ751708village in the United StatesQ203049Gage Countyr169474Q3462135
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Adams is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169475administrative8WellfleetQ655720WellfleetQ486972human settlementQ496096Lincoln Countyr169475Q655720
  • OSM boundary=administrative Wellfleet is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169476administrative8WallaceQ2260783WallaceQ751708village in the United StatesQ496096Lincoln Countyr169476Q2260783
  • OSM boundary=administrative Wallace is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169477administrative8SutherlandQ2692788SutherlandQ486972human settlementQ496096Lincoln Countyr169477Q2692788
  • OSM boundary=administrative Sutherland is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169478administrative8North PlatteQ989960North Platte
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q496096Lincoln Countyr169478Q989960boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169479administrative8MaxwellQ3288878MaxwellQ751708village in the United StatesQ496096Lincoln Countyr169479Q3288878
  • OSM boundary=administrative Maxwell is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169480administrative8HersheyQ2177405HersheyQ751708village in the United StatesQ496096Lincoln Countyr169480Q2177405
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hershey is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169481administrative8BradyQ2546926BradyQ751708village in the United StatesQ496096Lincoln Countyr169481Q2546926
  • OSM boundary=administrative Brady is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q489702Hooker Countyr169482Q1894192
  • OSM boundary=administrative Mullen is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169483administrative8Battle CreekQ957710Battle CreekQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496132Madison Countyr169483Q957710boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q496132Madison Countyr169484Q955473boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169485administrative8Meadow GroveQ2695136Meadow GroveQ751708village in the United StatesQ496132Madison Countyr169485Q2695136
  • OSM boundary=administrative Meadow Grove is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169486administrative8NorfolkQ959951NorfolkQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496132Madison Countyr169486Q959951boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169487administrative8ClintonQ2741149ClintonQ751708village in the United StatesQ495969Sheridan Countyr169487Q2741149
  • OSM boundary=administrative Clinton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169488administrative8Hay SpringsQ1976433Hay SpringsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ495969Sheridan Countyr169488Q1976433
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169489administrative8RushvilleQ936177RushvilleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ495969Sheridan Countyr169489Q936177boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169490administrative8ExeterQ2674441ExeterQ751708village in the United StatesQ496091Fillmore Countyr169490Q2674441
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Exeter is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169491administrative8FairmontQ2053885FairmontQ751708village in the United StatesQ496091Fillmore Countyr169491Q2053885
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Fairmont is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169492administrative8GenevaQ967228GenevaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496091Fillmore Countyr169492Q967228
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169493administrative8GraftonQ2237877GraftonQ751708village in the United StatesQ496091Fillmore Countyr169493Q2237877
  • OSM boundary=administrative Grafton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • city
Q496091Fillmore Countyr169494Q2274010
  • OSM boundary=administrative Milligan is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169495administrative8OhiowaQ742868OhiowaQ751708village in the United StatesQ496091Fillmore Countyr169495Q742868
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ohiowa is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169496administrative8ShickleyQ2379124ShickleyQ751708village in the United StatesQ496091Fillmore Countyr169496Q2379124
  • OSM boundary=administrative Shickley is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169497administrative8StrangQ3228062StrangQ751708village in the United StatesQ496091Fillmore Countyr169497Q3228062
  • OSM boundary=administrative Strang is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169498administrative8AtkinsonQ965125AtkinsonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496139Holt Countyr169498Q965125
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169499administrative8ChambersQ1917886ChambersQ486972human settlementQ496139Holt Countyr169499Q1917886
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Chambers is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169500administrative8EmmetQ2493010EmmetQ751708village in the United StatesQ496139Holt Countyr169500Q2493010
  • OSM boundary=administrative Emmet is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169501administrative8EwingQ2623730EwingQ751708village in the United StatesQ496139Holt Countyr169501Q2623730
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ewing is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169502administrative8InmanQ2512417InmanQ751708village in the United StatesQ496139Holt Countyr169502Q2512417
  • OSM boundary=administrative Inman is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169503administrative8O'NeillQ955191O'NeillQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496139Holt Countyr169503Q955191boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169504administrative8PageQ3288900PageQ751708village in the United StatesQ496139Holt Countyr169504Q3288900
  • OSM boundary=administrative Page is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169505administrative8StuartQ2686250StuartQ751708village in the United StatesQ496139Holt Countyr169505Q2686250
  • OSM boundary=administrative Stuart is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q496077Polk Countyr169506Q644598
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169507administrative8PolkQ2184107PolkQ751708village in the United StatesQ496077Polk Countyr169507Q2184107
  • OSM boundary=administrative Polk is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169508administrative8ShelbyQ2553526ShelbyQ751708village in the United StatesQ496077Polk Countyr169508Q2553526
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Shelby is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169509administrative8StromsburgQ968965StromsburgQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496077Polk Countyr169509Q968965
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q485058Arthur Countyr169510Q2612059
  • OSM boundary=administrative Arthur is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169511administrative8Big SpringsQ528199Big SpringsQ751708village in the United StatesQ428902Deuel Countyr169511Q528199
  • OSM boundary=administrative Big Springs is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q428902Deuel Countyr169512Q961368boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169513administrative8HamletQ934705HamletQ751708village in the United StatesQ489690Hayes Countyr169513Q934705
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hamlet is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169514administrative8Hayes CenterQ2694029Hayes Center
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q489690Hayes Countyr169514Q2694029
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hayes Center is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169515administrative8CookQ2561369CookQ751708village in the United StatesQ489677Johnson Countyr169515Q2561369
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cook is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169516administrative8Crab OrchardQ2300871Crab OrchardQ751708village in the United StatesQ489677Johnson Countyr169516Q2300871
  • OSM boundary=administrative Crab Orchard is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169517administrative8Elk CreekQ2345142Elk CreekQ751708village in the United StatesQ489677Johnson Countyr169517Q2345142
  • OSM boundary=administrative Elk Creek is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489677Johnson Countyr169518Q963382
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169519administrative8CotesfieldQ2697319CotesfieldQ486972human settlementQ496104Howard Countyr169519Q2697319
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cotesfield is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169520administrative8CushingQ3189941CushingQ751708village in the United StatesQ496104Howard Countyr169520Q3189941
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cushing is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169521administrative8DannebrogQ934055DannebrogQ486972human settlementQ496104Howard Countyr169521Q934055
  • OSM boundary=administrative Dannebrog is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169522administrative8ElbaQ2277330ElbaQ751708village in the United StatesQ496104Howard Countyr169522Q2277330
  • OSM boundary=administrative Elba is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169523administrative8FarwellQ2293334FarwellQ751708village in the United StatesQ496104Howard Countyr169523Q2293334
  • OSM boundary=administrative Farwell is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169524administrative8Howard CityQ1877359
  • Howard City
  • Boelus
Q751708village in the United StatesQ496104Howard Countyr169524Q1877359
  • OSM boundary=administrative Howard City is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169525administrative8Saint PaulQ952972St. PaulQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496104Howard Countyr169525Q952972
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Saint Paul is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169526administrative8BayardQ812107BayardQ1093829city in the United StatesQ368766Morrill Countyr169526Q812107boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169527administrative8BridgeportQ913756BridgeportQ1093829city in the United StatesQ368766Morrill Countyr169527Q913756
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169528administrative8BroadwaterQ2418481BroadwaterQ751708village in the United StatesQ368766Morrill Countyr169528Q2418481
  • OSM boundary=administrative Broadwater is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169529administrative8ClarksonQ958177ClarksonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484745Colfax Countyr169529Q958177
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169530administrative8HowellsQ963066HowellsQ751708village in the United StatesQ484745Colfax Countyr169530Q963066
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Howells is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169531administrative8LeighQ3042689LeighQ751708village in the United StatesQ484745Colfax Countyr169531Q3042689
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Leigh is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169532administrative8RichlandQ2049364RichlandQ751708village in the United StatesQ484745Colfax Countyr169532Q2049364
  • OSM boundary=administrative Richland is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169533administrative8RogersQ3287794RogersQ751708village in the United StatesQ484745Colfax Countyr169533Q3287794
  • OSM boundary=administrative Rogers is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q484745Colfax Countyr169534Q608394boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169535administrative8AnokaQ741907AnokaQ751708village in the United StatesQ484279Boyd Countyr169535Q741907
  • OSM boundary=administrative Anoka is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169536administrative8BristowQ2206798BristowQ751708village in the United StatesQ484279Boyd Countyr169536Q2206798
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bristow is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q484279Boyd Countyr169537Q2617226
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Butte is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169538administrative8GrossQ2462991GrossQ751708village in the United StatesQ484279Boyd Countyr169538Q2462991
  • OSM boundary=administrative Gross is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169539administrative8LynchQ2602213LynchQ751708village in the United StatesQ484279Boyd Countyr169539Q2602213
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lynch is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169540administrative8MonowiQ962405MonowiQ751708village in the United StatesQ484279Boyd Countyr169540Q962405
  • OSM boundary=administrative Monowi is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169541administrative8NaperQ2481835NaperQ751708village in the United StatesQ484279Boyd Countyr169541Q2481835
  • OSM boundary=administrative Naper is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169542administrative8SpencerQ3287888SpencerQ751708village in the United StatesQ484279Boyd Countyr169542Q3287888
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Spencer is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169543administrative8StockhamQ2449476StockhamQ751708village in the United StatesQ489668Hamilton Countyr169543Q2449476
  • OSM boundary=administrative Stockham is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169544administrative8PhillipsQ928106PhillipsQ751708village in the United StatesQ489668Hamilton Countyr169544Q928106
  • OSM boundary=administrative Phillips is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169545administrative8MarquetteQ2719558MarquetteQ486972human settlementQ489668Hamilton Countyr169545Q2719558
  • OSM boundary=administrative Marquette is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169546administrative8HordvilleQ2195338HordvilleQ751708village in the United StatesQ489668Hamilton Countyr169546Q2195338
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hordville is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169547administrative8HamptonQ1892691HamptonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489668Hamilton Countyr169547Q1892691
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hampton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169548administrative8GiltnerQ2179936GiltnerQ751708village in the United StatesQ489668Hamilton Countyr169548Q2179936
  • OSM boundary=administrative Giltner is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489668Hamilton Countyr169549Q777123
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169550administrative8HalseyQ2667914HalseyQ751708village in the United StatesQ2613391Blaine Countyr169550Q2667914
  • OSM boundary=administrative Halsey is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169551administrative8DunningQ2694733DunningQ751708village in the United StatesQ2613391Blaine Countyr169551Q2694733
  • OSM boundary=administrative Dunning is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169552administrative8BrewsterQ629469BrewsterQ751708village in the United StatesQ2613391Blaine Countyr169552Q629469
  • OSM boundary=administrative Brewster is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169553administrative8Saint EdwardQ966258
  • St. Edward
  • Saint Edward
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ113151Boone Countyr169553Q966258
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169554administrative8PrimroseQ2291540PrimroseQ751708village in the United StatesQ113151Boone Countyr169554Q2291540
  • OSM boundary=administrative Primrose is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169555administrative8PetersburgQ927364PetersburgQ751708village in the United StatesQ113151Boone Countyr169555Q927364
  • OSM boundary=administrative Petersburg is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169556administrative8Cedar RapidsQ2608595Cedar RapidsQ751708village in the United StatesQ113151Boone Countyr169556Q2608595
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cedar Rapids is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q113151Boone Countyr169557Q952859
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169558administrative8TrentonQ2725770TrentonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489663Hitchcock Countyr169558Q2725770
  • OSM boundary=administrative Trenton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169559administrative8StrattonQ3287878StrattonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489663Hitchcock Countyr169559Q3287878
  • OSM boundary=administrative Stratton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169560administrative8PalisadeQ2418320PalisadeQ751708village in the United StatesQ1553Nebraskar169560Q2418320
  • OSM boundary=administrative Palisade is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169561administrative8CulbertsonQ920645CulbertsonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489663Hitchcock Countyr169561Q920645
  • OSM boundary=administrative Culbertson is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q489751Sioux Countyr169562Q2046091
  • OSM boundary=administrative Harrison is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169563administrative8AshlandQ960877AshlandQ1093829city in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169563Q960877
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169564administrative8Cedar BluffsQ2456415Cedar BluffsQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169564Q2456415
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cedar Bluffs is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169565administrative8CerescoQ2080853CerescoQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169565Q2080853
