Updated on Wed Mar 12 2025 00:26:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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Findings: 73
@idboundaryadmin_levelnamewikidatawikidata_nameP31instance ofP131contained in admin entityP402P402_reverseflags
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • city in the United States
  • consolidated city-county
Q512981Haines Boroughr110769Q79546Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
r2222359administrative8StewartQ795211StewartQ3327871district municipalityQ2138250Regional District of Kitimat-Stikiner2222359Q795211
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • OSM boundary=administrative Stewart is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • Wrangell
  • Fort Wrangell
  • City and Borough of Wrangell
  • city in the United States
  • consolidated city-county
Q797Alaskar2605235Q43983official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r2605254census6Aleutians West Census AreaQ185533
  • Aleutians West Census Area
  • Aleutians West
Q56064719census area of AlaskaQ1474662Unorganized Boroughr2605254Q185533
  • OSM boundary=census Aleutians West Census Area is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
  • short_name exists in OSM but no P1813 in Wikidata
r2605260census6Bethel Census AreaQ500312Bethel Census AreaQ56064719census area of AlaskaQ1474662Unorganized Boroughr2605260Q500312
  • OSM boundary=census Bethel Census Area is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r2605270census6Dillingham Census AreaQ277728Dillingham Census AreaQ56064719census area of AlaskaQ1474662Unorganized Boroughr2605270Q277728
  • FIXME: State missing from address
  • does not show w/ Nominatim state=Alaska: https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=jsonv2&county=Dillingham%20Census%20Area&state=Alaska&country=United%20States
  • OSM boundary=census Dillingham Census Area is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
  • Hoonah–Angoon Census Area
  • Hoonah-Angoon Census Area
  • Hoonah-Angoon
Q56064719census area of AlaskaQ1474662Unorganized Boroughr2605280Q500827
  • OSM boundary=census Hoonah-Angoon is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
  • Juneau
  • City and Borough of Juneau
  • city in the United States
  • consolidated city-county
Q56404707Greater Juneau Boroughr2605281Q29445
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r2605295census6NomeQ503023Nome Census AreaQ56064719census area of AlaskaQ1474662Unorganized Boroughr2605295Q503023
  • OSM boundary=census Nome is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
  • Sitka
  • City and Borough of Sitka
  • New Archangel
  • city in the United States
  • consolidated city-county
Q13046085Greater Sitka Boroughr2605309Q79804
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
  • Skagway
  • Municipality and Borough of Skagway
  • city in the United States
  • consolidated city-county
  • Wikidata instance of city (Q1093829) but border_type is not city
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r2605314census6Southeast FairbanksQ500845
  • Southeast Fairbanks Census Area
  • Southeast Fairbanks
Q56064719census area of AlaskaQ1474662Unorganized Boroughr2605314Q500845
  • OSM boundary=census Southeast Fairbanks is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r2605315census6Copper RiverQ91481796Copper River Census AreaQ56064719census area of AlaskaQ1474662Unorganized Boroughr2605315Q508618, Q91481796
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • OSM boundary=census Copper River is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r2605316census6Kusilvak Census AreaQ379474
  • Kusilvak Census Area
  • Wade Hampton Census Area
Q56064719census area of AlaskaQ1474662Unorganized Boroughr2605316Q379474
  • OSM boundary=census Kusilvak Census Area is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
  • Yakutat
  • City and Borough of Yakutat
  • city
  • consolidated city-county
  • Relation has an admin_centre member, which is incorrect for a municipality
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r2605324censusExcursion InletQ1837535
  • Excursion Inlet
  • Ḵuyeiḵ’ L’e.aan
Q498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ512981Haines Boroughr2605324Q1837535P1448 exists in Wikidata but no official_name in OSM. Use node tagspark.js P1448 official_name to copy this value to OSM.
  • Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area
  • Yukon-Koyukuk
Q56064719census area of AlaskaQ1474662Unorganized Boroughr2605326Q500818
  • OSM boundary=census Yukon-Koyukuk is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
  • Utqiagvik
  • Ukpiaġvik
  • Ukpeaġvik
  • Utqiaġvik
  • Barrow
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ511806North Slope Boroughr8765267Q79809P1448 exists in Wikidata but no official_name in OSM. Use node tagspark.js P1448 official_name to copy this value to OSM.
r9561050censusYukon, Unorganized [census subdivison]Q16902364Unorganized YukonQ3518810unorganized area of CanadaQ2009Yukonr9561050Q16902364
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • OSM says CDP but wikidata is missing CDP statement
  • OSM boundary=census Yukon, Unorganized [census subdivison] is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Atka
  • Атка
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ185533Aleutians West Census Arear10810954Q748556P1448 exists in Wikidata but no official_name in OSM. Use node tagspark.js P1448 official_name to copy this value to OSM.
  • Kaktovik
  • Qaaktuġvik
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ511806North Slope Boroughr10820468Q79717P1448 exists in Wikidata but no official_name in OSM. Use node tagspark.js P1448 official_name to copy this value to OSM.
r11477886administrative8Area A (North Skeena)Q117082312
  • P402 link found
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: wikidata
  • boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r13479303census6ChugachQ91481098Chugach Census AreaQ56064719census area of AlaskaQ1474662Unorganized Boroughr13479303Q91481098
  • OSM boundary=census Chugach is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
  • Census boundary should not have admin_level
  • official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r13853480administrative8Port AlexanderQ80172Port AlexanderQ1093829city in the United StatesQ503028Petersburg Census Arear13853480Q80172official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r13853507administrative8Tenakee SpringsQ79409Tenakee Springs
  • city in the United States
  • human settlement
Q500827Hoonah–Angoon Census Arear13853507Q79409official_name exists in OSM but no P1448 in Wikidata
r16770721administrative8Clark's PointQ301903
  • Clark's Point
  • Clarks Point
