Updated on Sun Dec 22 2024 03:33:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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border_type Map view (overpass)
admin_level Map view (overpass)
P402 Entries for quickstatements
Vermont city/town list
Findings: 61
@idboundaryadmin_levelnamewikidatawikidata_nameP31instance ofP131contained in admin entityP402P402_reverseflags
r199058administrative9Old BenningtonQ7083461
  • Old Bennington
  • Old Bennington Historic District
Q7930615village of VermontQ817921Benningtonr199058Q7083461OSM boundary=administrative Old Bennington is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199077administrative9Barton VillageQ4865586
  • Barton
  • Barton (village)
Q751708village in the United StatesQ1868852Bartonr199077Q4865586
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • OSM boundary=administrative Barton Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199078administrative9Derby CenterQ8354927Derby CenterQ751708village in the United StatesQ1199967Derbyr199078Q8354927OSM boundary=administrative Derby Center is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199079administrative9Derby LineQ4207769Derby LineQ751708village in the United StatesQ1199967Derbyr199079Q4207769OSM boundary=administrative Derby Line is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199080administrative8Newport CityQ1012011Newport
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q513758Orleans Countyr199080Q1012011
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • OSM boundary=administrative Newport City is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199081administrative9North TroyQ7057036North TroyQ751708village in the United StatesQ2744193Troyr199081Q7057036OSM boundary=administrative North Troy is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • Orleans
  • Barton
  • Barton Landing
  • Barton's Landing
  • Orleans Village
Q751708village in the United StatesQ1868852Bartonr199082Q958285OSM boundary=administrative Orleans is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199083administrative8Rutland CityQ25893Rutland
  • county seat
  • city in the United States
Q513878Rutland Countyr199083Q25893OSM boundary=administrative Rutland City is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199084administrative9Poultney VillageQ11700187
  • Poultney
  • Poultney (village)
Q751708village in the United StatesQ428418Poultneyr199084Q11700187OSM boundary=administrative Poultney Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199092administrative9Wells RiverQ691805Wells RiverQ7930615village of VermontQ2305017Newburyr199092Q691805OSM boundary=administrative Wells River is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199093administrative9Newbury VillageQ7017217
  • Newbury
  • Newbury (village)
Q751708village in the United StatesQ2305017Newburyr199093Q7017217OSM boundary=administrative Newbury Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199100administrative9Hyde Park VillageQ9005587Hyde ParkQ751708village in the United StatesQ2051042Hyde Parkr199100Q9005587OSM boundary=administrative Hyde Park Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199101administrative9Cambridge VillageQ5025347
  • Cambridge
  • Cambridge (village)
Q751708village in the United StatesQ1028276Cambridger199101Q5025347OSM boundary=administrative Cambridge Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199107administrative9Swanton VillageQ3506443
  • Swanton
  • Swanton Village
Q751708village in the United StatesQ2047233Swantonr199107Q3506443OSM boundary=administrative Swanton Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199108administrative8Saint Albans CityQ1787559
  • St. Albans
  • Saint Albans
  • City of St. Albans
Q1093829city in the United StatesQ509880Franklin Countyr199108Q1787559OSM boundary=administrative Saint Albans City is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199109administrative9Enosburg FallsQ3054523Enosburg FallsQ751708village in the United StatesQ1343620Enosburghr199109Q3054523OSM boundary=administrative Enosburg Falls is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r199110administrative9North BenningtonQ7054162
  • North Bennington
  • North Bennington Historic District
Q751708village in the United StatesQ817921Benningtonr199110Q7054162OSM boundary=administrative North Bennington is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r2328383administrative8Saint GeorgeQ1967687
  • St. George
  • St George
  • Saint George
Q2154459New England townQ509770Chittenden Countyr2328383Q1967687OSM boundary=administrative Saint George is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r3075868administrative8Averys GoreQ1974105
  • Averys Gore
  • Avery's Gore
Q5586091goreQ509826Essex Countyr3075868Q1974105OSM boundary=administrative Averys Gore is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r3075871administrative8Warner's GrantQ1988575Warner's GrantQ5586091goreQ509826Essex Countyr3075871Q1988575OSM boundary=administrative Warner's Grant is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r3075872administrative8Warren's GoreQ1988684Warren's GoreQ5586091goreQ509826Essex Countyr3075872Q1988684OSM boundary=administrative Warren's Gore is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r3077043administrative8Saint JohnsburyQ1014607
  • St. Johnsbury
  • St Johnsbury
  • Saint Johnsbury
  • New England town
  • county seat
Q515205Caledonia Countyr3077043Q1014607OSM boundary=administrative Saint Johnsbury is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r3077110administrative8Saint Albans TownQ968060
  • St. Albans
  • St Albans
  • Saint Albans
  • Saint Albans (Vt.)