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ceresco is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169566administrative8ColonQ2300879ColonQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169566Q2300879
  • OSM boundary=administrative Colon is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169567administrative8IthacaQ2806459IthacaQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169567Q2806459
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ithaca is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169568administrative8LesharaQ2518510LesharaQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169568Q2518510
  • OSM boundary=administrative Leshara is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169569administrative8MalmoQ2252991MalmoQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169569Q2252991
  • OSM boundary=administrative Malmo is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169570administrative8MeadQ2662726MeadQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169570Q2662726
  • OSM boundary=administrative Mead is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169571administrative8MemphisQ3289795MemphisQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169571Q3289795
  • OSM boundary=administrative Memphis is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169572administrative8Morse BluffQ2044499Morse BluffQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169572Q2044499
  • OSM boundary=administrative Morse Bluff is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169573administrative8PragueQ2084234PragueQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169573Q2084234
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Prague is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169574administrative8ValparaisoQ1860635ValparaisoQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169574Q1860635
  • OSM boundary=administrative Valparaiso is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q495834Saunders Countyr169576Q660140
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169577administrative8WestonQ3289798WestonQ751708village in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169577Q3289798
  • OSM boundary=administrative Weston is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Yutan
  • Clear Creek
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ495834Saunders Countyr169578Q963183
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169579administrative8BushnellQ2797437BushnellQ751708village in the United StatesQ489729Kimball Countyr169579Q2797437
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bushnell is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169580administrative8DixQ2571575DixQ751708village in the United StatesQ489729Kimball Countyr169580Q2571575
  • OSM boundary=administrative Dix is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489729Kimball Countyr169581Q955300boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169582administrative8BennetQ1943608BennetQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169582Q1943608
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169583administrative8DaveyQ2691236DaveyQ486972human settlementQ484530Lancaster Countyr169583Q2691236
  • OSM boundary=administrative Davey is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169584administrative8DentonQ3023395DentonQ751708village in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169584Q3023395
  • OSM boundary=administrative Denton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169585administrative8FirthQ2534956FirthQ751708village in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169585Q2534956
  • OSM boundary=administrative Firth is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169586administrative8HallamQ2685820HallamQ751708village in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169586Q2685820
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hallam is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169587administrative8HickmanQ963980HickmanQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169587Q963980boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • state or insular area capital of the United States
  • county seat
  • big city
Q484530Lancaster Countyr169588Q28260boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169589administrative8MalcolmQ3288872MalcolmQ751708village in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169589Q3288872
  • OSM boundary=administrative Malcolm is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169590administrative8PanamaQ3287934PanamaQ751708village in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169590Q3287934
  • OSM boundary=administrative Panama is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169591administrative8RaymondQ2119039RaymondQ751708village in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169591Q2119039
  • OSM boundary=administrative Raymond is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169592administrative8RocaQ2052169RocaQ751708village in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169592Q2052169
  • OSM boundary=administrative Roca is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169593administrative8SpragueQ2745106SpragueQ751708village in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169593Q2745106
  • OSM boundary=administrative Sprague is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169594administrative8WaverlyQ965100WaverlyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484530Lancaster Countyr169594Q965100boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169595administrative8AuburnQ957669AuburnQ1093829city in the United StatesQ489673Nemaha Countyr169595Q957669boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169596administrative8BrockQ3052848BrockQ751708village in the United StatesQ489673Nemaha Countyr169596Q3052848
  • OSM boundary=administrative Brock is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169597administrative8BrownvilleQ2179221BrownvilleQ751708village in the United StatesQ489673Nemaha Countyr169597Q2179221
  • OSM boundary=administrative Brownville is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169598administrative8JohnsonQ3289030JohnsonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489673Nemaha Countyr169598Q3289030
  • OSM boundary=administrative Johnson is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169599administrative8JulianQ2498750JulianQ751708village in the United StatesQ489673Nemaha Countyr169599Q2498750
  • OSM boundary=administrative Julian is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169600administrative8NemahaQ2541978NemahaQ751708village in the United StatesQ489673Nemaha Countyr169600Q2541978
  • OSM boundary=administrative Nemaha is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169601administrative8PeruQ965135PeruQ1093829city in the United StatesQ489673Nemaha Countyr169601Q965135boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169602administrative8BaradaQ1882325BaradaQ751708village in the United StatesQ489762Richardson Countyr169602Q1882325
  • OSM boundary=administrative Barada is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169603administrative8DawsonQ3151377DawsonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489762Richardson Countyr169603Q3151377
  • OSM boundary=administrative Dawson is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169604administrative8Falls CityQ968130Falls City
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489762Richardson Countyr169604Q968130
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169605administrative8HumboldtQ963170HumboldtQ1093829city in the United StatesQ489762Richardson Countyr169605Q963170boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169606administrative8PrestonQ3288906PrestonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489762Richardson Countyr169606Q3288906
  • OSM boundary=administrative Preston is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169607administrative8RuloQ2081724RuloQ751708village in the United StatesQ489762Richardson Countyr169607Q2081724
  • OSM boundary=administrative Rulo is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169608administrative8SalemQ2785692SalemQ751708village in the United StatesQ489762Richardson Countyr169608Q2785692
  • OSM boundary=administrative Salem is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169609administrative8ShubertQ2115013ShubertQ751708village in the United StatesQ489762Richardson Countyr169609Q2115013
  • OSM boundary=administrative Shubert is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169610administrative8StellaQ3009382StellaQ751708village in the United StatesQ489762Richardson Countyr169610Q3009382
  • OSM boundary=administrative Stella is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169611administrative8VerdonQ2148941VerdonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489762Richardson Countyr169611Q2148941
  • OSM boundary=administrative Verdon is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q484325Dundy Countyr169612Q963128boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169613administrative8HaiglerQ2138602HaiglerQ751708village in the United StatesQ484325Dundy Countyr169613Q2138602
  • OSM boundary=administrative Haigler is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169614administrative8BurtonQ3289039BurtonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489735Keya Paha Countyr169614Q3289039
  • OSM boundary=administrative Burton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q489735Keya Paha Countyr169615Q1024113
  • OSM boundary=administrative Springview is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169616administrative8AbieQ549174AbieQ751708village in the United StatesQ156500Butler Countyr169616Q549174
  • OSM boundary=administrative Abie is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169617administrative8BellwoodQ1990298BellwoodQ751708village in the United StatesQ156500Butler Countyr169617Q1990298
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bellwood is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169618administrative8BrainardQ2196172BrainardQ751708village in the United StatesQ156500Butler Countyr169618Q2196172
  • OSM boundary=administrative Brainard is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169619administrative8BrunoQ1977499BrunoQ751708village in the United StatesQ156500Butler Countyr169619Q1977499
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bruno is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169620administrative8David CityQ967338David City
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q156500Butler Countyr169620Q967338
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169621administrative8DwightQ2155585DwightQ751708village in the United StatesQ156500Butler Countyr169621Q2155585
  • OSM boundary=administrative Dwight is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169622administrative8GarrisonQ2406294GarrisonQ751708village in the United StatesQ156500Butler Countyr169622Q2406294
  • OSM boundary=administrative Garrison is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169623administrative8LinwoodQ585078LinwoodQ532villageQ156500Butler Countyr169623Q585078
  • OSM boundary=administrative Linwood is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169624administrative8OctaviaQ2657268OctaviaQ751708village in the United StatesQ156500Butler Countyr169624Q2657268
  • OSM boundary=administrative Octavia is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169625administrative8Rising CityQ2652234Rising CityQ751708village in the United StatesQ156500Butler Countyr169625Q2652234
  • OSM boundary=administrative Rising City is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169626administrative8SurpriseQ586043SurpriseQ751708village in the United StatesQ156500Butler Countyr169626Q586043
  • OSM boundary=administrative Surprise is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169627administrative8UlyssesQ3288983UlyssesQ751708village in the United StatesQ156500Butler Countyr169627Q3288983
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ulysses is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169628administrative8ElsieQ3287969ElsieQ751708village in the United StatesQ496025Perkins Countyr169628Q3287969
  • OSM boundary=administrative Elsie is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169630administrative8MadridQ2323298MadridQ751708village in the United StatesQ496025Perkins Countyr169630Q2323298
  • OSM boundary=administrative Madrid is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169631administrative8VenangoQ510095VenangoQ751708village in the United StatesQ496025Perkins Countyr169631Q510095
  • OSM boundary=administrative Venango is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169632administrative8CreteQ958049CreteQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496045Saline Countyr169632Q958049
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169633administrative8De WittQ2454171
  • De Witt
  • DeWitt
Q751708village in the United StatesQ496045Saline Countyr169633Q2454171
  • OSM boundary=administrative De Witt is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169638administrative8FriendQ967371FriendQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496045Saline Countyr169638Q967371
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169639administrative8SwantonQ2467333SwantonQ751708village in the United StatesQ496045Saline Countyr169639Q2467333
  • OSM boundary=administrative Swanton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169640administrative8TobiasQ2883112TobiasQ751708village in the United StatesQ496045Saline Countyr169640Q2883112
  • OSM boundary=administrative Tobias is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169641administrative8WesternQ1970183WesternQ751708village in the United StatesQ496045Saline Countyr169641Q1970183
  • OSM boundary=administrative Western is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q496045Saline Countyr169642Q954094
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169643administrative8RoselandQ2741211RoselandQ751708village in the United StatesQ112823Adams Countyr169643Q2741211
  • OSM boundary=administrative Roseland is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169644administrative8ProsserQ2564140ProsserQ751708village in the United StatesQ112823Adams Countyr169644Q2564140
  • OSM boundary=administrative Prosser is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169645administrative8KenesawQ3287854KenesawQ751708village in the United StatesQ112823Adams Countyr169645Q3287854
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Kenesaw is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169646administrative8JuniataQ2653589JuniataQ751708village in the United StatesQ112823Adams Countyr169646Q2653589
  • OSM boundary=administrative Juniata is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169647administrative8HolsteinQ2308955HolsteinQ751708village in the United StatesQ112823Adams Countyr169647Q2308955
  • OSM boundary=administrative Holstein is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q112823Adams Countyr169648Q959512boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169649administrative8TrumbullQ2779586TrumbullQ751708village in the United StatesQ112823Adams Countyr169649Q2779586
  • OSM boundary=administrative Trumbull is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q489787Gosper Countyr169650Q2061397
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Elwood is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169651administrative8SmithfieldQ2331533SmithfieldQ751708village in the United StatesQ489787Gosper Countyr169651Q2331533
  • OSM boundary=administrative Smithfield is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169652administrative8StamfordQ591415StamfordQ486972human settlementQ496086Harlan Countyr169652Q591415
  • OSM boundary=administrative Stamford is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169653administrative8Republican CityQ2751339Republican CityQ751708village in the United StatesQ496086Harlan Countyr169653Q2751339
  • OSM boundary=administrative Republican City is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169654administrative8RaganQ3264098RaganQ751708village in the United StatesQ496086Harlan Countyr169654Q3264098
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ragan is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169655administrative8OrleansQ2105387OrleansQ751708village in the United StatesQ496086Harlan Countyr169655Q2105387
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Orleans is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169656administrative8HuntleyQ2441683HuntleyQ751708village in the United StatesQ496086Harlan Countyr169656Q2441683
  • OSM boundary=administrative Huntley is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169657administrative8AlmaQ963116AlmaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496086Harlan Countyr169657Q963116
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169658administrative8GenoaQ958138GenoaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ489716Nance Countyr169658Q958138
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489716Nance Countyr169659Q957906
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169660administrative8BelgradeQ2745909BelgradeQ751708village in the United StatesQ489716Nance Countyr169660Q2745909
  • OSM boundary=administrative Belgrade is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169661administrative8SuperiorQ966416SuperiorQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496146Nuckolls Countyr169661Q966416
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169662administrative8RuskinQ1863589RuskinQ751708village in the United StatesQ496146Nuckolls Countyr169662Q1863589
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ruskin is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169663administrative8OakQ1290758OakQ486972human settlementQ496146Nuckolls Countyr169663Q1290758
