Total number of cities and towns: 249
Name | Wikidata ID |
Addison | Q353095 |
Albany | Q2255535 |
Alburgh | Q125722 |
Andover | Q3450729 |
Arlington | Q675558 |
Athens | Q755427 |
Averill | Q1973943 |
Bakersfield | Q804403 |
Baltimore | Q3475794 |
Barnard | Q3447648 |
Barnet | Q808466 |
Barre | Q26071 |
Barton | Q1868852 |
Belvidere | Q2049372 |
Bennington | Q817921 |
Benson | Q2972244 |
Berkshire | Q820960 |
Berlin | Q821245 |
Bethel | Q3447829 |
Bloomfield | Q1974810 |
Bolton | Q1955332 |
Bradford | Q2065378 |
Braintree | Q2068656 |
Brandon | Q2972302 |
Brattleboro | Q899813 |
Bridgewater | Q3447795 |
Bridport | Q1870856 |
Brighton | Q1975372 |
Bristol | Q1871330 |
Brookfield | Q2068923 |
Brookline | Q929233 |
Brownington | Q2970457 |
Brunswick | Q239128 |
Burke | Q1016371 |
Burlington | Q31058 |
Cabot | Q2932446 |
Calais | Q3476693 |
Cambridge | Q1028276 |
Canaan | Q1976018 |
Castleton | Q1049714 |
Cavendish | Q2605450 |
Charleston | Q2970668 |
Charlotte | Q1957159 |
Chelsea | Q1025389 |
Chester | Q594920 |
Chittenden | Q2972399 |
Clarendon | Q2972468 |
Colchester | Q978718 |
Concord | Q1124066 |
Corinth | Q2069517 |
Cornwall | Q1874151 |
Coventry | Q2970785 |
Craftsbury | Q2970916 |
Danby | Q2972574 |
Danville | Q1165177 |
Derby | Q1199967 |
Dorset | Q1903749 |
Dover | Q1252918 |
Dummerston | Q1265111 |
Duxbury | Q3450983 |
East Haven | Q1977565 |
East Montpelier | Q3450958 |
Eden | Q510896 |
Elmore | Q2050719 |
Enosburgh | Q1343620 |
Essex | Q1004241 |
Essex Junction | Q648356 |
Fair Haven | Q515582 |
Fairfax | Q1393213 |
Fairfield | Q1393235 |
Fairlee | Q2069687 |
Fayston | Q3447682 |
Ferdinand | Q1978632 |
Ferrisburgh | Q1874592 |
Fletcher | Q1266094 |
Franklin | Q1445178 |
Georgia | Q1343132 |
Glastenbury | Q968879 |
Glover | Q2971135 |
Goshen | Q1875742 |
Grafton | Q1541896 |
Granby | Q3475803 |
Grand Isle | Q935257 |
Granville | Q1876087 |
Greensboro | Q2971268 |
Groton | Q1947759 |
Guildhall | Q1978874 |
Guilford | Q1303191 |
Halifax | Q1571057 |
Hancock | Q1574301 |
Hardwick | Q1398082 |
Hartford | Q1587168 |
Hartland | Q1587245 |
Highgate | Q538976 |
Hinesburg | Q1619395 |
Holland | Q2971418 |
Hubbardton | Q2972727 |
Huntington | Q580341 |
Hyde Park | Q2051042 |
Ira | Q3450934 |
Irasburg | Q2971562 |
Isle La Motte | Q1674261 |
Jamaica | Q3450853 |
Jay | Q2971740 |
Jericho | Q1016601 |
Johnson | Q2057226 |
Killington | Q3475658 |
Kirby | Q1948170 |
Landgrove | Q1904173 |
Leicester | Q1877569 |
Lemington | Q1985696 |
Lewis | Q1986821 |
Lincoln | Q1892234 |
Londonderry | Q3709175 |
Lowell | Q960284 |
Ludlow | Q4555213 |
Lunenburg | Q1987253 |
Lyndon | Q1388877 |
Maidstone | Q1987599 |
Manchester | Q1905654 |
Marlboro | Q1902003 |
Marshfield | Q3461515 |
Mendon | Q265798 |
Middlebury | Q1012392 |
Middlesex | Q3450947 |