  • Town of St. Albans
  • St. Albans Town
Q2154459New England townQ509880Franklin Countyr3077110Q968060OSM boundary=administrative Saint Albans Town is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r8889813administrative8Newport TownQ677144
  • Newport
  • Newport (town)
  • Newport Center
Q2154459New England townQ513758Orleans Countyr8889813Q677144OSM boundary=administrative Newport Town is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r8893973administrative9MorrisvilleQ285464MorrisvilleQ751708village in the United StatesQ1948575Morristownr8893973Q285464OSM boundary=administrative Morrisville is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r8893974administrative9JeffersonvilleQ6175733JeffersonvilleQ751708village in the United StatesQ1028276Cambridger8893974Q6175733OSM boundary=administrative Jeffersonville is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r8897014administrative8Buels GoreQ1955538Buels GoreQ5586091goreQ509770Chittenden Countyr8897014Q1955538OSM boundary=administrative Buels Gore is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r8898133administrative8Barre TownQ808841BarreQ2154459New England townQ505380Washington Countyr8898133Q808841OSM boundary=administrative Barre Town is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r8903554administrative8ProctorQ109285274ProctorQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ16551Vermontr8903554Q585846, Q109285274
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
  • Q109285274 has wikipedia entry Proctor_(CDP), Vermont but OSM has Proctor, Vermont
r8903556administrative8Rutland TownQ1008836RutlandQ2154459New England townQ513878Rutland Countyr8903556Q1008836OSM boundary=administrative Rutland Town is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • New England town
  • unincorporated community in the United States
Q511647Bennington Countyr8906733Q968879Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
r9068502administrative9Saxtons RiverQ7428887Saxtons RiverQ751708village in the United StatesQ1621936Rockinghamr9068502Q7428887OSM boundary=administrative Saxtons River is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r9068503administrative9Westminster VillageQ9095819
  • Westminster
  • Westminster (village)
Q751708village in the United StatesQ2121414Westminsterr9068503Q9095819
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • OSM boundary=administrative Westminster Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r9068506administrative9Newfane VillageQ7017756
  • Newfane
  • Newfane Village
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • village in the United States
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • Wikidata says CDP/unincorporated, OSM says admin boundary
  • OSM boundary=administrative Newfane Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r9068507administrative9JacksonvilleQ6117906JacksonvilleQ751708village in the United StatesQ3450876Whitinghamr9068507Q6117906OSM boundary=administrative Jacksonville is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r9068508administrative9Bellows FallsQ816044
  • Bellows Falls
  • BF
  • B.F.
Q751708village in the United StatesQ1621936Rockinghamr9068508Q816044OSM boundary=administrative Bellows Falls is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r9082201administrative9Ludlow VillageQ3459825LudlowQ751708village in the United StatesQ4555213Ludlowr9082201Q3459825OSM boundary=administrative Ludlow Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r9082202administrative9Woodstock VillageQ8033409
  • Woodstock
  • Woodstock (village)
  • Village of Woodstock
  • Woodstock Village
Q751708village in the United StatesQ1012397Woodstockr9082202Q8033409OSM boundary=administrative Woodstock Village is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
r9101557administrative9West BurkeQ7984614West BurkeQ751708village in the United StatesQ1016371Burker9101557Q7984614OSM boundary=administrative West Burke is not on the Wikidata list of cities and towns
  • Newfane
  • Newfane Village
  • census-designated place in the United States
  • village in the United States
Q127187Newfaner18171804Q7017756OSM boundary=census Newfane is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
r18286645administrative8AlburghQ285016AlburghQ751708village in the United StatesQ125722Alburghr18286645Q285016boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
  • Marshfield
  • Marshfield (village)
Q751708village in the United StatesQ3461515Marshfieldr18295831Q6773908boundary=administrative: Missing expected tag: border_type
r18299661censusSaint JohnsburyQ9079507
  • St. Johnsbury
  • St. Johnsbury (CDP)
Q498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ1014607St. Johnsburyr18299661Q9079507OSM boundary=census Saint Johnsbury is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
r18299707censusLyndonvilleQ6708760LyndonvilleQ751708village in the United StatesQ1388877Lyndonr199096
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • Mismatched P402 link
  • OSM says CDP but wikidata is missing CDP statement
r18302036censusCharlotteQ109237823West CharlotteQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ16551Vermontr18302036Q109237823
  • Wikidata name mismatch
  • OSM boundary=census Charlotte is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
r18302581censusSaint GeorgeQ109278475
  • St. George
  • St. George (CDP)
Q498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ16551Vermontr18302581Q109278475OSM boundary=census Saint George is not on the census bureau list of CDPs
r18306384censusBolton Valleyboundary=census: Missing expected tag: wikidata
r18312824censusProctorQ109285274ProctorQ498162census-designated place in the United StatesQ16551Vermontr8903554
  • Mismatched OSM ID
  • Mismatched P402 link
St. GeorgeSt. George is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
St. JohnsburySt. Johnsbury is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
West CharlotteWest Charlotte is missing from OSM but is listed on the Census Bureau list of CDPs
St. AlbansQ1093829city in the United StatesQ509880Franklin CountySt. Albans is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,St. Albans is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q968060,Q1787559
St. AlbansQ1093829city in the United StatesQ509880Franklin CountySt. Albans is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,St. Albans is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q968060,Q1787559
Q1014607St. Johnsbury
  • New England town
  • county seat
Q515205Caledonia CountySt. Johnsbury is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q513758Orleans CountyNewport is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Newport is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q677144,Q1012011
  • city in the United States
  • county seat
Q513758Orleans CountyNewport is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Newport is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q677144,Q1012011
  • county seat
  • city in the United States
Q513878Rutland CountyRutland is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Rutland is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q1008836,Q25893
BarreQ1093829city in the United StatesQ505380Washington CountyBarre is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Barre is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q808841,Q26071
  • county seat
  • city in the United States
Q513878Rutland CountyRutland is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM,Rutland is listed in wikidata multiple times: Q1008836,Q25893
Q1967687St. GeorgeQ2154459New England townQ509770Chittenden CountySt. George is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM
Q15781420VTQ2154459New England townQ508232Windham CountyVT is listed in wikidata as a subclass of Q17361443 (admin. territorial entity of the US) but no boundary=administrative relation was found with this name in OSM