  • OSM boundary=administrative Oak is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169664administrative8NoraQ2774868NoraQ751708village in the United StatesQ496146Nuckolls Countyr169664Q2774868
  • OSM boundary=administrative Nora is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169665administrative8NelsonQ952899NelsonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496146Nuckolls Countyr169665Q952899boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169666administrative8LawrenceQ2124666LawrenceQ751708village in the United StatesQ496146Nuckolls Countyr169666Q2124666
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lawrence is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169667administrative8HardyQ3287868HardyQ751708village in the United StatesQ496146Nuckolls Countyr169667Q3287868
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hardy is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169668administrative8LoomisQ2914486LoomisQ751708village in the United StatesQ496115Phelps Countyr169668Q2914486
  • OSM boundary=administrative Loomis is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169669administrative8FunkQ3287830FunkQ751708village in the United StatesQ496115Phelps Countyr169669Q3287830
  • OSM boundary=administrative Funk is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169670administrative8BertrandQ3291419BertrandQ751708village in the United StatesQ496115Phelps Countyr169670Q3291419
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bertrand is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169671administrative8AtlantaQ2121266AtlantaQ751708village in the United StatesQ496115Phelps Countyr169671Q2121266
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Atlanta is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q490678Red Willow Countyr169672Q961951boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169673administrative8LebanonQ2086418LebanonQ751708village in the United StatesQ490678Red Willow Countyr169673Q2086418
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lebanon is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169674administrative8IndianolaQ958112IndianolaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490678Red Willow Countyr169674Q958112boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169675administrative8DanburyQ2660336DanburyQ751708village in the United StatesQ490678Red Willow Countyr169675Q2660336
  • OSM boundary=administrative Danbury is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169676administrative8BartleyQ2718295BartleyQ751708village in the United StatesQ490678Red Willow Countyr169676Q2718295
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bartley is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169677administrative8SpringfieldQ966736SpringfieldQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496009Sarpy Countyr169677Q966736boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q496009Sarpy Countyr169678Q960468
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169679administrative8La VistaQ959456La VistaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496009Sarpy Countyr169679Q959456boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169680administrative8GretnaQ954341GretnaQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496009Sarpy Countyr169680Q954341boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169681administrative8BellevueQ643040BellevueQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496009Sarpy Countyr169681Q643040
  • FIXME: out dated
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169682administrative8UticaQ2707199UticaQ751708village in the United StatesQ124637Seward Countyr169682Q2707199
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Utica is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169683administrative8StaplehurstQ2323038StaplehurstQ751708village in the United StatesQ124637Seward Countyr169683Q2323038
  • OSM boundary=administrative Staplehurst is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q124637Seward Countyr169684Q966224
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169685administrative8Pleasant DaleQ1865474Pleasant DaleQ751708village in the United StatesQ124637Seward Countyr169685Q1865474
  • OSM boundary=administrative Pleasant Dale is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169686administrative8MilfordQ966215MilfordQ1093829city in the United StatesQ124637Seward Countyr169686Q966215
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169687administrative8GoehnerQ2139400GoehnerQ751708village in the United StatesQ124637Seward Countyr169687Q2139400
  • OSM boundary=administrative Goehner is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Garland
  • Germantown
Q751708village in the United StatesQ124637Seward Countyr169688Q2489848
  • OSM boundary=administrative Garland is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169689administrative8CordovaQ3289062CordovaQ751708village in the United StatesQ124637Seward Countyr169689Q3289062
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cordova is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169690administrative8BeeQ526618BeeQ751708village in the United StatesQ124637Seward Countyr169690Q526618
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bee is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169691administrative8Beaver CrossingQ3074124Beaver CrossingQ751708village in the United StatesQ124637Seward Countyr169691Q3074124
  • OSM boundary=administrative Beaver Crossing is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169692administrative8CarrollQ2952644CarrollQ751708village in the United StatesQ485291Wayne Countyr169692Q2952644
  • OSM boundary=administrative Carroll is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169693administrative8HoskinsQ2151109HoskinsQ751708village in the United StatesQ485291Wayne Countyr169693Q2151109
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hoskins is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169694administrative8SholesQ2124002SholesQ751708village in the United StatesQ485291Wayne Countyr169694Q2124002
  • OSM boundary=administrative Sholes is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169695administrative8WakefieldQ963155WakefieldQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490710Dixon Countyr169695Q963155
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q485291Wayne Countyr169696Q956989
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169697administrative8WinsideQ2561560WinsideQ751708village in the United StatesQ485291Wayne Countyr169697Q2561560
  • OSM boundary=administrative Winside is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169698administrative8HyannisQ2092551HyannisQ751708village in the United StatesQ339175Grant Countyr169698Q2092551
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hyannis is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489747Rock Countyr169699Q286114boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169700administrative8NewportQ389299NewportQ751708village in the United StatesQ489747Rock Countyr169700Q389299
  • OSM boundary=administrative Newport is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169701administrative8ArlingtonQ428980ArlingtonQ532villageQ495979Washington Countyr169701Q428980
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Arlington is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q495979Washington Countyr169702Q881164
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169703administrative8Fort CalhounQ967173Fort CalhounQ1093829city in the United StatesQ495979Washington Countyr169703Q967173
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169704administrative8HermanQ2013041HermanQ751708village in the United StatesQ495979Washington Countyr169704Q2013041
  • OSM boundary=administrative Herman is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169705administrative8KennardQ2181665KennardQ751708village in the United StatesQ495979Washington Countyr169705Q2181665
  • OSM boundary=administrative Kennard is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169706administrative8WashingtonQ2029442WashingtonQ751708village in the United StatesQ495979Washington Countyr169706Q2029442
  • OSM boundary=administrative Washington is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169707administrative8BenedictQ2167814BenedictQ751708village in the United StatesQ489648York Countyr169707Q2167814
  • OSM boundary=administrative Benedict is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169708administrative8BradshawQ944750BradshawQ751708village in the United StatesQ489648York Countyr169708Q944750
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bradshaw is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169709administrative8GreshamQ733427GreshamQ751708village in the United StatesQ489648York Countyr169709Q733427
  • OSM boundary=administrative Gresham is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169710administrative8HendersonQ955449HendersonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ489648York Countyr169710Q955449
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169711administrative8LushtonQ3288860LushtonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489648York Countyr169711Q3288860
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lushton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169712administrative8ThayerQ2091820ThayerQ751708village in the United StatesQ489648York Countyr169712Q2091820
  • OSM boundary=administrative Thayer is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169713administrative8WacoQ3289023WacoQ751708village in the United StatesQ489648York Countyr169713Q3289023
  • OSM boundary=administrative Waco is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489648York Countyr169714Q656815
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169715administrative8CraigQ579847CraigQ751708village in the United StatesQ113041Burt Countyr169715Q579847
  • OSM boundary=administrative Craig is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169716administrative8DecaturQ2512082DecaturQ751708village in the United StatesQ113041Burt Countyr169716Q2512082
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Decatur is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169717administrative8LyonsQ963140LyonsQ1093829city in the United StatesQ113041Burt Countyr169717Q963140
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169719administrative8OaklandQ961992OaklandQ1093829city in the United StatesQ113041Burt Countyr169719Q961992
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169720administrative8TekamahQ959071TekamahQ1093829city in the United StatesQ113041Burt Countyr169720Q959071
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169721administrative8BeldenQ3097310BeldenQ751708village in the United StatesQ490779Cedar Countyr169721Q3097310
  • OSM boundary=administrative Belden is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169722administrative8ColeridgeQ2415367ColeridgeQ751708village in the United StatesQ490779Cedar Countyr169722Q2415367
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Coleridge is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169723administrative8FordyceQ3287845FordyceQ751708village in the United StatesQ490779Cedar Countyr169723Q3287845
  • OSM boundary=administrative Fordyce is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q490779Cedar Countyr169724Q957393boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • human settlement
Q490779Cedar Countyr169725Q966374
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169726administrative8MagnetQ2452942MagnetQ751708village in the United StatesQ490779Cedar Countyr169726Q2452942
  • OSM boundary=administrative Magnet is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169727administrative8ObertQ2518076ObertQ751708village in the United StatesQ490779Cedar Countyr169727Q2518076
  • OSM boundary=administrative Obert is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169728administrative8RandolphQ964105RandolphQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490779Cedar Countyr169728Q964105
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169729administrative8St. HelenaQ2719563St. HelenaQ751708village in the United StatesQ490779Cedar Countyr169729Q2719563
  • OSM boundary=administrative St. Helena is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169730administrative8WynotQ2413875WynotQ751708village in the United StatesQ490779Cedar Countyr169730Q2413875
  • OSM boundary=administrative Wynot is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Tilden
  • City of Tilden
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ492310Antelope Countyr169731Q955426
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169732administrative8RoyalQ2195799RoyalQ751708village in the United StatesQ492310Antelope Countyr169732Q2195799
  • OSM boundary=administrative Royal is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169733administrative8OrchardQ3287822OrchardQ751708village in the United StatesQ492310Antelope Countyr169733Q3287822
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Orchard is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169734administrative8OakdaleQ2169791OakdaleQ751708village in the United StatesQ492310Antelope Countyr169734Q2169791
  • OSM boundary=administrative Oakdale is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q492310Antelope Countyr169735Q920445boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169736administrative8ElginQ966246ElginQ1093829city in the United StatesQ492310Antelope Countyr169736Q966246
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169737administrative8ClearwaterQ1099563ClearwaterQ751708village in the United StatesQ492310Antelope Countyr169737Q1099563
  • OSM boundary=administrative Clearwater is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169738administrative8BrunswickQ2758102BrunswickQ751708village in the United StatesQ492310Antelope Countyr169738Q2758102
  • OSM boundary=administrative Brunswick is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169739administrative8Long PineQ957991Long PineQ1093829city in the United StatesQ485239Brown Countyr169739Q957991boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169740administrative8JohnstownQ1024096JohnstownQ751708village in the United StatesQ485239Brown Countyr169740Q1024096
  • OSM boundary=administrative Johnstown is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q485239Brown Countyr169741Q406128boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169742administrative8SidneyQ966516SidneyQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484771Cheyenne Countyr169742Q966516boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169743administrative8PotterQ2606007PotterQ751708village in the United StatesQ484771Cheyenne Countyr169743Q2606007
  • OSM boundary=administrative Potter is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169744administrative8LodgepoleQ2145324LodgepoleQ751708village in the United StatesQ484771Cheyenne Countyr169744Q2145324
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lodgepole is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169745administrative8GurleyQ2389913GurleyQ751708village in the United StatesQ484771Cheyenne Countyr169745Q2389913
  • OSM boundary=administrative Gurley is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169746administrative8DaltonQ2010003DaltonQ751708village in the United StatesQ484771Cheyenne Countyr169746Q2010003
  • OSM boundary=administrative Dalton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169747administrative8SargentQ963756SargentQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490671Custer Countyr169747Q963756boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169748administrative8OcontoQ2098696OcontoQ751708village in the United StatesQ490671Custer Countyr169748Q2098696
  • OSM boundary=administrative Oconto is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169749administrative8MernaQ2264075MernaQ751708village in the United StatesQ490671Custer Countyr169749Q2264075
  • OSM boundary=administrative Merna is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169750administrative8Mason CityQ2329456Mason CityQ751708village in the United StatesQ490671Custer Countyr169750Q2329456
  • OSM boundary=administrative Mason City is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169751administrative8ComstockQ3007555ComstockQ751708village in the United StatesQ490671Custer Countyr169751Q3007555
  • OSM boundary=administrative Comstock is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169752administrative8CallawayQ2688403CallawayQ751708village in the United StatesQ490671Custer Countyr169752Q2688403
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Callaway is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169753administrative8Broken BowQ925730Broken Bow
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q490671Custer Countyr169753Q925730
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169754administrative8BerwynQ971120BerwynQ751708village in the United StatesQ490671Custer Countyr169754Q971120
  • OSM boundary=administrative Berwyn is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • human settlement
Q490671Custer Countyr169755Q2879387
  • OSM boundary=administrative Arnold is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169756administrative8AnsleyQ957708AnsleyQ751708village in the United StatesQ490671Custer Countyr169756Q957708
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ansley is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169757administrative8AnselmoQ2610611AnselmoQ751708village in the United StatesQ490671Custer Countyr169757Q2610611
  • OSM boundary=administrative Anselmo is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169758administrative8BenningtonQ965343BenningtonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ490695Douglas Countyr169758Q965343boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • big city