Middletown Springs | Q3447705 |
Milton | Q1789757 |
Monkton | Q1893148 |
Montgomery | Q1946270 |
Montpelier | Q26426 |
Moretown | Q3475608 |
Morgan | Q2971886 |
Morristown | Q1948575 |
Mount Holly | Q3451033 |
Mount Tabor | Q628146 |
New Haven | Q1893816 |
Newark | Q1943656 |
Newbury | Q2305017 |
Newfane | Q127187 |
Newport | Q677144 |
North Hero | Q913819 |
Northfield | Q1406285 |
Norton | Q587817 |
Norwich | Q1510465 |
Orange | Q2305582 |
Orwell | Q1894250 |
Panton | Q1894544 |
Pawlet | Q3447840 |
Peacham | Q1949894 |
Peru | Q1939667 |
Pittsfield | Q3448335 |
Pittsford | Q3450885 |
Plainfield | Q254788 |
Plymouth | Q1787251 |
Pomfret | Q3475877 |
Poultney | Q428418 |
Pownal | Q1940266 |
Proctor | Q585846 |
Putney | Q1439416 |
Randolph | Q1441076 |
Reading | Q3448267 |
Readsboro | Q1940658 |
Richford | Q2151175 |
Richmond | Q1965047 |
Ripton | Q1894816 |
Rochester | Q3447851 |
Rockingham | Q1621936 |
Roxbury | Q3448179 |
Royalton | Q2881960 |
Rupert | Q1941446 |
Rutland | Q25893 |
Ryegate | Q1941995 |
Salisbury | Q1896512 |
Sandgate | Q1941770 |
Searsburg | Q1942150 |
Shaftsbury | Q945602 |
Sharon | Q584609 |
Sheffield | Q1950928 |
Shelburne | Q1018289 |
Sheldon | Q1973448 |
Shoreham | Q1773335 |
Shrewsbury | Q3447716 |
Somerset | Q3475688 |
South Burlington | Q26065 |
South Hero | Q1608619 |
Springfield | Q40212 |
St. Albans | Q1787559 |
St. George | Q1967687 |
St. Johnsbury | Q1014607 |
Stamford | Q1942888 |
Stannard | Q1493781 |
Starksboro | Q1897250 |
Stockbridge | Q3475769 |
Stowe | Q550498 |
Strafford | Q2305933 |
Stratton | Q3475749 |
Sudbury | Q3046583 |
Sunderland | Q517708 |
Sutton | Q1951793 |
Swanton | Q2047233 |
Thetford | Q2348131 |
Tinmouth | Q3447816 |
Topsham | Q2348463 |
Townshend | Q516557 |
Troy | Q2744193 |
Tunbridge | Q2348930 |
Underhill | Q1968018 |
Vergennes | Q1004225 |
Vernon | Q2305724 |
Vershire | Q2349256 |
Victory | Q1988355 |
VT | Q15781420 |
Waitsfield | Q3447805 |
Walden | Q1952608 |
Wallingford | Q3447784 |
Waltham | Q1898137 |
Wardsboro | Q3448347 |
Warren | Q3447658 |
Washington | Q2349496 |
Waterbury | Q1374855 |
Waterford | Q1953098 |
Waterville | Q2058158 |
Weathersfield | Q2121536 |
Wells | Q3450994 |
West Fairlee | Q2349802 |
West Haven | Q3475668 |
West Rutland | Q2747123 |
West Windsor | Q2121542 |
Westfield | Q2972094 |
Westford | Q1968338 |
Westminster | Q2121414 |
Westmore | Q2305692 |
Weston | Q515736 |
Weybridge | Q1550726 |
Wheelock | Q1822271 |
Whiting | Q1898618 |
Whitingham | Q3450876 |
Williamstown | Q2350079 |
Williston | Q1819030 |
Wilmington | Q370101 |
Windham | Q3475819 |
Windsor | Q1939361 |
Winhall | Q1943225 |
Winooski | Q993232 |
Wolcott | Q2057928 |
Woodbury | Q3475788 |
Woodford | Q1943692 |
Woodstock | Q1012397 |
Worcester | Q3447671 |
Total number of cities and towns: 249