  • Clark Point
  • Clarks Point Village
  • Saguyak
  • Saguyaq
  • Stagarok
  • Stugarok
Q486972human settlementQ277728Dillingham Census Arear16770721Q301903 OSM boundary=administrative Clark's Point is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r16770795administrative8Kachemak CityQ79538KachemakQ1093829city in the United StatesQ512713Kenai Peninsula Boroughr16770795Q79538
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • OSM boundary=administrative Kachemak City is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r16770807censusGakonaQ1491623GakonaQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ508618Valdez–Cordova Census Arear16770807Q1491623FIXME: river and admin boundary share nodes
r18539431administrative8Aniak cityQ79540
  • Aniak
  • Aniak Traditional Council
  • Village of Aniak
  • city in the United States
  • federally recognized Native American tribe in the United States
Q500312Bethel Census Area
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • Missing OSM Relation ID (P402) in wikidata
  • OSM boundary=administrative Aniak city is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r18540302censusYakutatQ87993006YakutatQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ797Alaskar18540302Q87993006Q87993006 has wikipedia entry Yakutat_City and Borough but OSM has Yakutat, Alaska
r18563308administrative8Edna BayQ975982Edna BayQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ18120072Prince of Wales–Hyder Census Arear18563308Q975982
  • Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
  • OSM boundary=administrative Edna Bay is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r18563698censusSkagwayQ16302941SkagwayQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ797Alaskar18563698Q16302941Q16302941 has no wikipedia entry but OSM has Skagway, Alaska
r18566993censusEielson Air Force BaseQ49349566
  • Eielson Air Force Base Census Designated Place
  • Eielson Air Force Base
  • Eielson AFB
Q498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ512901Fairbanks North Star Boroughr18566993Q49349566OSM boundary=census Eielson Air Force Base is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
r18567079administrative8Delta JunctionQ79365
  • Delta Junction
  • City of Delta Junction
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ500845Southeast Fairbanks Census Arear18567079Q79365P1448 exists in Wikidata but no official_name in OSM. Use node tagspark.js P1448 official_name to copy this value to OSM.
Attu StationAttu Station is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
BelugaBeluga is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Big LakeBig Lake is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Buffalo SoapstoneBuffalo Soapstone is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ButteButte is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ChaseChase is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
ChickaloonChickaloon is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Copper CenterCopper Center is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Eareckson StationEareckson Station is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Eielson AFBEielson AFB is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Eureka RoadhouseEureka Roadhouse is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Farm LoopFarm Loop is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GatewayGateway is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
GulkanaGulkana is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Knik RiverKnik River is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
KokhanokKokhanok is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lake LouiseLake Louise is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Lazy MountainLazy Mountain is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Meadow LakesMeadow Lakes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
NabesnaNabesna is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
NelchinaNelchina is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
North LakesNorth Lakes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Point MacKenziePoint MacKenzie is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Silver SpringsSilver Springs is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
South LakesSouth Lakes is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
Sutton-AlpineSutton-Alpine is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
TazlinaTazlina is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
TolsonaTolsona is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
TyonekTyonek is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
AniakAniak (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
KachemakKachemak (city) is missing as a boundary=administrative from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau places or county subdivisions list of cities
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • city in the United States
  • consolidated city-county
Q512981Haines BoroughHaines is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
  • city in the United States
  • federally recognized Native American tribe in the United States
Q500312Bethel Census AreaAniak is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q79538KachemakQ1093829city in the United StatesQ512713Kenai Peninsula BoroughKachemak is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • county seat
  • consolidated city-county
Q25408755Petersburg BoroughPetersburg is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q80070Akiak Native Community
  • city in the United States
  • federally recognized Native American tribe in the United States
Q500312Bethel Census AreaAkiak Native Community is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q163801District of AlaskaQ852446administrative territorial entity of the United StatesQ797AlaskaDistrict of Alaska is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q662726Noatak National Preserve
  • national preserve
  • biosphere reserve
  • National Monument of the United States
  • park
  • Alaska
  • Northwest Arctic Borough
Noatak National Preserve is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q842944Department of Alaska
  • administrative territorial entity of the United States
  • Department
Q797AlaskaDepartment of Alaska is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM

Bulk Edit Tools

The following JOSM filters can be used to identify groups of objects that may need attention:

Admin boundaries that might be CDPs

This JOSM filter will highlight admin boundaries that might be CDPs based on the presence of a wikidata property that indicates a CDP or unincorporated community.

type:relation (id:18563308)