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q490695Douglas Countyr169759Q43199
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Omaha is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [district] does not match
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169760administrative8WaterlooQ2032707WaterlooQ751708village in the United StatesQ490695Douglas Countyr169760Q2032707
  • OSM boundary=administrative Waterloo is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169761administrative8RockvilleQ2692918RockvilleQ751708village in the United StatesQ495799Sherman Countyr169761Q2692918
  • OSM boundary=administrative Rockville is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169762administrative8Loup CityQ966895Loup City
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q495799Sherman Countyr169762Q966895
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169763administrative8LitchfieldQ741284LitchfieldQ751708village in the United StatesQ495799Sherman Countyr169763Q741284
  • OSM boundary=administrative Litchfield is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169764administrative8HazardQ2250557HazardQ751708village in the United StatesQ495799Sherman Countyr169764Q2250557
  • OSM boundary=administrative Hazard is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169765administrative8AshtonQ3289809AshtonQ751708village in the United StatesQ495799Sherman Countyr169765Q3289809
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ashton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169766administrative8EricsonQ2782751EricsonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489610Wheeler Countyr169766Q2782751
  • OSM boundary=administrative Ericson is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • village in the United States
  • county seat
Q489610Wheeler Countyr169767Q1910500
  • OSM boundary=administrative Bartlett is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169769administrative8PaxtonQ2053040PaxtonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489659Keith Countyr169769Q2053040
  • OSM boundary=administrative Paxton is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489659Keith Countyr169770Q663854boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169771administrative8BruleQ731766BruleQ751708village in the United StatesQ489659Keith Countyr169771Q731766
  • OSM boundary=administrative Brule is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169772administrative8Table RockQ3287944Table RockQ751708village in the United StatesQ489684Pawnee Countyr169772Q3287944
  • OSM boundary=administrative Table Rock is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169773administrative8SteinauerQ2161350SteinauerQ751708village in the United StatesQ489684Pawnee Countyr169773Q2161350
  • OSM boundary=administrative Steinauer is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169774administrative8Pawnee CityQ958076Pawnee City
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q489684Pawnee Countyr169774Q958076boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169775administrative8LewistonQ2320466LewistonQ751708village in the United StatesQ489684Pawnee Countyr169775Q2320466
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lewiston is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169776administrative8Du BoisQ3014538Du BoisQ751708village in the United StatesQ489684Pawnee Countyr169776Q3014538
  • OSM boundary=administrative Du Bois is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169777administrative8BurchardQ649943BurchardQ751708village in the United StatesQ489684Pawnee Countyr169777Q649943
  • OSM boundary=administrative Burchard is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q495985Stanton Countyr169778Q952873
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169779administrative8PilgerQ2274992PilgerQ751708village in the United StatesQ495985Stanton Countyr169779Q2274992
  • OSM boundary=administrative Pilger is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169780administrative8MorrillQ590780MorrillQ751708village in the United StatesQ495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169780Q590780
  • OSM boundary=administrative Morrill is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169781administrative8MitchellQ957830MitchellQ1093829city in the United StatesQ495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169781Q957830boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169782administrative8MinatareQ963106MinatareQ1093829city in the United StatesQ495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169782Q963106boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169783administrative8MelbetaQ2661809MelbetaQ751708village in the United StatesQ495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169783Q2661809
  • OSM boundary=administrative Melbeta is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169784administrative8McGrewQ2648890McGrewQ751708village in the United StatesQ495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169784Q2648890
  • OSM boundary=administrative McGrew is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169785administrative8LymanQ1917881LymanQ751708village in the United StatesQ495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169785Q1917881
  • OSM boundary=administrative Lyman is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169786administrative8HenryQ2373423HenryQ751708village in the United StatesQ495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169786Q2373423
  • Another boundary (r37513019) shares the same wikidata tag Q2373423
  • OSM boundary=administrative Henry is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q495990Scotts Bluff Countyr169787Q967351boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169788administrative8MacyQ963605MacyQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ502511Thurston Countyr169788Q963605
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
  • OSM boundary=administrative Macy is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r169789censusHarrisburgQ2541735HarrisburgQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ484509Banner Countyr169789Q2541735boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r169790censusLiscoQ966695LiscoQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ489783Garden Countyr169790Q966695boundary=census is set but place=* is unexpected
r252209administrative8Pine BluffsQ1028517Pine BluffsQ15127012town in the United StatesQ483982Laramie Countyr252209Q1028517
  • OSM boundary=administrative Pine Bluffs is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r15824144administrative7Covington Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15824145administrative7Dakota Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15824291administrative7Omadi Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15824407administrative7Woodbury Townshipboundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r15824417administrative7Emerson Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15828081administrative7St. Johns Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15828082administrative7Hubbard Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15829168administrative7Ponca Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15829223administrative7Ottercreek Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15829231administrative7Emerson Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839912administrative7Wakefield Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839913administrative7Silvercreek Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839914administrative7Newcastle Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839915administrative7Hooker Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839916administrative7Daily Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839917administrative7Clark Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839918administrative7Springbank Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839919administrative7Wakefield Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839920administrative7Logan Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839921administrative7Concord Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15839964administrative7Precinct 2
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15840382administrative7Precinct 4
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15840425administrative7Precinct 5
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15840426administrative7Precinct 6
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15840427administrative7Precinct 7
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843162administrative7Precinct 8
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843163administrative7Precinct 9
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843164administrative7Precinct 9A
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843212administrative7Precinct 10
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843358administrative7Precinct 11
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843359administrative7Precinct 12
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843360administrative7Precinct 13
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843361administrative7Precinct 14
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843362administrative7Precinct 15
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843364administrative7Precinct 17
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843365administrative7Precinct 18
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843366administrative7Precinct 19
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843367administrative7Precinct 20
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15843368administrative7Precinct 21
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15847480administrative7McArdle Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15847517administrative7Chicago Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15884414administrative7Bowen Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15884415administrative7Sheep Creek Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15884416administrative7Whistle Creek Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15930526administrative7North Frankfort Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r15930527administrative7Frankfort Township
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18496375administrative7Douglas Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18496401administrative7Highland II Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18496402administrative7Highland I Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18496403administrative7Bellevue Second I Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18504330administrative7Waterloo Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18504331administrative7Platte Valley Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18504332administrative7Elkhorn Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18504333administrative7Jefferson Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18504334administrative7Union Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18504335administrative7Florence Precinct
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18508004administrative7Precinct 05
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18508005administrative7Precinct 04
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18508006administrative7Precinct 03
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18508007administrative7Precinct 01
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18508008administrative7Precinct 02
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
AgnewAgnew is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AmesAmes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ArcherArcher is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AtenAten is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Beacon ViewBeacon View is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Beaver LakeBeaver Lake is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BelmarBelmar is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BereaBerea is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Bow ValleyBow Valley is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BrownleeBrownlee is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Buccaneer BayBuccaneer Bay is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ChampionChampion is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CheneyCheney is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
EmeraldEmerald is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
EndersEnders is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
FontanelleFontanelle is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GlenwoodGlenwood is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HolmesvilleHolmesville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
InavaleInavale is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
InlandInland is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
KeystoneKeystone is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
King LakeKing Lake is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
KramerKramer is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LakeviewLakeview is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake WacondaLake Waconda is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
La PlatteLa Platte is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LemoyneLemoyne is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LindyLindy is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Linoma BeachLinoma Beach is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LorenzoLorenzo is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LorettoLoretto is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MacyMacy is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MartellMartell is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MartinMartin is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MaxMax is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MeliaMelia is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
OdessaOdessa is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Offutt AFBOffutt AFB is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
OverlandOverland is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ParksParks is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PoolePoole is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Prairie HomePrairie Home is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PrestonPreston is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PrincetonPrinceton is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
RaevilleRaeville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
RichfieldRichfield is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
RoscoeRoscoe is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
St. LiborySt. Libory is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SarbenSarben is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SenecaSeneca is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SunolSunol is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
TamoraTamora is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
TryonTryon is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
VeniceVenice is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WaltonWalton is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WannWann is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WestervilleWesterville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
White ClayWhite Clay is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Willow IslandWillow Island is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Woodland HillsWoodland Hills is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Woodland ParkWoodland Park is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Yankee HillYankee Hill is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GrantGrant (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
St. EdwardSt. Edward (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
St. PaulSt. Paul (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
Q934664Vinton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyVinton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Morton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyMorton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Morton Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q941679,Q6914959
Q339203Atkinson TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyAtkinson Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q577788Inman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyInman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Prairie Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyPrairie Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Prairie Creek Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q386055,Q7237845,Q7237849
Q539023Riverdale TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyRiverdale Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q305388Bryant TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyBryant Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q301333Logan Township, Knox County, NebraskaQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyLogan Township, Knox County, Nebraska is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Harrison Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Harrison Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Harrison Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q510739,Q5665915,Q9039909
