Updated on Wed Mar 12 2025 00:31:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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admin_level Map view (overpass)
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Findings: 85
@idboundaryadmin_levelnamewikidatawikidata_nameP31instance ofP131contained in admin entityP402P402_reverseflags
  • Boundary tagging on closed way instead of relation
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Tag type=boundary is expected but actual value is type=
r198653administrative8CenterfieldQ482795CenterfieldQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484577Sanpete Countyr198653Q482795Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
r198714administrative8UintahQ482693UintahQ1093829city in the United StatesQ26754Weber Countyr198714Q482693Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
r198752administrative8VineyardQ482435VineyardQ1093829city in the United StatesQ27229Utah Countyr198752Q482435Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • city in the United States
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • township of Utah
Q484556Salt Lake Countyr198762Q255187
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • township of Utah
Q484556Salt Lake Countyr198764Q3306750
  • Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • Draper
  • Draper City
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ484556Salt Lake Countyr198772Q482888P1448 exists in Wikidata but no official_name in OSM. Use node tagspark.js P1448 official_name to copy this value to OSM.
r198779administrative8ToquervilleQ483289ToquervilleQ1093829city in the United StatesQ27240Washington Countyr198779Q483289
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Toquerville is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [town] does not match
r198827censusCacheQ2453003Cache JunctionQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ109790Cache Countyr198827Q2453003Wikidata name mismatch
r198830censusSnydervilleQ3044377South Snyderville BasinQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ484563Summit Countyr198830Q3044377, Q6130571
  • FIXME: boundary is significantly out of date
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • Erda
  • Bates
  • Batesville
  • city
  • census-designated place in the United States
Q484548Tooele Countyr198832Q2246041
  • Erda is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [village] does not match
  • Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
  • OSM boundary=administrative Erda is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • town in the United States
Q26622San Juan Countyr198841Q886112OSM boundary=census Bluff is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
r198892administrative8BallardQ483104BallardQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484559Uintah Countyr198892Q483104Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
r198913administrative8AltaQ116129AltaQ15127012town in the United StatesQ484556Salt Lake Countyr198913Q116129boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r198918administrative8Saint GeorgeQ52472
  • St. George
  • Saint George
  • St George
  • City of St. George
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q27240Washington Countyr198918Q52472
  • P1448 exists in Wikidata but no official_name in OSM. Use node tagspark.js P1448 official_name to copy this value to OSM.
  • short_name exists in OSM but no P1813 in Wikidata
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q484548Tooele Countyr198966Q482937boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
r198968administrative8WendoverQ255781WendoverQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484548Tooele Countyr198968Q255781boundary=administrative is set but place=* is unexpected
  • Randolph
  • Randoph
  • town in the United States
  • county seat
Q26907Rich Countyr198972Q130014Randolph is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [city] does not match
r199011administrative8White CityQ2475654White CityQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484556Salt Lake Countyr199011Q2475654
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r8274663administrative8PageQ79940PageQ1093829city in the United StatesQ58684Coconino Countyr8274663Q79940
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • OSM boundary=administrative Page is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r9157989administrative8Dutch JohnQ5317323Dutch JohnQ15127012town in the United StatesQ111304Daggett CountyMissing OSM Relation ID (P402) in wikidata
r9161935administrative8Cedar HighlandsQ85845617Cedar HighlandsQ486972human settlementQ26723Iron County
  • FIXME: According to wikipedia, was disincorporated in 2020. Should this change admin_level?
  • Missing OSM Relation ID (P402) in wikidata
  • OSM boundary=administrative Cedar Highlands is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r9172179administrative8HideoutQ483360HideoutQ15127012town in the United StatesQ26766Wasatch Countyr9172179Q483360Hideout is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [city] does not match
r9172190administrative8Independenceboundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r9172193administrative8InterlakenQ30626276InterlakenQ15127012town in the United StatesQ26766Wasatch Countyr9172193Q30626276Interlaken is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [city] does not match
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • township of Utah
Q484556Salt Lake Countyr11106509Q5168859Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
r11106601administrative8Emigration CanyonQ5371118Emigration CanyonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ484556Salt Lake CountyMissing OSM Relation ID (P402) in wikidata
r13695127administrative7Shiprock Agency
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r16069602censusPine ValleyQ7195402Pine ValleyQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ27240Washington CountyMissing OSM Relation ID (P402) in wikidata
r16069610census8VeyoQ3709559VeyoQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ27240Washington County
  • Missing OSM Relation ID (P402) in wikidata
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r16069614administrative8Dammeron Valley
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r16069617administrative8Beryl Junction
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r16069633administrative8Spanish Valley
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r17150898censusGreenehavenQ106483778GreenehavenQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ816Arizonar17150898Q106483778OSM boundary=census Greenehaven is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Brighton
  • Silver Lake
  • Silverlake
Q15127012town in the United StatesQ484556Salt Lake County
  • Missing OSM Relation ID (P402) in wikidata
  • Brighton is on Census Bureau list(s) but border_type [village] does not match
Beryl JunctionBeryl Junction is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BluebellBluebell is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BonanzaBonanza is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CarbonvilleCarbonville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Cedar HighlandsCedar Highlands is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
CentralCentral is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Clear CreekClear Creek is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Dammeron ValleyDammeron Valley is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
DeseretDeseret is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
East BasinEast Basin is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
EchoEcho is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
EdenEden is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
EnterpriseEnterprise is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Flaming GorgeFlaming Gorge is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Hobble CreekHobble Creek is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
HoytsvilleHoytsville is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
JensenJensen is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
KenilworthKenilworth is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LapointLapoint is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
LibertyLiberty is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
MarionMarion is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ModenaModena is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Mountain GreenMountain Green is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
NewcastleNewcastle is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
OasisOasis is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
PeoaPeoa is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Spanish ValleySpanish Valley is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Spring GlenSpring Glen is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SummitSummit is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SundanceSundance is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
SutherlandSutherland is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ThatcherThatcher is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Thompson SpringsThompson Springs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
WanshipWanship is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
West WoodWest Wood is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Wolf CreekWolf Creek is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BluffBluff (town) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of towns
Q482805Heber City
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q26766Wasatch CountyHeber City is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q483005SunnysideQ1093829city in the United StatesQ156467Carbon CountySunnyside is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q104857009Ogden ValleyQ1053448census county divisionQ26754Weber CountyOgden Valley is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q116686620ElginQ1093829city in the United StatesQ27041Grand CountyElgin is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q7884928Unified Fire Authority
  • fire department
  • special-purpose district of the United States
Q484556Salt Lake CountyUnified Fire Authority is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • town in the United States
Q484548Tooele CountyOphir is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q483387East CarbonQ1093829city in the United StatesQ156467Carbon CountyEast Carbon is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • town in the United States
Q26622San Juan CountyBluff is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q9042346Millcreek TownshipQ17351862township of UtahQ484556Salt Lake CountyMillcreek Township is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM

Bulk Edit Tools

The following JOSM filters can be used to identify groups of objects that may need attention:

Admin boundaries that might be CDPs

This JOSM filter will highlight admin boundaries that might be CDPs based on the presence of a wikidata property that indicates a CDP or unincorporated community.

type:relation (id:198762 OR id:198764 OR id:198832 OR id:11106509)