Blaine TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyBlaine Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Blaine Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q522374,Q2917643,Q4923990,Q4923999
Q431366Ash Grove TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ485623Franklin CountyAsh Grove Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q611569Salem TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ485623Franklin CountySalem Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Washington TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ485623Franklin CountyWashington Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Washington Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q429202,Q6032374,Q7972392,Q10937664
Q946952Holt Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyHolt Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Cedar TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyCedar Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cedar Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q283947,Q5056913,Q5056916
Q952972St. PaulQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496104Howard CountySt. Paul is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Scott TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyScott Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Scott Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q949014,Q7437401
Q922941Wayne TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyWayne Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q951047McCulley TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484279Boyd CountyMcCulley Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q387949Industry-Rock Falls TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyIndustry-Rock Falls Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q388374Shell Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyShell Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Beaver TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyBeaver Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Beaver Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q547029,Q4878200
Bohemia TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyBohemia Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Bohemia Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q538804,Q4938083
Chapman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyChapman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Chapman Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q522184,Q5073326
Q513953Leicester TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountyLeicester Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q630422Galena TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490710Dixon CountyGalena Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q966258St. EdwardQ1093829city in the United StatesQ113151Boone CountySt. Edward is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q960575Olive TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyOlive Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Lincoln TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyLincoln Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lincoln Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q955923,Q6551069,Q6551093,Q6551108,Q6551120,Q5685524
Q959358GrantQ1093829city in the United StatesQ496025Perkins CountyGrant is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2886147Winnebago TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyWinnebago Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2878273Coleman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyColeman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4709402Albany TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyAlbany Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4791463Arizona TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountyArizona Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4795284Arnold TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyArnold Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4867504Basin TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484279Boyd CountyBasin Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4883681Belle Prairie TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyBelle Prairie Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4929904Blue Springs-Wymore TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyBlue Springs-Wymore Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4969147Bristow TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484279Boyd CountyBristow Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2668729BrinkhavenQ108569739village of Ohio
  • Knox County
  • Union Township
Brinkhaven is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Blaine TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyBlaine Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Blaine Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q522374,Q2917643,Q4923990,Q4923999
Franklin TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyFranklin Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Franklin Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q2881852,Q5491909
Grant TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyGrant Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Grant Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q2879688,Q5390563,Q5596498,Q5596496,Q5596512,Q5596522,Q9039567
Q2889070Pleasant Valley TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyPleasant Valley Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q1922336Odessa TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyOdessa Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4883158Bell Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountyBell Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2882754Webster TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyWebster Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4770703Ansley TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyAnsley Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4924601Blakely TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyBlakely Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4973335Broken Bow TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyBroken Bow Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2840952Butte TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484279Boyd CountyButte Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4681295Addison TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyAddison Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2890610Elm Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyElm Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Central TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyCentral Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Central Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5061931,Q5061928
Q4733613Alma TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyAlma Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4680425Adams TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyAdams Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4805285Ashland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyAshland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2839858Mead TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyMead Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Blaine TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyBlaine Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Blaine Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q522374,Q2917643,Q4923990,Q4923999
Blaine TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyBlaine Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Blaine Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q522374,Q2917643,Q4923990,Q4923999
Q4896052Berwyn TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyBerwyn Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5002667Butler TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyButler Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2918038Bush TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484279Boyd CountyBush Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4785175Arcadia TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyArcadia Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Center TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ496152Hall CountyCenter Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Center Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5059366,Q5059368,Q5059415,Q5059425,Q9037369
Center TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ496152Hall CountyCenter Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Center Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5059366,Q5059368,Q5059415,Q5059425,Q9037369
Center TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ496152Hall CountyCenter Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Center Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5059366,Q5059368,Q5059415,Q5059425,Q9037369
Center TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ496152Hall CountyCenter Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Center Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5059366,Q5059368,Q5059415,Q5059425,Q9037369
Q5000519Burrows TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyBurrows Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q1921895Woodville TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyWoodville Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q2837586Rusco TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyRusco Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Cedar TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyCedar Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cedar Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q283947,Q5056913,Q5056916
Cedar TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyCedar Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cedar Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q283947,Q5056913,Q5056916
Q4721546Alexis TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyAlexis Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4724189Algernon TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyAlgernon Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Anderson TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyAnderson Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Anderson Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q4754206,Q4754209
Anderson TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyAnderson Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Anderson Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q4754206,Q4754209
Q4854171Bancroft TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyBancroft Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4792513Armada TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyArmada Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4861576Barneston TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyBarneston Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Beaver TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyBeaver Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Beaver Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q547029,Q4878200
Q4879870Beemer TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyBeemer Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4889755Bennett TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyBennett Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Bismark TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyBismark Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Bismark Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q4918328,Q4918329
Bismark TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyBismark Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Bismark Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q4918328,Q4918329
Bohemia TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyBohemia Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Bohemia Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q538804,Q4938083
Q972110Rockford TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyRockford Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4999698Burnett TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyBurnett Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4883702Belle TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyBelle Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4980440Bryan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyBryan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q4875199Bazile TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyBazile Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Antelope TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyAntelope Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Antelope Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q4771179,Q4771191,Q4771189
Antelope TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyAntelope Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Antelope Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q4771179,Q4771191,Q4771189
Antelope TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyAntelope Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Antelope Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q4771179,Q4771191,Q4771189
Q4831642Ayr TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ112823Adams CountyAyr Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Oak Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyOak Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Oak Creek Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q1921189,Q7073453
Q971228Blackbird TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyBlackbird Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5176221Council Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyCouncil Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5482625Francis TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyFrancis Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5184026Creighton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyCreighton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5522625Gardner TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyGardner Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5181538Craig TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountyCraig Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
West Blue TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyWest Blue Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,West Blue Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5485529,Q5940196
Q5414177Raymond TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyRaymond Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5392240Rock Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyRock Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5331376Eaton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyEaton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5317146Dustin TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyDustin Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5090146Chelsea TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyChelsea Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5171627Corner TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyCorner Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5174280Cosmo TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyCosmo Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5248807Decatur TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountyDecatur Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5330529Eastern TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyEastern Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5337497Edgar TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountyEdgar Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5360067Elgin TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyElgin Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5420097Exeter-Fairmont Consolidated TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyExeter-Fairmont Consolidated Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5491936Milburn TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyMilburn Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5508310Fullerton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyFullerton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Cuming TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyCuming Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cuming Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5194090,Q5194092
Cuming TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyCuming Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cuming Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5194090,Q5194092
Q5329041East Newman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyEast Newman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5368520Elyria TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyElyria Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5128592Clatonia TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyClatonia Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5161243Conley TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyConley Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5175596Cotterell TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyCotterell Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5253956Delight TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyDelight Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5302751Dowling TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyDowling Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Elm TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyElm Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Elm Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5366348,Q5366349
Elm TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyElm Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Elm Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5366348,Q5366349
Q5361037Elim TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyElim Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5366166Ellsworth TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyEllsworth Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5484945Leshara TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyLeshara Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5502765Frenchtown TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyFrenchtown Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Central TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyCentral Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Central Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5061931,Q5061928
Q5150152Columbus TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyColumbus Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5184624Creston TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyCreston Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5241877Davis Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyDavis Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5289660Dolphin TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyDolphin Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5301544Douglas Grove TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyDouglas Grove Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5259791Denver TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ112823Adams CountyDenver Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Elkhorn TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyElkhorn Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Elkhorn Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5364288,Q5364289
Elkhorn TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyElkhorn Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Elkhorn Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5364288,Q5364289
Q5380360Enterprise TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyEnterprise Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Eldorado TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountyEldorado Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Eldorado Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5354117,Q7994558
Emerson TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyEmerson Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Emerson Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q932773,Q5370937
Q5448823Filley TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyFilley Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5462038Flournoy TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyFlournoy Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5476718Sartoria TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountySartoria Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5390446Williamsburg TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyWilliamsburg Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5492509Joliet TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyJoliet Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5093746Chester TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyChester Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Cleveland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyCleveland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cleveland Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5132275,Q5132276,Q5132280
Cleveland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyCleveland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cleveland Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5132275,Q5132276,Q5132280
Cleveland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyCleveland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cleveland Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5132275,Q5132276,Q5132280
Q5149868Columbia TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyColumbia Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5147410Collins TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyCollins Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5157706Comstock TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyComstock Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Grant TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyGrant Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Grant Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q2879688,Q5390563,Q5596498,Q5596496,Q5596512,Q5596522,Q9039567
Q5132785Cliff TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyCliff Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Franklin TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyFranklin Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Franklin Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q2881852,Q5491909
Divide TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyDivide Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Divide Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5284010,Q5284008
Divide TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyDivide Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Divide Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5284010,Q5284008
Cottonwood TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyCottonwood Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cottonwood Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5175838,Q5175843,Q5175846
Cottonwood TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyCottonwood Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cottonwood Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5175838,Q5175843,Q5175846
Cottonwood TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyCottonwood Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Cottonwood Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5175838,Q5175843,Q5175846
Q5411263Eureka TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyEureka Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5242317Dawes TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyDawes Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5254311Deloit TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyDeloit Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5364000Elk Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyElk Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Everett TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountyEverett Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Everett Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5417076,Q5417077
Everett TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountyEverett Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Everett Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5417076,Q5417077
Q5328198East Custer TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyEast Custer Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5336930Eden TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyEden Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5364147Elk TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyElk Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5302041Douglas TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyDouglas Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5373499Emmet TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyEmmet Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5390571Roseland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ112823Adams CountyRoseland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Fairfield TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyFairfield Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Fairfield Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5430360,Q5430370
Fairfield TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyFairfield Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Fairfield Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5430360,Q5430370
Q5430882Fairview TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyFairview Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Sheridan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountySheridan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Sheridan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5485677,Q7494924,Q7494935
Q5069668Chambers TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyChambers Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Chapman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyChapman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Chapman Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q522184,Q5073326
Q5130705Clear Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyClear Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Custer TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyCuster Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Custer Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5196318,Q7995217
Garfield TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyGarfield Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Garfield Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5523107,Q5523111,Q5523109,Q5523113,Q5523131
Garfield TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyGarfield Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Garfield Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5523107,Q5523111,Q5523109,Q5523113,Q5523131
Garfield TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyGarfield Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Garfield Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5523107,Q5523111,Q5523109,Q5523113,Q5523131
Q5127707Clarksville TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyClarksville Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5130966Clearwater TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyClearwater Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5092339Cherry Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyCherry Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5400430Lillian TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyLillian Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5413290Geranium TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyGeranium Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5419054Ewing TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyEwing Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Valley TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyValley Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Valley Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5410908,Q7912228
Logan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyLogan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Logan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q373463,Q5413773,Q5549418,Q5792570,Q6667183,Q6667186,Q6667188,Q6667194,Q6667210,Q7995104
Q6837780Michigan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyMichigan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6763256Marietta TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyMarietta Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6773812Marshall TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountyMarshall Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6064705Iowa TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyIowa Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6796606May TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyMay Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5533042Geneva TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyGeneva Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5533438Genoa TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyGenoa Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Lincoln TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyLincoln Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lincoln Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q955923,Q6551069,Q6551093,Q6551108,Q6551120,Q5685524
Lincoln TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyLincoln Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lincoln Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q955923,Q6551069,Q6551093,Q6551108,Q6551120,Q5685524
Lincoln TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyLincoln Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lincoln Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q955923,Q6551069,Q6551093,Q6551108,Q6551120,Q5685524
Lincoln TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyLincoln Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lincoln Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q955923,Q6551069,Q6551093,Q6551108,Q6551120,Q5685524
Logan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyLogan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Logan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q373463,Q5413773,Q5549418,Q5792570,Q6667183,Q6667186,Q6667188,Q6667194,Q6667210,Q7995104
Q5579892Golden TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyGolden Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5597722Grattan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyGrattan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Liberty TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyLiberty Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Liberty Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6542039,Q6542044,Q6542077,Q6542133
Liberty TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyLiberty Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Liberty Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6542039,Q6542044,Q6542077,Q6542133
Liberty TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyLiberty Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Liberty Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6542039,Q6542044,Q6542077,Q6542133
Liberty TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyLiberty Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Liberty Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6542039,Q6542044,Q6542077,Q6542133
Lake Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Lake Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lake Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6478121,Q5656628,Q9041108
Q5744041Herrick TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyHerrick Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6765534Mariposa TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyMariposa Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Logan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyLogan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Logan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q373463,Q5413773,Q5549418,Q5792570,Q6667183,Q6667186,Q6667188,Q6667194,Q6667210,Q7995104
Q5559909Swan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountySwan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6897105Momence TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyMomence Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6728151Madison TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyMadison Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6902382Monroe TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyMonroe Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6948639Myrtle TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyMyrtle Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5898401Hooper TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyHooper Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Hooker TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyHooker Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Hooker Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5898080,Q5898087
West Blue TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyWest Blue Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,West Blue Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5485529,Q5940196
Hayes TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyHayes Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Hayes Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5686651,Q5686667
Hayes TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyHayes Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Hayes Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5686651,Q5686667
Q6017332Independent TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyIndependent Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Midland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyMidland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Midland Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6842461,Q6842467
Midland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyMidland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Midland Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6842461,Q6842467
Q6474095Laird TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyLaird Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5592573Grafton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyGrafton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5569500Glenwood TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyGlenwood Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6555182Linwood TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyLinwood Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Logan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyLogan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Logan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q373463,Q5413773,Q5549418,Q5792570,Q6667183,Q6667186,Q6667188,Q6667194,Q6667210,Q7995104
Logan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyLogan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Logan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q373463,Q5413773,Q5549418,Q5792570,Q6667183,Q6667186,Q6667188,Q6667194,Q6667210,Q7995104
Logan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyLogan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Logan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q373463,Q5413773,Q5549418,Q5792570,Q6667183,Q6667186,Q6667188,Q6667194,Q6667210,Q7995104
Logan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyLogan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Logan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q373463,Q5413773,Q5549418,Q5792570,Q6667183,Q6667186,Q6667188,Q6667194,Q6667210,Q7995104
Logan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyLogan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Logan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q373463,Q5413773,Q5549418,Q5792570,Q6667183,Q6667186,Q6667188,Q6667194,Q6667210,Q7995104
Lone Tree TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyLone Tree Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lone Tree Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6671503,Q6671508
Lone Tree TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyLone Tree Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lone Tree Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6671503,Q6671508
Q6709250Lynn TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountyLynn Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6859271Miller TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyMiller Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6820479Merry TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyMerry Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5642762Omaha TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyOmaha Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Loup TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyLoup Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Loup Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6689695,Q6689706,Q7994732,Q7995117
Loup TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyLoup Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Loup Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6689695,Q6689706,Q7994732,Q7995117
Q5652701Monterey TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyMonterey Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6872607Mirage TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyMirage Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6683985Lost Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyLost Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6649208Little Blue TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ112823Adams CountyLittle Blue Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6934133Mullally TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyMullally Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Neligh TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyNeligh Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Neligh Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5857316,Q6989984
Q6754005Maple TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyMaple Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Morton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyMorton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Morton Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q941679,Q6914959
Q5941671Humphrey TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyHumphrey Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Washington TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ485623Franklin CountyWashington Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Washington Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q429202,Q6032374,Q7972392,Q10937664
Q6406844Kilfoil TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyKilfoil Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6708459Lynch TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484279Boyd CountyLynch Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6800411McClure TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyMcClure Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Neligh TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyNeligh Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Neligh Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5857316,Q6989984
Q6083165Island Grove TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyIsland Grove Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5568550Glengary TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyGlengary Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6313036Juniata TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ112823Adams CountyJuniata Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5594905Grand Prairie TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyGrand Prairie Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5603331Green TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyGreen Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Harrison Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Harrison Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Harrison Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q510739,Q5665915,Q9039909
Grant TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyGrant Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Grant Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q2879688,Q5390563,Q5596498,Q5596496,Q5596512,Q5596522,Q9039567
Grant TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyGrant Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Grant Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q2879688,Q5390563,Q5596498,Q5596496,Q5596512,Q5596522,Q9039567
Grant TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyGrant Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Grant Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q2879688,Q5390563,Q5596498,Q5596496,Q5596512,Q5596522,Q9039567
Grant TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyGrant Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Grant Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q2879688,Q5390563,Q5596498,Q5596496,Q5596512,Q5596522,Q9039567
Lincoln TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyLincoln Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lincoln Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q955923,Q6551069,Q6551093,Q6551108,Q6551120,Q5685524
Q5762375Hill TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyHill Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5648420Marble TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyMarble Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5645190Hamilton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496091Fillmore CountyHamilton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Hanover TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyHanover Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Hanover Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5649440,Q5649445
Hanover TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyHanover Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Hanover Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5649440,Q5649445
Lake Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Lake Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lake Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6478121,Q5656628,Q9041108
Q5603394Green Valley TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyGreen Valley Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5569404Glenvil TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountyGlenvil Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5638726Holt TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyHolt Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5596970Granville TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyGranville Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q5657240Pohocco TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyPohocco Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Garfield TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyGarfield Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Garfield Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5523107,Q5523111,Q5523109,Q5523113,Q5523131
Garfield TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyGarfield Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Garfield Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5523107,Q5523111,Q5523109,Q5523113,Q5523131
Q5646115Kenesaw TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ112823Adams CountyKenesaw Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6175648Jefferson TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyJefferson Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7711556Thayer TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyThayer Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7580546Spring Grove TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountySpring Grove Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7580858Springdale TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountySpringdale Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7796564Thornton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyThornton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7076621Oconee TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyOconee Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7158524Pebble TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyPebble Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7018495Newman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyNewman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Oak Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyOak Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Oak Creek Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q1921189,Q7073453
Q7330352Richardson TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyRichardson Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Riverside TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyRiverside Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Riverside Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7338632,Q7338636
Riverside TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyRiverside Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Riverside Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7338632,Q7338636
Q7169957Perry TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyPerry Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7573845Sparta TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountySparta Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7431904Schneider TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountySchneider Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7045805Noble TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyNoble Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7566400South Branch TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountySouth Branch Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7576199Spencer TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484279Boyd CountySpencer Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Scott TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyScott Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Scott Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q949014,Q7437401
Q7618093Stocking TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyStocking Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7238003Prairie TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyPrairie Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7580468Spring Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountySpring Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Platte TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyPlatte Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Platte Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7202504,Q7202505,Q7202511
Platte TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyPlatte Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Platte Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7202504,Q7202505,Q7202511
Platte TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyPlatte Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Platte Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7202504,Q7202505,Q7202511
Q7490234Sharon TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountySharon Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7237859Prairie Dog TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyPrairie Dog Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7844562Triumph TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyTriumph Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7330691Richland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyRichland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7374931Royal TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyRoyal Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7415784Sand Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountySand Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7880952Ulysses TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyUlysses Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Sheridan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountySheridan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Sheridan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5485677,Q7494924,Q7494935
Sheridan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountySheridan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Sheridan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5485677,Q7494924,Q7494935
Q7627185Stuart TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyStuart Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7385246Ryno TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyRyno Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7074060Oakland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountyOakland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7507524Sicily TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountySicily Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7016775Newark TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyNewark Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7536935Skull Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountySkull Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Ord TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyOrd Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Ord Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7100362,Q7100364
Ord TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyOrd Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Ord Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7100362,Q7100364
Q7166163Peoria TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyPeoria Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7103276Orleans TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyOrleans Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7423935Sargent TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountySargent Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7427896Savannah TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountySavannah Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7054718North Cedar TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyNorth Cedar Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7516166Silver Lake TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ1553NebraskaSilver Lake Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7093679Oneida TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyOneida Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7423392Saratoga TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountySaratoga Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7432162School Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountySchool Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Summit TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountySummit Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Summit Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7637886,Q7637888
Summit TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountySummit Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Summit Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7637886,Q7637888
Q7162401Pender TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502511Thurston CountyPender Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Sherman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountySherman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Sherman Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7495239,Q7495242,Q7495245,Q7495258,Q7495267
Sherman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountySherman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Sherman Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7495239,Q7495242,Q7495245,Q7495258,Q7495267
Sherman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountySherman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Sherman Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7495239,Q7495242,Q7495245,Q7495258,Q7495267
Sherman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountySherman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Sherman Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7495239,Q7495242,Q7495245,Q7495258,Q7495267
Sherman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountySherman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Sherman Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7495239,Q7495242,Q7495245,Q7495258,Q7495267
Q7587307St. Bernard TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountySt. Bernard Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Stanton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyStanton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Stanton Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7600282,Q7994675
Q7332768Ridgeley TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyRidgeley Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7073817Oakdale TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyOakdale Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7830246Township 7Q64138263township of NebraskaQ495979Washington CountyTownship 7 is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7830232Township 2Q64138263township of NebraskaQ495979Washington CountyTownship 2 is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7494035Shelton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyShelton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7830222Township 1Q64138263township of NebraskaQ495979Washington CountyTownship 1 is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Turkey Creek TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyTurkey Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Turkey Creek Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7855062,Q10836541
Q7572777Spade TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountySpade Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7496200Shields TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyShields Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Paddock TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyPaddock Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Paddock Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7123375,Q7123373
Paddock TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyPaddock Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Paddock Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7123375,Q7123373
Q7170184Pershing TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountyPershing Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7204116Pleasant View TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyPleasant View Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7272301Quinnebaugh TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountyQuinnebaugh Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7421035Sappa TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountySappa Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7300405Read TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyRead Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7605662Steel Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountySteel Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7650330Sutton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountySutton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7056003North Loup TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyNorth Loup Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Prairie Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyPrairie Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Prairie Creek Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q386055,Q7237845,Q7237849
Prairie Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyPrairie Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Prairie Creek Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q386055,Q7237845,Q7237849
Q7804647Timber Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyTimber Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7237916Prairie Island TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyPrairie Island Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7587536St. Charles TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountySt. Charles Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7314579Republican City TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyRepublican City Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7317529Reuben TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyReuben Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7566737South Cedar TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountySouth Cedar Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7300577Reading TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyReading Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7354427Rock Falls TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyRock Falls Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7580664Spring Ranch TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountySpring Ranch Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q6990911Nemaha TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyNemaha Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q9040501Jackson Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Jackson Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Harrison Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Harrison Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Harrison Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q510739,Q5665915,Q9039909
Grant TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyGrant Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Grant Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q2879688,Q5390563,Q5596498,Q5596496,Q5596512,Q5596522,Q9039567
Center TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ496152Hall CountyCenter Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Center Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5059366,Q5059368,Q5059415,Q5059425,Q9037369
Q7928413Vieregg TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyVieregg Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7989724Westside TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyWestside Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994547Loup Ferry TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyLoup Ferry Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994841Zero TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ112823Adams CountyZero Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Eldorado TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountyEldorado Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Eldorado Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5354117,Q7994558
Q7988595Westerville TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyWesterville Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994533Harvard TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountyHarvard Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994650Gibbon TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyGibbon Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994762Josie TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyJosie Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7995031Mullen TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484279Boyd CountyMullen Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Wood River Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Wood River Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Wood River Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7994995,Q9046531
Q9037116Cameron Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Cameron Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Union TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyUnion Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Union Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7886187,Q7886215,Q7886255,Q7886297,Q10748446
Union TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyUnion Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Union Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7886187,Q7886215,Q7886255,Q7886297,Q10748446
Union TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyUnion Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Union Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7886187,Q7886215,Q7886255,Q7886297,Q10748446
Union TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyUnion Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Union Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7886187,Q7886215,Q7886255,Q7886297,Q10748446
Q7988390Western TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyWestern Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Silver Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountySilver Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Silver Creek Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7994896,Q7995067
Silver Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ113041Burt CountySilver Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Silver Creek Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7994896,Q7995067
Washington TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ485623Franklin CountyWashington Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Washington Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q429202,Q6032374,Q7972392,Q10937664
Q7994866Crawford TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyCrawford Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994702Lowell TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ507266Kearney CountyLowell Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994827Willow TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyWillow Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7986740West Union TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyWest Union Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994774Shamrock TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyShamrock Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7922366Verona TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ112823Adams CountyVerona Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7963610Walnut Grove TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyWalnut Grove Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7967144Wanda TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ1553NebraskaWanda Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7986070West Newman TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ489716Nance CountyWest Newman Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994881Bone Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyBone Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7995208Morse Bluff TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyMorse Bluff Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Valley TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484488Buffalo CountyValley Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Valley Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5410908,Q7912228
Custer TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyCuster Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Custer Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q5196318,Q7995217
Highland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyHighland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Highland Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7994641,Q7994856
Highland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ203049Gage CountyHighland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Highland Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7994641,Q7994856
Logan TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyLogan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Logan Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q373463,Q5413773,Q5549418,Q5792570,Q6667183,Q6667186,Q6667188,Q6667194,Q6667210,Q7995104
Q7995126Scandinavia TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496086Harlan CountyScandinavia Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7927100Victoria TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490671Custer CountyVictoria Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Stanton TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ492310Antelope CountyStanton Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Stanton Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7600282,Q7994675
Q7959836Wahoo TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyWahoo Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7962333Walker TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496070Platte CountyWalker Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7989070Westmark TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496115Phelps CountyWestmark Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994597Lewis TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountyLewis Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994629Niobrara TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyNiobrara Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Loup TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyLoup Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Loup Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6689695,Q6689706,Q7994732,Q7995117
Q7994625Wyoming TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyWyoming Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Loup TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496176Merrick CountyLoup Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Loup Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6689695,Q6689706,Q7994732,Q7995117
Q7995166Plum Creek TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ156500Butler CountyPlum Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7995044Wisner TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ484470Cuming CountyWisner Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7995057Yale TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495965Valley CountyYale Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7994582Nickerson TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490703Dodge CountyNickerson Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q9035844Township 5Q64138263township of NebraskaQ495979Washington CountyTownship 5 is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7995192Inland TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ490740Clay CountyInland Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7921128Verdigre TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ502569Knox CountyVerdigre Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Verdigris TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyVerdigris Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Verdigris Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7921132,Q7921133
Verdigris TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyVerdigris Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Verdigris Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7921132,Q7921133
Q7994812Willowdale TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ496139Holt CountyWillowdale Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Wood River Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Wood River Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Wood River Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7994995,Q9046531
Washington TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ485623Franklin CountyWashington Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Washington Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q429202,Q6032374,Q7972392,Q10937664
Q10835616Doniphan Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Doniphan Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q9042941North Franklin TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyNorth Franklin Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q9042124Mayfield Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Mayfield Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q9044703South Loup Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
South Loup Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q11694006Township 6Q64138263township of NebraskaQ495979Washington CountyTownship 6 is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q9044718South Platte Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
South Platte Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q10835290Alda Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Alda Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q10836073Marion TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyMarion Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q10835636East Bloomington TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyEast Bloomington Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q10836079Martin TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ496152Hall CountyMartin Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Turkey Creek TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyTurkey Creek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Turkey Creek Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7855062,Q10836541
Union TownshipQ64138263township of NebraskaQ495834Saunders CountyUnion Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Union Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q7886187,Q7886215,Q7886255,Q7886297,Q10748446
Lake Township
  • township in the United States
  • township of Nebraska
  • Hall County
  • Nebraska
Lake Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Lake Township is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q6478121,Q5656628,Q9041108
Q9041867Macon TownshipQ28111township in the United StatesQ485623Franklin CountyMacon Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM

Bulk Edit Tools

The following JOSM filters can be used to identify groups of objects that may need attention:

Admin boundaries that might be CDPs

This JOSM filter will highlight admin boundaries that might be CDPs based on the presence of a wikidata property that indicates a CDP or unincorporated community.

type:relation (id:169327 OR id:169788)